'S2'~ said proposition to the County Judge of Kerr County. Publio notice oP eald election shall be given Por at least thirty days before the date _ thereof by publication in the Kerrville Mountain Sun, a newspaper published in said County. Witness my hand, at Kerrville, Teaes, this 4t day o r A. D. 1940. i y ge, err oun~y-'F a x e a. o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2305. ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION AND ALLOWING THE SALE OF BEER IN JIISTICE'S PRECINCT N0. 2 OF RERR COIINTY, TE%AS. The State of Texas, i In Commissioners' Court of %err County, T e z a s. County oP Kerr. ( Regular October Term, 1940. This 14th day of October, 1940, acme on to be opened end tabulated by the Court the retur. of the Speoiel Eleation held in Tustioe'e Erec inet No. 2 of %err County, Teaes, on Saturday September 28th, 1940, end deolar ing the result of said eleotion to determine whether or not Beer aontelning aloohol not exoeeding four (4~) per centum by weight may be legally eo ld in said Justice's prealno t~:No. 2 of Kerr County, Texas, and the Court having canvassed the return oP said Election which elaotlon was held aocording to law, and St appearing that a majority of 82 votes polled at said e~,estioa ware oast 9sglinat prohibiting the sale of bear oontaining alcohol not eaoeeding four.(4~.) per.aentum by we ighL^ in said PreolaoL~, ae ~ehowa on page--2.3 ,- Yo1..3, of the Reoord of Election Returns..oY rerr.County~ r' •. ~it Se-therefore ordered, adJudged.and~deare sd~-by the-Oourt Lhet the Bale of Beer contaln- iA8•~aloohol not exceeding four (4~) pen oentam ~by~weight~ivith a aid' Juat~ic s~e~•Preoinot No. i of :1Lerr.Couaty, Texas, be and is he reby..aliowed antiT such time~ae thr quaiitied voters therein -may-.hereafter at .the legal eleotion-held for sash"pub¢'6ee-hy's~ma~srity vote deoids-otherwise; and it is further ordered by the Court that this order declaring the reaaltM~end allowing the eels of .Beer oontaining aloohol ~nat-ei8~eding•foui•~(4$),per oeAt us•bp-weight~slJall be entered I joa:Gbie minutes of~the ~Cammise lonere''~Court and said or der'shall. be publlahe4~by~the poating~of oar leifliHd ooptee thereof at three (3) publ la place eWithin said Juetdo e~~s',PaaO Snot, No.~.2 of Kerr County, Texas. IIIVVViii .P & . •~.. is vu,~ 3~>. f .. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o m;. t~ EFRR COUNTY ~.~ ! IN COMESISSIONERS' COURT AND ) ( OF K'ERR COUN17, TE7CAS. ~' d N0. 2308.• ( ~~ . BOARD OF COUNTY AND ~ ( ( OCTOBER TERM, DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDNESS ) j A. D. 1940. On this the 14th day of October, A. ~D. 1940, came on to be considered by the Court, the matter of the eapenditure of the sum of 8,272.04, representing additional interest due by t State from February 18th, 1938, date of designation of State Highway #39, to August 10th, =1939, said sum having beeA remitted to the County Treasurer of Kerr County in March, 1940. And it appearing to the Court that said atmm of #8,272.04 had by an order ofsa id Court bean transferred Prom the Re rr County Lateral Road Fund to the credit of the Sour oommlea lea