H0. 2177• ORDER OF ELECTION. STATE OF TEKAS, I IN COMMISSIONERS COURT. - ( COUNTY OF KERR. ( Pursuant to the provisions of Section 40, Article 686 of the Penal of the State of Teaas there is hereby ordered en election to be held in Justice preainet No. 4, of this County on the 30th day of March, 1940, for the purpose of voting on the question of "For prohibiting the Sale of Beer oontaining .Alcohol not exceeding Four (496) Per Centum by Weight" and "Against Prohibiting the Sale of Beer Containing Aloohol not exceeding Four (4,'8) Per Centum by Weight". Said election shall be held on said date at the regular voting places within the above designated area, and the officers of election heretofore appointed by this Court on the 13th day of February, 1940, and qualified under the laws of this State to hold elections at the respective voting plsoes in said Kerr County, Teaas, be and they era hereby directed to hold this election. It ie further ordered that the Clerk of this Court shell poet or cause to be posted at least one (1) notice of this order in each voting preoinet within the limits oP sa designated area for at least aia (B) days prior to the aforesaid 30th day of March, 1940. T vote of said election shall be by official ballot which shall have printed or written at the top thereof in plain letters the words "Official Ballot" and said ballots shall also have written or printed thereon the words: "FOR PROHIBITING SALE OF AF.ER CONTAINING ALCOHOL NOT E%CEEDING FOUR (4;~) PER CENTUM BY WEIGHT" "AGAINST PROHIBITING SALE OF BEER CONTAINING ALCOHOL NOT EXCET;DING FOUR (496) FER CENTIIM BY WEIGHT" Those voters favoring Lhe proposition on the ballot will erase the "Against" proposal by drawing a pencil line through it. Those voters that oppose the proposal shall erase the "For" proposition by drawing a peaoil line through it. The Clerk of this Court shall furnish the presiding officer of each voting box within the above designated Brea, a number oP off isiel ballots not less than twide the number of qualified voters at such voting boaes. Said election shall be held in compliance with the General Election Laws of Teaas, unless otherwise specified. After the polls are closed the officers of the election shall proceed to count the votes and within three days thereafter shell make return of the results of said election to the Commissioners Court of this County. By order of the Commissionere Court of Kerr County, Tex s on the 11th day of March, 1940 SIGNED ,oun y u ge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2178. PAYMENT OF FOX BOUNTY BY KERR COUNTY. This 11th day of March, 1940, it appearing to the Court that it will be to the best interest to the ranchmon, farmers end business people of Kerr County that the Poses be ezterminated in Kerr County on account of the depredations by such Poses on the young lambs and kids end on poultry and especially on wild turkeys and other game birds. It Ss therefore ordered and dears@d by the Court that Kerr County shall pay out oP the General Fund a bounty of One Dollar 01.00) on each and every foe killed within the County between the 15th day of March, 1940, to and including the 31st day of May, 1940, suoh bounty to be paid to the person killing sash foe or foxes upon hie affidavit showing on whose ranch in Kerr County and on whet date or dates, same were killed, supplemented with a statement ~fjd signed by the owner, tenant or manager of ranch where same ware killed, verifying the fact