report be and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2301. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S MONTHLY E7CPENSE REPORT. This 14th day of October, q. D. 1940, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly expense report of Tno. A. Leavell, County Clerk for the month of September, 1940, ah owing en actual and necessary expense of 204.15 incurred by him in the cond uat of his o£f ice during said month of September,. 1940, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitl ed to the expenditures o£ all the items therein listed, said report ba and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. E~OE. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF SUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1, 9EPTEMBP.R. On this the 14th day of Ootober, A. D. 1940, came on to be examined and audited by the Court the report of Bob Henna tt, Tustice of the peace of Prec inot No, 1 of Kerr County, Texas for the month oP September, 1940, of Criminal fees filed, fines, Judgment and ,jury fees collected showing the sum of $84.20 colleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitl ing him to, according to said report, a fee oP X45.00, and it appearing to the Court that sai report is oorreot, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer are therefore authorized and directed to pay unto Justine Bennett the said sum of X45.00 as follows: X20.00 out of the General Fund and Sj<25.00 out of the Road and Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2303. SEPTEMBER REPORT OF MI55 RUTH GILLILAND, COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE. This 14th day of October, A. D. 1940, came on to be heard the report of Miss Ruth Gilliland, County Publ is Health Nurse for Kerr County, which report be and is hereby accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ORDER FCR STOCK ELECTION. State of Texas, ~ In Commissioners' Court oP Karr County, Texas. ~ No. 2304. County of Kerr. Q Ootober Term, A. D. 1940. On this, the 14th day oP October, 1940, came on to be heard by the Commissioners' Caurt of Kerr County, Texas, at a regular term of such court, the petition of fifty free-holders of the hereinafter described subdivision of said Kerr County, Texas, Piled herein on the 12th day of October, 1940, praying that this court order an election to be held in such subdivisi of for the purpose of enabling the freeholders thereof to determine whether horses, mules, Jacks Jennets and cattle shall be permitted to run at large therein, and, it appearing to the court that such petitionis in due form, that no election for such purpose has ever been carried in said subdivision, that no election to determine said question has been held therein within twelve months prior to the filing of such petition, that the hereinafter described subdivisio stands designated as one within which suoh an election may be held, to-wit, by order of this on the 23rd day of November, 1940, and that such petition should be granted, it is ecc ordingl ordered that on the 23rd day of November, 1940, such date being sot less than thirty days fro the date hereof en election shell be held throughout the following described subdivision of such county for the purpose of enabling the freeholders of such subdivision to determine whether horses, mules, Jacks, Jennets and cattle shall be permitted to run at large in such subdivision, to-wit: BEGINNING at the N. W. corner of Commissioners' Precinct No. 1, in the line of Kerr and Gillespie Counties, where same intersects with the west line of Survey rro. 1, B. S. & F. 3'a ~ Scrip. No. 1586. Thenoe South to its S. W. corner. Thence West to the N. W. corner of ~aZ 3 same script. Thence S. W. to 3. corner of Survey No. 1382, A. Ward. Thence S. E. to E.~ ,_ corner oP Survey No. 125, F. Martine z. Thenoe S. W. with line of Survey No. 126 and Survsq _ No. 124 to its intersection with the Goat Creek Road. Then ca N. W. with the enid toed to tho N. W. line of Survey No. 125. Thenoe S. 46 W. with acid. N. W. line of Survey No. 125 to its intersection with the N. E. line of State Highway No. 27. Thence Southeasterly with said ifigY way to intersect the dividing line of Surveys Nos. 124 and 125. Thence S. 45 W. to the oor- ner oP Surveys Nos. 124 end 125 on the bank of 6uadal ups River. Thenoe down and aoroas the river to the lower end east corner of Survey No. 139, H. B. Martin. Thence S. W. with line: of Survey 139 to N. cot. oP Sur. No. 876, M. M. Burleson. Thenoe S. E. to N. corner of Survey No. 1134, C. C. S. D. & R. G.N. G. Ry. Co. Thence S. W. to oorner of Survey No. 1509, D. D. 7 Garcia. Thenoe W. to S. W. corner of Survey No. 1509. Thenoe South to oorner in Survey No. 1512. Thenoe Weat to N. W. oorner of Survey 4, E. W. Faulkner in east line of Survey 1, Kendall County School Land. Thenoe North to N. E. oorner same. Thenoe Weat Lo N. W. oorner same. Thenoe South to N. E. oorner Survey No. 3, Kendall County Sohool Land. Thence West to N. W. oorner same; The nee due South to