`s~~ N0. EEBb. QIIARIISRLY REPORT OF JNO. H. LEAVSLL, COUNTY CLERE, ON FINES, JIIDOAO^NTS, JURY FEE8 - T'hie lEth day of August, A. D. 1940, Dame on to De ezamined by the Court the quarterly report of John R, Lsevell, County Clerk, covering all fines imposed, jndgmeata rendered and jury fees oolleeLSd in the County Court of Eerr County, for quarter ending July 31st, 1940, end it appearing to the Court after oareful audit of ea id report that same ie oorreot, and said rsporL ie approved by the Court accordingly. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. E866, APPROVAL 0! REPORT OF JIISTICE OF TEE PEACS, PRECIIQCT N0. 1, JIILY. On this lELh day of August, A. D. 1940, Dame on to Ds ezamined and audited by the Court the report of Hob Bennett, Juatioa of the Psaa• of Preoinot No. 1 of Serr County, for the moat'. of Jnlq, 1940, of Criminal Fee• filed, fines, jndgmeat and jury fees oolleated showing the ^nm of X86.00 anllaeted...and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him aooording to said report to a fee of =89.00, an6 it appearing to the Court that said report Se oorreot, eons be sad Sa hereby approved, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer ors therefore authorized end direeted to pay nato Juatiee Bennett the said aua of =69.00 ae follower =18.00 out of the Road and Bridge Fund and Sb1.00 out of the Oeaeral Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8867. APPROVAL OF TAX ASSE890R AND COLLECTOR'S IIDNTELY REPORT. Th1e lEth day o2 August, 'A. D. 1940, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly azpeew report of E. E. NSohola, Tea Aaeeeeor and Colleetor for the month of duly, 1940, ehow- ing an ^otual end neeeeaery azpense of 13.76 for July, 1940, inourred by him in the ooaduot of hie office durlag said month of July, 1940, and it appearing to Lhe Court that said Taz Aeseaeor end Collector is entitled to the ezpendlt ure of all the Stems therein listed, said rsporL be and 1• hereby approved for Lhe full emouat by th• Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2E88. JIILY OR AIIWST REP08T OF PEARL CRANES, COUNTY CASE wOREER. This 12th day of August, 1940, Dame on to be heats the report of lh~e. Pearl Orsaee, County Cass •orker for Serr County, whioh report be sad i• hereby sooepted sad approved by the Court end ordered filed by the County Clerk for future rsfereaoe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. EE89. APPROVAL OF COIINTY TREASIIRER'8 REPORT FOR QIIARTER ENDING JIILY 31ST, 1940. This 13th day of August, A. D. 1940, Dams oa to be ezamined and audited by the Court Lhe quarterly report of E, Oo1Q, County Treasurer, oovering the rsoeipte and diebvraemeate of Barr County for quarter ending July 31st, 1940, sad it appearing to the Court after aere- • liful and thorough ezeminatlon sad inspection of said report together with the oanoelled oheoke, bonds and ooupone sooompanying sans, that said report ie true aced oorreot, in every reapeot, end same ba affile hereby approved in open Court, all as ie shown by the Cart Lfioate of Ap]wmwilsitgaid~by the Court sad attao had thereto, sad Lhe Couaty Clerk shall reoord aeid report in the loose-leaf reoord Sn hie offloe sad file such oanoelled warrants, oheoke, bonds ahd ooupone is hie offioe for safe-keeping and future refersnoe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. EE70. TABIILAR STATEI~NT OF COi1N17 CLERK OF OOUNTY'8 INDEH'SgDNES3, ETC. QIIAR. ENDING 7/31, Th1a 13th day of August, 1940, acme on to bs szemin d by the Court the Tabular Statement of indebtedness, ezpendltnres and reoeiyte of Eerr Couaty for quarter ending duly 31st, 1940, submitted and filed by Jno. R. Leaven , County Clerk, sad it appearing to the Court that said statement 1• true and oorreot is every reepeot, same be and is hereby spproved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o