~ 8 S~ Eaoh Commieaioaer shall receive 5.00 ~ par day ea per diem for eaoh day nerved Dy him as a member of the Commise lomra' Court Lo De pe id out of the general Road end Bridge Fund, and each Co®Ssaioner shall further reoeive X5.00 for eaoh day nerved Sn the iaspeotion end aupervieion of County Aoada, same to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of hie respeoLi» " prea Snot, provlded however, that bhe total oampeneation or salary of eaoh ooamisa inner shall not ezossd the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commieaioner of Preo Snot No. 1 cum of ~1,E00.00 Tor year 1940 Cammiasioaer of Preoiaot No. E sum of ?700.00 for year 1940, Cooffiisaloner of Preo Snot No. 3 cum of ®700.00 for year 1940, Commieeioner of Preoinot No. 4 cum of =900.00 for gear 1940, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o~-o-o-o N0. $158. DBPi1TY ALIAWAROE 1b SNERIFF A. F. MOBRE FOR DEPUTY PAT WASRBOEtN. This 8th day of January, 1940, Dame on to bo ooneidered by the Court the matter of ea ai,lowanos to Sheriff A. F. Moore for hie ofilo• deputy, end St appearing to the Court that the 3aeriff Ss entitled to a deputy allowance suffioieat to pay his office deputy, during the Ottrrent year, 1940. 3eid ~teriff Sa therefore granted en allowance of =800.00 per annum out of the General Fund for the purpose of hiring an oifioe deputy, ae provlded by the 1940 County Hudget, and name shall be paid by the County Treasurer direot Lo Deputy pat Nnahburn or hie euooeaeor is equal monthly installments of =60.00 esah out o! the Ceaeral Fund, upon proper warrants Sesued by. the County Clerk, oa or attar the last dap of eaoh month beginning Jaauery 31st, 1940. ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2159. DEPUTY AlLOMANCE TO SAERIFF A. F. MOORS FOR DSPATY C. A. RODGERS. This 8th day of January, 1940, Dame on to be ooneidered by tae Court the propoelt ion of ea additional allowaaae to Sheriff A. F. Moore for deputy hire in Commisaionere' Prsoinot No. 4 of %err County, and it appearing to tae Court that the ffieritf Se entitled to soon additional deputy ellowanne for the purpose of hlr fag a deputy is said Preo Snot No. d. Theretore Sheriff Moore be and Se aereby granted an additional ellowanne of ~2f60.00 per - annum for the ourreat year, 1940, ae provided by the 1940 County Budget, out of the General Fund, for the purpose of hiring an votive deputy in said Preoiaot No. 4, and same shell be paid by tae County Treasurer direot to Deputy C. A. Rodgers or cis suaoeseor in equal monthly installments of a30.00 eaoh, upon proper warrants issued bq the County Clerx,oa or after Lae lest day of esah month beginning January 31st, 1940. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o e ~~NO. 2160. RE+EMPSAYIOT.NT OP MAEINB RUTLEDGE A3 COUNTY JUD68'S A98ISTANT. Th ie 8th day of January, A. D. 1940, it appearing to the Court that Maziae Rutledge has rendered eatisfaotory ssrvioe is the peat ne the County Judge's Aeeistent for %err County, whereupon, oa motion made, seoonded am uanalmouelq adopted, said ~azine Rutledge be sad is aereby re-employed for the ourrent year, 1940, and her salary ie hereby fixed by the Court at the cum of 60.00 per month. And the County Clerk be cad ie hereby authorized and direoted Lo issue and deliver veto Bald Miea Rutledge on or after Lhe last day of eaoh oalender swath beginning January 31st, 1940, a warrant on the County Treasurer against tae Cenaral Fund for the sum of X60.00 covering her monthly salary. o-o- o- o-o-oro-o-o-o.p-o-o-o-oww-o