N0. 2134. APPROVAL OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR'S MONTffi.Y REPORTS. This 11th day oP December, 1939, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly eapenae reports of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor and Collector for the Months of October and November, 1939, showing an aotual and necessary expense of X87.25, inourred by him in the conduot of his office during the month of October, 1939, and an actual and necessary expense oP X18.75, incurred by him in the conduct of his oPPioe during the month of November, 1939, and it apps; ing to the Court that said Tax Assessor and Collector is entitled to the eapanditurea of all the items therein listed, said reports be and era k}ereby approved for the full amount by the Court. 000-000-000-000-o0o-oQo-o0o-000-000 N0. 2135. APPROVAL OF C017NTS CLER&!8 MONTHLY EXPENSE REPORT. This 11th day of December, A. D. 1939, oame on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly expense report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk for the month of November, 1939, showing an actual and necessary eapense of X169.50 incurred by him in the conduot of his office during said month of November, 1939, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk isenti to the expenditures of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved its full amount by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 2136. EXAMINATION AND APPROVAL OF DELINQUENT TAX RECORD OF gERR COUNTY, TEXAS. This 11th day of December, 1939, came on to ba inspected and examined by the Court the 170 page Delinquent Tax Record of Xerr County, Tezea, oontaining 7084 lines, covering all delinquent taxes owing the State and County in gerr County, Texas, fox the years 1919 to 1938, inclusive, prepared and complied ae required by Articles 7321-7322, Revised CSv11 Statutes of 1925 and Senate Bill No. 407, Acta of the 44th Legislature ,'end it appearing to the Court afte careful examination of said delinquent tea record that same is true and correct, and same be and 1s hereby in open Court approved in every respeot. And it further appearing to the Court that the aoet or prioa for compiling said record in the sum of X352.00, is fair and reasonable and said claim in favor of E. H. Nlo]tols for said amount be and is hereby allowed and approved, to be paid by the County and State as provided by law. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 2137. REPORT AND ACCEPTANCE OF OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 1939 REPORT OF COiJNTS: HOME DEMONSTRAT This 11th day of Deoember, 1939, came on to be heard the reports of Mias Jane WoPford, County Home Demonstrator of Eerr County, covering her aervlaea during the months of October, and November., 1939, which reports having been found satisfactory, be and are hereby accepted by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-0 N0. 2138. BID OF WILKE HES?AZR SHOP FOR 6 BEDS COMPLETE FOR COUNTY JAII.. On this the 11th day oP December, 1939, oame on to bo heard and aonaidared the bid of Wilke Repair Shop in the sum of X52.85 for 4 beds or bunks to beplaeed in the two separate sells in the upstairs ,jail and 2 bade or bunks to~ba placed in the eingle cell in the downatai veil. And it appearing to the Court that said bid is the lowest and only bid Por said 6 Bunks or Beds and that same should be accepted and that the ea id Wilke Aepair atop 1s directed to proceed with the installments of the beds or bunks as above mentioned for the agreed bid price of X52.65, same to be paid for out of the General Fund of Aerr County, Teaas, upon completion and acceptance by the Court of the said work to be performed. 000-000-000-000-o0o-p0o-o00-000