. ~ sSL No. z343,~~ THE STATL'OF TEXAS, 1 In Commlasioners' Court, Kerr County, Tezea. 1 Regular January Term, 1941. COUNTY OF KERR. 1 January 13th, 1941. APPROVAL OF BONDS AND ~`UALIFICATZONS OF OFFICERS. This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1941, name on to be examined by the Court the afflcial bonds of the following named offioers, elootad for Barr County and its various prealRdtB, at the November Election, 1940, and it appearing to the Court that each and all of said bonds are good and aufflcient, and that each of said bonds should be approved by the Court. The rePOre, upon motion duly mad a, aeoonded and unanimously adopted, said bo[da and each of them be and are hereby approved by the Court, and esah of said offioers are hereby direot- ad to take the property oath or oaths of office ea required by law, and all oP said bonds shall ba recorded by the County Clerk in the proper reoord oP his offioe, to-wit: Bob Bennett, Juatioe of the peaoe, Preoinot No. 1. J. W. Bailey, Justine of the peaoe, Precinct No. 4. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o N0. 2344. T$E STATE OF TEXAS, 1 In Commiasionars' Court, Barr County, T e z a s. 1 COVNT7 OF KERR. 1 - January Term, A. D. 1941. Thin 13th day of January, 1941, came on to be considered by the Court the provisions of Sonata Bill No. 5, Chapter 465, passed at First Called Seasioa of the 44th Legislature, pre- aoribing comp en eatloa oY District, County end preo snot offioera, and it appear iag to the Cou that it Sa to the beat interest of Kerr County and 1ta offioera that all of the District, County and Yrecinot officers of Kerr County be oompaneatad oa the feo basis for the year 1941 It is they afore ordered, adfudged and decreed by thee. Court that sll Metr iot, County and. Precinot Officers of %err bounty be compensated for their eervioee during the year 1941, .on a earned fee basis, and until ottherwiae dbtel~ined by thle Court. And the County Clerk shall forward a certified copy of thle order to the Comptrgller of Public Accounts, Austin, Tezea, as directed in the he rain mentioned not of the legislature o-o-o-o-o_o-oro-o-o-a-o-o-o-o N0. 2345. The State of Texas, 1 In Commisaionera` Court, %err County, T e x a s. County of %err. 1 January Term, A. D. 1941. On this 13th day oP January, A. D. 1941, it appearing to the Court that Dr. John Dee Jackson is a competent and active physician of Kerrville,. Tezea., legally qualified to practic medicine under the lawn of the State of Texea, and is in all raapecte qualified to act as County Health Officer in and for Kerr County, Texas; and., said Dr.. John Dee Jackson be and is therefore appointed by the Court ae County Health Ofiioer.of .Karr County, for a period of two yearn or until hie successor is appointed and qualified, unlgse sooner removed from office for oauae, and said Dr. Jaakaon~upon qualifying as required by law shall receive such oompansątion for eervioee aatuelly rendered as this Court may allow from time to time. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2346. ORDER FACING SALARY OF TYE COUNTY JUDGE. Thle 13th day of January, 1941, it is ordorad and daoreed by the Court that the salary of John S. Atkins as County Judge of Berri County, Texas, be and 1s hereby fixed at the following amount for the currant year, 1941, ae follows: As County Judge Lha sum of $1320..00 per annum. Said salary of $1320.00 as such County Judge bo paid unto Judge Atkins by the County Clerk out of the Road end Hridge Fund in equal monthly installments of $110.00 each, payable on or after tho last day oP each calendar monfth