S0 3 by the Court that said Certificate be granted and signed by the County Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~l The foregoing minutes from Page 502 to 503, inclusive, were in open Court and found correct, and are hereby in all reapecta approved by the Court, this the .[.19 day of June, - A. D. 1940. ATTEST: - Clerk ]y ourt' err ounty, Texas. y u ge, err nun y, e x e s. TT// o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF•TEXAS, ~ - COUNTY OF KERB. ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 10th day of Tune, 1940, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, at the Court Ho use thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Teaas, off Scera present: • Sohn S. Atkins, County Sudge Henry Eckstein, Commise inner, Precinct No. 1, D. D. Beard, .. Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, ~ Wm. $flrger, Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, T. J. Moore, .. Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, ~ A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proc cad Sngs were had, to-wit: N0. 2232. ALLOWANCE OF CLA1M3 AND ACCODNTS. This 10th day of Sune, A. D. 1940, came on to be eaamined and audited by the Court, Lha Various claims and accounts filed against Kerr County end its respective Commissioners' Pre- cincts since lest term of the Court, all of which accounts end claims were apnroved by the • Court for payment by the County. Clerk in amawts and out of respective funds as shown, by the y minutes of accounts allowed Yor Kerr County, Texas, wh icn are made a part of this order. o-o-o-O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2233. TRANSFER OF X5,000.00 FROM R. & H. FUND TO GENERAL FUND. This 10th day of June, A. D. 1940, the Couaty Treasurer of Kerr County be end is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from the Road and Bridge Fund of ' Kerr County to the General Fund oP Kerr County, to Lake care of the present overdraft and also for the future payment of bills to be filed and paid out oP the General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2234. APPORTIONMENT OF $5,000.00 OF THE GENERAL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND OF KERR COUNTY. This the 10th day of dune, A. D. 1940, be and St is ordered by the Court that $5,000.00 of the unapportioned Road & Bridge Funds oP Kerr County, be hereby apport coned and credited ~ Lo the respective Commieaionera' Prec ineta of Kerr County, in the following proportions, to- To R. & B. Fund of Precinct No. 1, 359'0 X1,750.00 To R. & H. Fund of Pgeb inat No. 2, 15~ 750.00 To R. & B. Fund of Precinct No. 3, 15~ 750.00 To R, & B. Fund of Preo inct No. 4, 35,$ 1,750,00 And the County Clerk shall credit the aocouht of each of said proc ins Ls with the amount that to apportioned hereunder. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o i~ N0. 2235. PURCHASE OF N0, 112 Caterpillar Ca spline TANDEM DANE MOTOR GRADER, PRECINCT N0. 2. This the 10th day oP dune, A. D. 1940, came on to be opened and non eldered by the Court sealed bide received for the sale to Commisa io Hers' Precinct No. 2 of Kerr County of a new - Caterp111ar No, 112 Gasoline Tandem Drive rMOt or Grader, to be used for the precinct's road wnrir wninn said sealed bids were as follows. to-wit;