30J STATE OF TEXAS, 1 In Commissioners' Court of Karr County, Tezea~. ~ -' ~•~ N0. 2237. COUNTY OF EERR. ~ June Term, A. D. 1940, Thin 10th day of June, A. D. 1940, came on to be aonsiderefl by the Court the petition signed by C. C, McCoy, J. L. Henderson, R. J. Dedlar, J. B. Lee, L, H. Broadway, J. B. Broadway, M. D. Henderson, G. H. Ahrens, Mineola Bieraohwale, Bryan Cobb, H. Whatly, Jim Cride , L, R, Fesaendea end R, L. Wells, filed with the County Clerk on April 22nd, 1940, asking the Court to establish a aeoond::alaes public road 30 feet in width and::.being all that nertais paroe~ or strip of land, 30 feet wide, out of original Survey No. 418, T. F. Hernandez on the waters of Johnaona Creek, the oenter line of whioh begins in the oenter of the old Johnaona Creek road as it passes aarose said Creak, said point Doing 15 feet North from the edge of roaring rock falls. Thanoa N. 10 E. at 30 feet the waters edge, et 122 varas to s rook mound in field fenoa line, from which a L. 0. 12' Dra N. 88' E. 11 varas. Thence N. 28 W, 198 versa to a rook mound. Thence N. 48 W. 180 varas a rock mound, a L. 0. 2' din. bra. N. 38' W. 15 varas. Thence 5. 20° E. 120 varas to a rook mound, an Elm tree 14" bra. N. 48 E. 11} varas. Thence 5. 55' W. 80 varas to oenter of Johnaona Creek. Beginning again at the Took mound from which a L. 0. 2' din. bra. N. 38° W, 15 verse, referred to above. Thence N. 17' W. 153 versa a rk. md. Thenoe N, 35' E. 51 varas near corner field. Thenoe 3. 89 E. 239 varas to the oenter of old highway 27. Thonca with said oenter 3. 60' E. 33 varas to interaeot the lin of New Highway No. 27, embracing 2.06 sores of land, more pr lase, is Preo inat No. 4 of Kerr County, Tessa, and St appearing to the Court proper~notioea of the filing of said petition were legally po ated et three publia plaoea end Por the length of time required by law, and the no ob3eetion has been made to the Court to the ast abliahment of said road, and that all the land owners over whose property said road rune have agreed to donate the required right of wag ~~~ therefor and are waiving all claims for .damages that mny be inourred by the establishment of said road. That a Warranty Deed will have to be obtained from Hugo Sohnarr for the above deaari Dad 2.08 acres of land out of Bald Survey No. 418, and that the Commissioner of Preoinct Bo. 4, will then construct and maintain said road, au6JeoL, however, to the proouremant of said Deed from Hugo Sahaerr. - Said yetitlon Sa thereiora granted by the Court as prayed for, andaaid road be and is hereby laid out and eat~bllahed sa a second oleos publio road, 30 feet in width throughout, over and along the route as eat out in the above field notes, wh ioh said field noise were obtained and compiled by the County Surveyor of Kerr County, Tsaas, for the purpose of laying out said second olass road, And the Commissioner of Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County is ha reby authorized and direotad e to pay unto the said Hugo Solznerr the oonalderstion of $1.00 for obtaining aeid above mentions deed, same to De paid out of the R. & H. No. 4 Fund of said Preo inet, and the County Clerk is hereby inatruoted to issue propar,~warrant on said fund drawn on the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Tezas, for said sum of $1.00 payable to the order of Hugo Sohnarr. And the Commissioner of Preninct No. 4 of Kerr County is hereby authorized and direatad to lay out end work aeid road at the expense of hie Preoinct and to hereafter work same ae e part of hie Preo inct'a public road system. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.o-o-o-o N0. 2238. MAY REPORT OF MISS RUTH GILLILAND, COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH 1IURSE. Thin 10th day of dune, A. D. 1940, came oa to be heard the report of Misa Ruth Gilliland, 'County Public Health Nurse for Kerr County, which report be and is hereby accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the CouRtS Clerk for 2uture referenoe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o