~ 3 ~ N0. 2329. CANVASS OF STOC% LAW ELECTION HELD IN CO1EEffSSI0NER5 PRECT. /J4 ON HORSES, YtII.EB, dACES AND TEN1~T3, AND CATTLE, r-~ This 9th day of December, 1940, on to be oepeaed and tabhlated the returns of the stook law Eleatlon held Sn Commissioners' Preoinot No. 4 of $err County, Tezee, oa November 23rd, ].940, on the question of whether or not Horses, Mules, docks, Jenneta end Cattle shall here- after be permitted to run at large.in said preo Snot, wh Soh returns were duly oountad and tabulated by the Court as shows on page 34, Vol. vol. 3,oi Record of Election ++e turns of $err County, the result of said elastics having been SotttFd by the Court to be, and is hereby dealer ed to have oarrled 106 to 14 in favor of said stook lnw. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2329e. ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF STOC% LAW ELECTION ON HORSES, 14ULE3, TAOffi, JENNET3 k CATTLE. (Ia Commissioners( preoinot No. 4) On Chia 9th day of December, 1940, came oa to he tabulated sad oouated by the County Judge is open Coaimiesionera' Court, the returns of an Stook Law Eleotlon held is Commiaeionera Preoinot No.. 4 on November 23rd, 1940, heretofore called by the Co~lasione rs' Court of said COUSty to be hold on Bald date, to enable the Pre eholdere of 'the following described district ooaatituting said Commissioners' Preoinot No. 4 of %err County, to determine whether or sot horses, mules, ~eoka, ~eaaeta end cattle should be permitted to run at large in auoh diatrlot or preoinot, to-wits Beginning at the N. W. oorner of Commiaeioaere' Precinct No. 1, Sn the lige of $err end Gillespie Couatlee, where same lntersecta with the west line of Survey No. 1, B.~S. k F., scrip No. 1b86. The nee South to its 3. W. oorner. Theaoe Weat to the N. W. aoraer of Survey No. 1, L. A. Pntillo, Cert. No. 1847. Thence South to the S. W. oorner of No. 2, same script. Thenos S. W. to S. oorner of Sur. No. 1532, A. Ward. Theao• 9. E. to 8. oorner of Survey No. 125, F. Mertiaez. Theme S. W. MSth line of No. 12S to the W. aoraer of No. 124, F. Hart inez, on bank of Guadalupe RSver. Theme down and across She river to Lhe lower sad E. oorner of Survey No. 189, H. B. Nartln. Thenos 9. W. with line of No. 139 to the N. oorner of Survey No 678, b. M. Burleson. Theaos 9. E. to N. oorner of Sur. No. 1134, 0. C. S. D. k R. 6. N. G. Ry Co. 9heace S. W. to aorner Sa Sur. No. 1509, D. 0. Y. Garcia. Theaoe W. to S.~ W. oorner of Sur. No. 1509. Thsaoe 8. to oorner in Survey No. 151E. Thanae Waet Lo N. W. oorner lfo. 4, E. W. Fnulkaer in east line of No. 1, %endall County School land. Thenos N. to N. E. oorner same. Thaaoe Weat t0 N. W. corner same. Thence South to N. 8. oorner No. 3, $andall County School Land. Theaoe Woet to N. W, oorner same. Thence due South to %err k Bandera County line. Thence Weet with Bald County line to where Bald $err Co. line intereeote with the line of Real County, this point being the S. W. oorner of $err County. Thence North with line of %err k Raal Counties, to a point in N, line of Survey No. 51, Cert. No. 344, Hlook D, H. E. k W. T. Ry. Co., 475 votes W. from Ste N. W. oorner. The ace Weat with the North boundary line e ~ - of Real County to where the east line of Edwards County Sntereeota with same. Theaoe North F with E. line of Edwerda County and~~eat line of %err County, to N. W. corner of $err County in South line of $imble bounty. fiheno• East with line of $err and ffimble Counties to the N. E. oorner of $err County is the W. line of Gilleapis County. Thenas South with weet line of Gillespie County and line of $err Oounty to 5. W. oorner of Gilleapis County. Thence Esat wit line of $err k Gillespie Count See to place of beginning; and 1t appearing to underalgneC, sal County dodge upoaeo tabulating and counting such returns that 106 votes were oast in tevor of end 14 votes against, the said proposition to prevent auoh classes of animals fava running at large in auoh distrlet, and that auoh election carried in favor of auoh proposition by a majority of 92 votes, it is accordingly ordered tpet auoh eleotioa resulted, and is hereby de6lared to ba, in Yavor of preventing auoh classes of animals Eton running et large in.woh district, which Sa to say, in Savor Of the stook law in auoh diatrlot sad preoinot. 