SO S STATE OF TE7CAS, ~ In Commissioners` Court of 8err County, Tezae~. ~-'" ~ N0. 2237. r- COUNTY OF KFSiR. ~ June Term, A. D. 1940, This 10th day of June, A. D. 1940, came on to tie aoasidered by the Court the pet itioa ' signed by G. C, McCoy, J, L. Henderson, R. J. Dedlax', J. B. Lee, L, H. Broadway, S. B. Broadway, M. D, Henderson, G, H. Ahrens, Mineola Biereohwale, Bryan Cobb, H. Whatly, Jim Cr1 de , L, R, Feasahden and R, L. Wells, filed with the County Clerk on April 22nd, 1940, asking the Court to eetabllah s heooad~.oiasa publio road 30 feet in width and~.:.being all that oertain paroe~. or strip of land, 30 feet wide, out of original Survey No. 418, J. F. Hernandez on the waters of Johnaona Creek, the oenter line of whioh begins in the oenter of the old Johnaona Creek road as it passes across said Creek, said poln.t being 15 feet North from the edge of roaring rook cells. Thenoe N. 10 E. at 30 feet the wetera edge, et 122 versa to a rook mound is f ield Panne line, from which a L. 0, 12' bra N. 86' E. 11 vat as. Thenoe N. E8 W. 198 varae tp s rook mound. Thence N. 48 W. 160 varae a rock mound, a L. 0. 2' die. bra. N. 38' W. 15 veras. Thence 5. 20° E. 120 varea to a rook mound, an Elm tree 14" bra. N. 48 E. 11~ versa. Thence S. 55' W. 80 varea to oenter of Johnaons Creek. Beginning again at the rook mound from whioh a 1. 0. 2' die, bra. N. 38' W, 15 varae, referred to above. Thence N. 17' W, 153 varae a rk. md. ~Thenoe N. 35' E. 51 veras near oorner field. Thenoe S. 89 E. E39 veras to the oenter of old highway 27, Thence with said oenter 3. 60' E, 33 varae to Lntereeat the lie of New Highway No. 27, embrao ing 2,08 sores of land, more ar lase, is Prea inct No. 4 of 8err County, Tezsa, and it appearing to the Court proper~::˘oLioea of the filing of said petition were legally posted at three publio pleoea and for the length of time required by law, and the no ob~ention has been made to the Court to the sat ablishment of said road, and that all the _ land owns ra over whose property said road tuna have agreed to donate the required right of way therefor and are waivin8 ell claims for .damages that may ba inourred by the eat abliahment of said road. That a Warranty Deed will have to be obtained from Hugo 8ahnezr for the above deaoribed 2.06 scree of land out of Bald Survey No. 418, and that the Commissioner of Preoinat Ho. 4, will then aoastrucL and maintain sold road, sub~eat, however, to the proouremeat of said Dead from Hugo Sahnerr. Said petition Sa therefore granted by xhe Court as prayed for, and ~eeid rood be and la hereby laid out and eatgblished as a aeconfl olses publio road, 30 feet in width throughout, over and along the route ea set out in the above field notes, whioh said field notes were obtained and compiled by the County Surveyor of 8err County, Teaaa, for the purpose of laying nut said second class road, Aad the Commissioner of Precinct No, 4 of Kerr (%ounty is hereby authorized and direoted to pay unto the aaifl Hugo So~,inerr the oonalderation of $1.00 for obtnininB said above meationei e deed, same to be paid out of the R. & B. No. 4 Fund of said Preoinat, and the County Clerk Se hereby ihetruoted to issue proper,~warrant on said fund drawn on the County Treasurer of 8err County, Tezas, for said sum of~~1.00 payable to the order of Hugo 5chnerr. And the Commissioner of Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County is hereby authorized and directed to ley out end work said road at the ezpense of his Preo root and to hereafter work same ae s part of hie Prea mot's public road system. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-a-ono-ororo N0. 2238. BEAM F~PORT OF MISS RDTH GILLILAND, CODNTY PIIBLIC HEALTH.B90RSE. This 10th day of dune, A, D. 1940, camp on to be heard the report of M1as Ruth Gilliland, ~Co unty Public Health Nurse for Kerr County, whlch report be and 18 hereby eooepted by Lbe Court and ordered Piled by the County Clerk for futux'e refarenoe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o