S/~ N0. 8E71. FRANCHISE--BANDERA ELECTRIC COOPERATI9E, INC., IN CONOfiSSIONERS' COURT OF %ERR COUNTY, TEZAS: At a regular meeting of the Commisaioaern' Court of Kerr County, Tezae, held on the 13th i~i i day of August, A, p. 1940, upon motion duly mode by Commissioner D. D. Heard of Preoinot No. E~ and aeoonded by Co~iaeloner Nm. Karger, the following order wen unanimously adopted: III On this the 13th day of August, A. D. 1940, oams on Lo bs heard and oanaidersd before ~j the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tezae, the applioatlon of Benders Slectrio Cooperativ , Ino., for a franohiee and right to use the publio roads of said County for th• purpose of erso - ing thereon light poles, wires and other equipment. aeoaeeary to the pet it loner in its buainesa of dietributing eleotrio light and power; now: THEREFORE, Be it ordered, adjudged and dsoreed by the Commiaeloners' Court of %err County Tezae, that the right, liosnae, privilege and franohdsa 1• hereby granted to Bandera Eleotrio Cooperative, Ina., its avooaeaora and ensigns, for a term of fifty (80) years from the 13th j day of August, A. D. 1940, to oonatruat, maintain and operate eleotrio transmission and dis- tribution lines, Saoluding poles, liana, wiraa, insulators, transformers, arms, braoes sad ell other neoeasary or usual nttaohments and appurtsnanoes along, over, under or aoroea the publia roads and highways of %err County, Conditioned and provided, however: (1) That poles or towers shall not ba planed upon any part of the road actually usedfor traffio, and the wires naroa^ the road shall bs auapended nt 1 blight of not lean thaw tweaty- two (22) feet from the aurfaae of the gsannd, sad, in all oesa^ xhere the poles are set on or along any road, the same shell be net nezt to the outside line of the road es designated and determined by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tezae, and shall b• maintained ao that they will not lean so se to endanger or interfere with trafflo along anid road. (2) In ones of the ohange of said road, the widening thereof or ohange in the grade of aeld road or the drainage thereof, said poles or towers shall bs rs-net or ohanged by the gran at grantee's ezpenae, so as to oonform thereto, work of ohaaging or re-setting said padea or towers to be begun by grantee upon 10 days' notios from the Court. (3) Said transmission lines, Saoluding poles, towers, wire a, et o., shall at all times kept sad maintained in good oond it ion and repair, at the ezpones of the grantee. 14) The grantee shall hold the County of Kerr harmless from all ezpeneea or liabi}ity for any not or negleot by th• Oraatee hereunder. (5) In oonsideration of the granting of this franohiee, the grnnte• agrees that is the went Haadera Eleotrio Cooperative, Ino.~ its suooeasor^ or aaaigas shall hereafter aoquira by purohae• or otherwise, a genornl diatributioa system within the Clty of Kerrville, Tezae, the said Bandern Eleotrio Cooperative, Inn., for itself, its aaooessore sad assigns, agrees and ob118atee itself to donate and farnlah Hato Kerr County free of all ohargen whatsoever, all eleotrio energy required by said County for the lighting of its Court House, Jail and Pub11o Square aaQ the operation of the heating plant 1n ^ald publia buildings throughout the life of this iraaohise. (8) The rights, privilsgsa and YraaohiN hereby granted are not ezoluaive, and nothing herein oontained shall prevent the County of Serr from granting like „similar or different rights, privileges sad fraaohise• to say other person, firm or oorposetlon. DONE IN OPEN CODYT, ail members present nd otia Atteet:~ y B rr oua y, s z n a. County ~''rNN r rrrlkc, KKKKKaaaaarr ~~`~`ouar y, RFzae. By v~y~+~-•-~-/ Deputy. /'~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Ooo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o t