's~'~ ~NO. 2272. ORDER AUTHORIZING COUNTY JUDGE TO EZECUTE QIIIT GLAIM DEED TO L. R. FSSSENDEN. On this the 17th day of August, A. D. 1940, came on to be heard the applioat Son of L. R. Feseenden for the execution of a Quit Claim Deed to be ezeoutsd by the County Juflge of %err County, Tezas, in favor of L. R. Feeeenden for that part of the Old Highwnp No. 27 not now being used, in lieu of the New Highway No. 27, now being used, heretofore deeded by said L. R. Feeeenden to Kerr County, Tease, for highway purposes. And the Court having heard said applioatioa ie of the opinion that aeme is wall taken and should be granted, end it Se ordered by the Court that the County Judge of Kerr County, Tezas, execute sald Quit Claim deed is favc of L. R. Fesaeaden for that part of Old Highway No. 27, which ie not in use and of no further use to the County and would benefit ea Sd L. R. Feeeenden. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o PDRCHASE OF FILMOSOUND MACHINE FOR COUNTY HEALTH Ni1RSE. On this the 17th day of August, A. D. 1940, came oa to be heard the npplloatioa of Lhe County Health Nurse, Ruth Gilliland, for the purnheae oP a New improved 1940 Model Bell 8, Howell IItillty Filmo sound 298621, complete with 750 Wntt lamp and 2" F1.8 leas, with Screen, pro~eotioa lamp, 400' reel, 400 oea, pr o~eotor oil and bottle cement for the total price of ;404.05, leas open Sal discount for osah Sn Lhe sum of '104.05, mak Sng a Letel purchase prioe of X300.00. And geld application havdng Deen heard sad aonaldered it 1s ordered by the Court that the ea id County Health Nurse purchase the above meat Sonsd equipment for the stated prioe oS $300.00, aeme to ba charged Lo the County Health Nur ae'e Contingent Fuad, and the County Clerk Ss authorized to Sesue voucher for said anm agalnat the Gene rel Fund on the County Creeaurer in payment of said machine sad equipment. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o A0. 2274. ADOPTION OF THE COUNTY BUDGET FOR 1941 AND LEVY OF 1940 COUNTY TAXES. CHE STATE OF TEAS, ~ In Commissioners' Court, %err County, Teaae. ;OUNTY OF RERR. ~ August Term, A. D. 1940. HE IT REMElSHERED, Lhat on this the 17th day of August, 1940, the Commisaionera` Court if the County of %err, State of Tezas, ooavsaed in regular eeesioa, proeent and preeldLag John S. Atklna, County Judge and nll members of the Court being preeent, name oa for cone id Lion the adoption of the County Budget sa,yreyared Dy,the.County Judge and County Clerk and filed with the County Clerk for public inapea tioa. Prover notices hevitg been glven on the 13th day of August, A. D. 1940, by the County Judge by th• poeLing of a copy of said notice at the Court House door in the City of Serrville, Tezee, a copy of whloh notice being nttao to Bald budget. No interested tax-pnyer• appearing before the Court, nfter thorough examination and ooaeideratloa of said County Budget by the Court, upon motion made, eeaonded and unanimously adopted, said County Hud get for 1941 ea heretofore complied by the County Judge and County Clerk, sad Lentativelq approved by the Court at Sta lent Regular Se as Son, be and is hereby approved end adopted by Lhe Court. It Ss therefore ordered by the Court that County, Road, School and Speoiel taxes for %arr County, Tezee, for the year 1940, be and are hereby levied at the following rates based on each X100.00 valuntion, to-w St: Jurq Fund 4 cents, Road k Bridge Fusd, 5 cents, General Fund, 25 cents %e rr Co uaty Road Bond Sinking Fund, 20 create, Court House k Jail Sihking Fund, 12 oenta,