Kerr do Handers County line; Thenoe Waet with said County line to where said old Kerr County line Sntersec to with the line of Reel County, this point being the S. W. oorner of Kerr County; Thenoe North with line of Kerr & Real Counties, to a point in N. line of Sur. No. 51, Certificate No. 344., B1 ook D, H. E. & W. T. Ry. Co.. 475 vrs. W. from its N. W. cot; Thenoe Weat with theNorth boundary line of Real Co untq to where the Eest line of Edwerde County int ersaote with same; Thence North with E. line of Edwar de County and West line of Kerr County to N. W. oorner oP Kerr County ih South 11ne'of Kimble • County; Thence East with line of Kerr and Kimble Counties to the N. E. oorner oP Kerr County in the W. line of Gillespie County; Thence South with We et line of Gillespie County and line of Kerr County to S. W. corner oP Gillespie County; The nee Esat with line of Kerr & Gilleapii Counties to the plane oP beginning. Suoh election shall be held and oonduoted sad the returns thereof made in scaordanae witl tho laws regulating general elecLlone, in so far as the .same are applicable, and the laws applio nble to stook law eleotions of Suoh aharaoter, and the County Judge ahnll issue the ard~ therefor and cause public not foe thereof to be given, ea provided by law. o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ORDER OF THE COUNTY JIIDGE, ELECTION IN 9IIBDZVISION. This, the 14th day of Ootobar, 1940, name on Lo beoonsidered by the County Judge of Ker: County, Texas, the petition of 50 freeholders of Commissioners' Praclnot ~4, a subdivision of said County, for an order of election is such aubdivieion for the purpose of enabling the ire holders thereof to determine whether Horses, Mules, Jacks, Jenneta snd Cattle shall be permit • ed to run at large therein, and it appearing to the Judge oP ea id Court that such petition was filed with the Commieaionere',Court of Kerr County on the 12th day of October, 1940, and that Suoh Court thereafter, ory the 14th day oP October, 1940, heard and granted the same and ordered that such election be held on the 23rd day of November, 1940, and that the County Judge of Kerr County ieaue ah order therefor and aquae publ to natlae Uhara of to be given as required by law. Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me under such order and the Lawa oP the State of Texas, I, John S. Atkins, County Judge oP Kerr County, Texas, do hereby order 'that an election shall be held on the 23rd day of November, 1940, et SunaeL Sohool Hauae, V Election Prec inat No. 4, Hunt Sa hool House, Eleotion Prea Snot No. 5, Ingram Sohool House, Election Precinct No. 6, Divide School Houea, Eleotion Prec snot No. 9, Lowrsnoe School House, Election Prea inet No. 10, and Reservation Sohool Houea, Eleotion Prao feat No. 11, in said subdivision oP Kerr County, for the purpose oY enabling the freeholders thereof to determihe~ 'ra whether Horses, Mules, Jacks, Tenneta and Cattle, eh all be permitted to run at large in auoh subdivision, to-wit: Beginning at the N. W. corner of Commissioners' Precinct No. 1, in the line oP Kerr and Gil leapie Counties, where same intersects with the west line oP Survey No. 1, B. 5. & F. Scrip. No. 1586. Thence South to its S. W. corner. Thence West to the N. W. corner of Surve No. 1, L. A. Patillo, Certificate No. 1847. Thence South to the S. W. corner of Survey No. 2, same script. Thenoe S. W. to S. earner of. Survey No. 1382, A. Ward. Thence 5. E. to E. corner of Survey No. 125, F. Martinez. Thenoe S. W.. with line oS Survey. No. 125 and Survey No. 124 to its intersection with the Goat Creek RoeA. .Thenoe N. W. with the said road to .the N.. W. line of Survey No. 12b. Thence S. 45 W. with said N. W. line oS Survey No. 125 .to its interseotion with the N. E, line of State Highway No. 27. Thenoe Southeasterly with said highway to intersect the dividing line of Surveys Nos. 124 and 125. Thenoe 8. 45 W. to the corner of Surveys Nos. 124 and 125 on the bank of Guadalupe River. Thence down and across the river to the lower and east oorner of Survey No. 139, H. B. Martin. Thence S. W. with line aP Survey 139 to N. cor, oP Sur. No. 876, M. N. Burleson. Thenoe S. E. to N. corner of Survey No. 1134, C. C. S. D. & R. G. N. G. Ry. Co. Thence S. W. to corner of Survey No. 1509 D. 0. Y. Garcia. Thence W. to S. W. oorner oY Survey No. 1509. Thence South to corner of Survey No. 1512. Thenoe West to N. W. corner of Survey 4, E. W. Faulkner in east line of Survey 1, Kendall County-School Land. Thenoe North to N. E. oorner same. Thenoe West to N,W corner same, Thenoe South to N. E, corner Survey No, 3, Kendall County School Land. Thenoe West to N. W. corner same; Thence due South to Kerr and Bandera County Line; Thence West with said County line to where said old Kerr County line interascta with the. line oP Real County,_thia point being the S. W. corner of %err County; Thenoe North with line oY Kerr & Real Counties, to a point in N. line of Sur. No. 51, CertiPioate-No. 344, Hlock D, H. E. & W. T. Ry. Co. 475 