l/~ p THB STATE OF TE]CAS, COIINT7 "OF $EFiR, BE IT'REMEMBERSD, That "onrthis the 25th day of ~~3eptember, A. D.'1939, there was,begun and holden a Spe ciel Term'of the CommisslgnQrs'. Court oL Kerr County, Te xe s, ,. at the Court House .there of, in the town of-Kerrville, Texas; aSf icers present: John 3. Atkins, County Judge, Benry Eckstein, Commissioners, Precidat No. 1, D. D. Beerd, Commissioner, Pre- cinct No. 2, Wm. Karger, Cbmml ssioner, Pre oiact No. 3 „Ti J.,Moore, COmvii ssigne r,-Pre cinct No. 4, p. F. Moore, Sheriff, and Sao. R. Lee ve ll, County Clerk, end Lhe Court having been regula rl; opened, tihe following proceeflings wer®•had, to-wit: ~ "'~' THE STATE OF TEXAS, INO. 2093. Ia Commissioners' Court, of Kerr County, Teae a. COLiN'PY OF. ~RWRR. Spec lalSeptenlb er Term, '~p. '_II. 1939. September 25th, 1939. ~ , ~~ SETTLEMENT WITH TAR COLLECTOR FOR TAX YEAR, 1938, ENDING JIINE 30, 1939. - It is ordered by the Court that $. H. Nichols, Aeae aeoT sad Colleotor of Teses for Kerr County, Te ae s, be credited With the following items, uacolle cted oa the current roll, N to-wit: Ad Valorem Polls Road Diatriats School Diat.rlcta Total Form 16, Insolvents for 1938 220.92 34.b0 ~ 14.22 73.70 343.3! Form 17, Errors in Assessments for 1938, 40.19 5.00 13.19 45.92 104 r Form 18, Delinquents for 1938, 1,956.38 47.75 124.05 301.58 2,430.52 Ce rtificatea of Cancelle tics 3.45 .26 4.25 7.95 IInder Collected .02 .02 Oae Poll to Member of Rational Guard ~~_25 :25 Total Credits 2,80.92 ~ &7.60 152.59 425.43 2,886.36~~ It is ordered by the Court that E. H. Nlohols, Aaee asor and Collector of Taxes fpr Rerr County, Teze s, be charged with the following items, collected ia.- addition to the current roll, to-wit: kd Valorem Polls Road Diets. Sahool Dist s. InL.~& Pen. Totele Form F, Supplemental ' roll for 1938, 38.31 133.75 1.28 17.69 18~ 03 Form 93, Redempti one Colle otiose 2,356.34 10.00 371.97 821.19 754.83 4,144.13, Insolvent-Collections, 95.55 1.25 12.51 35.43 28,54 171.31 Form 20, Lands sold~•under Judgment. none none none non• none none Deyosltory Interest. 1.73 1.73 Over Colleated .10 .10 Total Charges, 2,520.06 145.00 385.78 874.31 781.17 4,508.30 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o -o-o NO.. E094. APPROVAL OF STA TE AND COUNT? TAX ROLLS FOY 1939. This 25th day of September, A. D. 1939, came on to be enmined by the Court Lhe State e~ County Taz Rolle for the year, 1939, prepared by Emmet H. Nichols, Asae ssor and Colleotor of Tazea for Karr County, Teze a, and same having been found oorredt and in proper form, same were certified sad approved by the Court es shown by the Court's Certificate of approval attached thereto, duly signed by all the mmmbere of this Court, in trip111oate. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2095. RENTAL OF LOTS FOR USE lyND OCCUPANCY OF PEDDLERS AND PRODIICE TRUCKS. On thin 25th day of Sapte~aber, A. D. 1939, came oa to be considered by the Court the rental by the County and City of Lota Nos. 310, 311 and 312, Sa Block 49, of Chea. Schreiner Addition to the City of Kerrville, now belonging to J. J. Steegell, for the use end occupancy of Pedd le ra and Prod uoe Trucks, for the monthly rental of $10.00, same to be paid $5.00 by the County and $5.00 by the City for the use of said lots by Pe dd la ra and Produce Trucks. iIt is therefore ordered by the Court that said lots above mentioned be rented by the County and G1ty, iolntly, Ae SQ City of Kerrville to pay the sum of $5.00 per month rent and the Coupty to pay the Dalanos of $5.00 per month rent for said lots for the use and ocaupeaay of said Peddlers and Produce Trucks. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o