'i1 ~ S3~ , Poll VVLLIfY J'„ The State of Texas, j ( County of ' Kerr, (This le to certify that the above and foregoing is the order of the County Judge of Kerr County, showing the result of the stook law election the rain referred~to,l and that the same was made, and is, in all reepeote regular. Witness my hand and seal of office, th 9th d{{~ay of December, A. D. 1940. lTv . Dun q er err ou y, zee. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2330. PAYMENT OF ELECTION CFFICERS HOLDINfi 9TOC8 LAW ELA7TION. Thia 9th day of Deaember, A. D. 1960, it is ordered by the Court that eaoh of the offio who held the stook law elaotlon Sn Gommieslonere' Preoinot No. 4 oY Kerr County on November 23rd, }940, be and are hereby allowed the sum of $3.00 end the Presiding Judge X2.00 eatra for return of boxes, out oS the General Fund, same to be paid to each of said offioera by County Clerk's voucher. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-o-o-o-o N0. 2331. NOVEB®ER REPORT-OF MISS RUrH GILLILAND, COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NDRSE. Thia 9th day of Daoember, A. D. 1940, came on to be heard the report of Misa Ruth Gilliland, County public Health Nurse for Kerr County, whioh report be and is hereby aocepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk fpr future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2332. FACING AMOUNT OF HOND FOR COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS. Thia 9th day of Deoember, A. D. 1940, camp on to be considered by the Court the fining of the amount of bond to be given by the respective County End Preoinot offioera for their 1941-1942 term of offioa, and It appearing to the Court floe amount of bond furalahad by each of said offioera for the 1939-1940 term of offioa Just ending is auffioieat for the coming term of offioa,.it is therefore ordered and ed,~udged bq the Court that the amount of bond for the respeotive county and preainet officers for 1941-1942 term of off ice be and is hereby set and fined in and at the samo amount ea the empunE of their bond for the term of office duet ending, and all oP Lha county end preoinot officers elooted at the last November elect l0= be end are hereby dlreoted`to qualify on Jan. 2nd, 1841, by Aakiag the prescribed path or Daft of office and making bond reapeotively in the amount as fixed by the Court herein. o-o-O-O-o-O-O-0-0-0-0-p-O N0. 2333. ORDER AGREEING TO FURNISH RIGHT OF WAY FOR KERB & BANDERA COUNTIES HIGHWAY 16. STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF RERR ( WHEREAS, it hoe Dome to .the attention of the Commiaaionera~ Court of Kerr County, Tezas, In regular session on thi"s, the 9th day of December, 1940, that the State Highway Department will order a looation made on Highway NO. ,18, from End of SP 291-3-3 (Soutl of Kerrville - end of pavement) to Bandara County line provided Barr County, through its _ Commisaionera' Court, agrees sad obligates itself before looation is made to fulfill the following requirements, on looation approved by the State Highway Department, without ooat to the State: (1) provide olear tit la to a minipnum of BO .foot right-of-way, including atanAing timber, with tltla in the name of the 9tata of Tezea; (2) remove ell gbatruotions and enoronch ments eacept standing timber; end l3) do the fenoing. IT I9, THEREFORE, ORDERED THAT Karr Oopaty, aoting haraln by and through its Commiaaioni, ~ Court, agrees end obligates itself baforo looation 1s made to fulfill the following require.. manta without ooat to the State: (1) Provide of ear title to 4 minimum of 80 foot right-oi-