~ 85' IIeoh Comminaioaer shall reosiv0 X5.00 per day as per diem for eeoh day served Dy him a• a member of the Commissioners` Court to be paid out of the general Road and Hridge Fund, sad each Commieeloaer shall further reoeive X5.00 for each day served So the inspeotion end supervision of County Aoada, same to be pnid out of the Road and Bridge Fwd of Die reapeotive preolnot, provided however, that bhe total oompsneation or salary of eeoh oommiaeioasr shell not eaoesd the Po13owing amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of preolnot No. 1 sum of ;1,E00.00 for year 1940 CoŽisaioner of Preo root No. R sun of X700.00 for year 1940, Commissioner of preolnot No. 3 sum of '700.00 Sbr your 1940, Commieaioner of preolnot No. 4 sum o2 =900.00 for year 1940, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro N0. E15B. DEPUTY AISAWARCE TO 9iiE<[tIFF A. F. MOCRE FOR DEPUTY PAT 1fASBHLIlt1P. This 8th day of Janwry, 1940, Dame on to be ooneldered by the Court the matter of as allowanoe to Sheriff A. F. Moore for his offios deputy, end it appearing to the Oourt that the Sheriff ie entitled to a deputy allowanoe euffioient to pay his offios deputy, during the pyrrent year, 1940. Said 9herlPt Se therefore granted an ellowanoe of $800.00 per annum out of the Oenaral Fund for the purpose of hiring en offios deputy, as grovidsd Dy the 1940 Cowty Hudget, sad came shall be paid by the County Treasurer direot Lo Deputy Pat Wnahburn or his euoaaeaor in equal monthly installments of X50.00 eeoh out of the General Fund, upon proper wsrrants issued Dy the County Clerk, on or after the last dap of eeoh month beginning Jaawry 31st, 1940. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 2189. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SfD;RIFF A. F. MDORS FOR T~PUT7 C. A. RODOER9. This Bth day of January, 1940,~oame oa to be ooneldered Dy Lhe Court the propoait ion of ea additional alloweaoe to Sheriff A. F. Moore for deputy hire in Commiasionere' Preeiaot 'Po. 4 of Eerr Cowty, sad it appearing to Lhe Court that the Bherlff ie entitled to sash additional deputy allowsaos for the purpose of hiring a deputy in said Preo root No. 4. Therefore Sheriff Moors be and Sa hereby grnntsd an sdditionel allowanoe of X380.00 per annum for the ourreat year, 1940, ea provided by the 1940 County Budget, out of the General Fwd, for the purpose of hiring an native deputy in said preolnot No. 4, and same ~sll be pnid by the County Treasurer direot to Deputy C. A. Rodgers or his auooeeaor is ~Qual monthly ,installments of ˘30.00 eeoh, upon proper wnrreate issued by the Cowty Cler;,on or after the last day of eeoh month beginning January 31st, 1940. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o e uNG. 2160. REsgNpI,0y1~RT OF MASINE RUTLEDGE A9 COONTY JDDOE'3 A98I3TANT. Th1a BLh day of Tnauary, A. D. 1940, 1t apgenring to the Court that Mazlae Rutledge Den rendered eatiafaotory eerviae Sa the past as the County Judge's Assistant for Eerr Cowty, on motion made, seoonded aM wanimouely adoyted, said ~fazine Rutledge be sad is hereby re-employed for the ourrent yenr, 1940, and her salary Se ho reby tined by the Court et the sum of '60.00 per month. And the Cowty Clerk be and Se hereby authorized end direoted to issue sad deliver unto said Mien Rutledge on. or attar the lent day of eeoh oaleader month beginning January 31st, 1940, n warrant oa the Cowty Treasurer against the Ceneral Fwd for sum of X60.00 Osvering her monthly salary. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.p-o-o-o-oww-o