~ $ S~ Esoh Commieaioner shall receive X5.00 per day ea per dim for eeah day served Dy him as n member of Lhe Commieaiomsra' Court to be paid out of the general Road end Bridge Fund, am sash Commissioner shall further receive X5.00 for each dny served in Lhe inspeotioa sad supervision of County Aoads, same to be paid out of the Road end Bridge Fend of his respective praoiaot, provided however, that khe total oompeaeation or ealnry of eaoh oom@Seaioaer shall sot ezoesd Lhe following amounts agreed ugoa, to-wit: Commissioner of Preo root No. 1 sum of X1,200.00 for yeer 1940 Commiesioaer of Precinct No. E sum of ~T00,00 for yeer 1940, Co~lealoaer of Precinct No. 3 sum of X700.00 for yonr 1940, Co~isaloner of Praoinot No. 4 sum of X900.00 for year 1940, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. $158. p&pDT4 ALLOWANOE TO MIFF A. F. MODRE FOR DEPDTY PAT WA3EiBi1AN. This 8th day of Jeauery, 1940, came on to be ooaeidered by the Court the matter of an a],lowaaoe to Sheriff A. F. Moore for his office deputy, end St appearing to the Court that the Sheriff Se not Stied to a deputy allowance euffioiettt to pay his office deputy, during the pt-rreat year, 1940. Said ffieritt is therefore granted en ellowaaoe of =800.00 per nnanm out of Lhe Oeaeral Fund for the purpose of hiring en oifioe deputy, na provided Dy the 1940 County Hudget, and same shall be yeid by Lhe County Treasurer direct Lo Deputy Pak Wnnhburn or his euooeaeor is equal monthly installments of X80.00 eaoh out of Lhe Ceneral Fund, upon proper warrants Sasued Dy the County Clerk, oa or after the last day of eaoh month Degiaaing January 31st, 1940. ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o,-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2159. DEPDTY ALLOWANCE TO SHERIFF A. F. MOORE FOR D%PDTY C. A. RODOEBS. Thle 8th day of January, 1940, Dame on to De ooaslde red Dy Lhe Court the propoelt ion of an additional ellowanoe to ffieriff A. F. Moore for deputy hire in Commissioners' Precinct No. 4 of %err County, sad it eppaering to the Court thnt the ffieriff is entitled to such additional deputy alloweaoa for the purp Dee of hiring a Aeputq is said Pr eo iaot No. 4. Therefore Sheritf Moore be sad Se hereby granted ea additional el lowanae of X360.00 per - annum for the ourreat year, 1940, ea provided by the 1940 County Budget, out of the Geaernl Fund, for the purpose of hiring ea active deputy Sn said Preoiaot No. 4, and acme shall be ~ paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy C. A. Rodgers or hi^ suoosesor is ~9ual monthly installments of X30.00 eaoh, upon proper warrants issued by the County Clerk,oa or after the last day of eaoh month beginning January 31st, 1940. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o • ~~NO. 2160. REiEMPLOYI~NT OF MA3INE RDTLEDOE A3 COONTY JDDOE'3 ASSISTANT. This 8th day of January, A. D. 1940, it appearing to the Court th et Mnzine Rutledge hoe red eatiafaotory aervioo Sn 'the peat ee the County Judge'e Ass Seteat for %err County, on motion made, seconded am unanimously adopted, said leziae Rutledge be sad Se hereby re-employed for the aurreat yanr, 1940, and her salary Se hereby tized by the Court at Lhe sum of :50.00 per month. And the County Clerk be sad is hereby auL nor lied and directed to issue end deliver unto said Mias Rutledge on or after Lhe lest day of eaoh oaleader month January 31e t, 1940, a rarraat on the County Treasurer against the Ceaeral Fund for '~, the sum of X50.00 oavering her monthly salary. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.q-o-o-o-oww-o