`r~ s A. F. Moore, Sheriff, and Jno. R..Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having bean regularly _ opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 2275. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 9th day of September, A. D. 1940, came on to be examined by the Court, the various chime and eo counts filed again et Kerr County and its reapeative Commieaioners' Preo inc is ainae last term of the Court, all of wh iah claims and eocounte were approved by the Court for • payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reepeotive Panda ea, shown Dy the Minutes of Accounts allowed for Kerr County, Texas, which are made a part of th is order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o N0. 2278. ORDER OF ELECTION. STATE OF TEXAS, I IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT. ( COUNTY OF KERR. ( Pursuant to the provisions of Seotion 40, Art iola 886 of the Penal Code of the State of Texas there Se hereby ordered nn eleotion to be held in Suat ice Precinot No. 2, of this County on the 28th day of Se ptemba r, 1940, for the purpose of voting on the question o "For Prohib itlag the Sale of Bser oontaining Alcohol not eaaeeding Four (49G) per centum by We Sght" and "Against Prohibiting the Sale o2 Beer ooutaining Alcohol hot eaoeading Four (496) per centum by Weight". Said eleotion shall be held on said date at the regular voting places within the above designated area, and the off iosra o2 election heretofore appointed by this Court on the 13th _ day of February, 1940, and quellPied under the laws of this 9t ate to hold eleotiona at the respective voting places in said Kerr County, Tessa, be and they are hereby directed to hold th Se eleot inn. It ie further ordered that the Clerk of this Court shall post or cause to be posted at least one (1) not loo of this order in each voting precinot within the limits of sold designs tad area for at least eia (6) days prior to the aforesaid 28th day .of September, 1940. The vote of said election shall be by off is Sel ballot which shall have printed or written et • the Lop thereof in plnin le ttera the words "Off io isl Ballot" and Bald ballots shall al eo have itten or printed thereon the words: s "FOR PROHIBITING SALE OF BEER CONTAINING ALCOHOL NOT EXCEEDING FOUR (4'~) PER CENTUM BY AGAINST PROHIBITING SALE OF BEER CONTAINING ALCOHOL NOT E%CEEDING FOUR (4,$) PER CENTCM BT Those voters favoring the proposition on the ballot will erase the "Again at" proposal by drawing a penoil line through St. Those voters that oppose the proposal shell erase the "For" proposition by drawing a pens it line through St. The Clerk of th ie Court shall furnish the ' preaid Sng offloer of each voting boa within the above designated area, a number of official ballots not leas than twice the number of qualified voters at such voting boxes. Said eleotion shall be held in complianoa with the General Eleotioa Lawa of Teaae, unleae otherwise epecif ied. After the polls are closed the office ra of the eleotion shall proceed to count the votes and within three days thereafter eh all make return of the reeulte of Bald election to the Commisaionare Court of this County. By order of the Comm iaeionera Court of Kerr Cou ty Teza , n t 9th day of September, 1 -( SIGNED: _~ ount udge. i o-o-o-O-O-o- -o-o-o-o-O-O-O-O