vra. W. from its N. W. nor.; Thence Weet with the North boundary line oP Real County to where the East line of Edwards County iptarsaata with same; Thence North with E. line of Edwards County and Weat line pf Kerr County to N. W. corner of Kerr County in South line oP %Lmble County; Thenoe East with line of Kerr and Kimble Counties to the N. E. corner of Kerr County in the W. line oP Gillespie County; Thenoe South with Weat line of Gillespie County and line of Kerr County to S. W. oorner of GSllaeplo County; The nee Eeat with line oY %err & Gillespie Counties to the plane of beginning, That the polls in eagh of Bald election preoinota in sash subdivision of Kerr County, shell be open Yrom B A. M, until 7 P. M. on said date for the purpose of holding said else do . The following persona, area holders and qualified voters, shall be managers oP sold , election Sn their respective precinata: Chas. R. Eddlna, Election Precinct No. 4, Allen Townsend, Election Preninat No. 5, EarlnMeNaely, Election Prsainet No. b, Barney Klein, Election Preainet No. 9, R. A. Sproul, Election Preoinot No, 10, and Ferd Tatsch, Election Preciaot No. 11. Each of said managers shall appoint their own election clerks. Only persona who:arertreeholdera and qualified voters under the Constitution and Lawa of the State of Texas shall vote at said election. All votes at said eleotion, in purauanoe of Chia order, eh all be by ballot, and voters desiring to prevent the animals designated herein from PunnAng at large shell place upon their ballots the words, "For the Stock Law," and those in favor oP allowing auoh animals to run at large, "Against the Stock." On or before the tenth day after sunh eleotion, the persona holding auoh election shall make d ue 'returns of all the votes asst at their respective voting plan ae for and agains .S~ S said prppos~tion to the County Judge of Barr County. ~ ' ,_ Public npt Sce of said eleotion shell be given for at least thirty days Defore the date _ thereof by publication in the Kerrville Mountain Sun, a newspaper published in said County. Witness r4Y hand, at Kerrville, Teaas, this 4t day o t r A. D. 1940. ty u ge, :err (.oun y, e x e e. o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2305. ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION AND ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER IN JIISTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 2 OF RERR COUNTY. TEAS. The State of Texas, ( In Commiesionera' Court of Barr County, Tex a e. 1 Eounty of Barr. ( Regular October Term, 1940. This 14th day of October, 1940, same on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the return of the Speo Sal Election held in Tustice's Erecinet No. 2 of Barr County, Texas, on Saturday September 28th, 1940, end declaring the result of said eleotion to determine whether or not Beer containing alcohol not exoeeding four (4~') per centum by we lght may be legally sold in said Juatioe's preolnbtr.No..~E of Kerr Oount y, Teaas, end the Court having canvassed the return of said Election which election wsa held according to law, and it appearing that a ma~orlty o2 I82 votes polled at said a}patlon were oaaL nggliaet prohibiting the sale of bear containing j alcohol not eaceeding four.(4¢) per~nenttmf by weight" in said Preo iao t, as shown on Page~~2~3,-~ Yol..3, of the Record. of Slection Raturna_oT Tarr.County~ ~ ' ~It is-therefore ordered, ad~udged.and,daoira ed ~-~by tha.Conrt that the Bale-of Beer aontain- SR6~-eloohol not azaeeding four (4~.) pen osntuu'•by~weight-with'-said Juat3ne's~preainet No, t of i]Gera County, Texas, be anfl is hereby-allowed dntil~euoh tdm6-ea ~ths ~gaal if ied voters therein may-:hereafter et .the legal eleotion held foP 9u6H"pnepbea°-Dy~~a ma~arity vote decide-otherwise; and it Ss Purther ordered by the Court that this order declaring the re®ult~^and allowing tke sale of Baer oontaining alcohol not~az8$eding-fohr~'(4¢}..per aentuaby, weight shall be entered oaztNe minutes of 'the Commies ionera'~COUrt end said order shall. be pnbllahed.~by'the posting of oar tiD ied oopiee thereof at three (3) pvbl lc place sWithin ea id Juetioe~~s 'Paeoindt~No.;2 of Kerr County, Teaas. -,~ • j, o-o-o ;o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o d ~.:.; ffi2R ~COUNTR ( IN COMMISSIONERS' CODRT AND ( I OF KERR COUNTY, TEAS. .. .,0 N0. 2308. (~ ~~ HOARD OF COUNTY AND ( ~ OCTOBER TERM, ( ( DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDNESS I ~ A. D. 1940. On this the 14th day of October, p. D. 1940, came on to be considered by the Court, the matter of the expenditure of the sum of X8,272.04, representing additional interest due by t State from February 18th, 1938, date of designation of State Highway x!39, to August 10th, ^ ~ 1939, said sum having been remitted to the County Treasurer of Re rr County in March, 1940. And it app ear ing to the Court that said sum of #8,272.04 had by en order of ae id Court been transferred from the Kerr County Lateral Road Fund to the credit of the four aommisalo