- D 3 D N0. 2339, APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES BY COUNTY CLERK. Thie 2nd day of ~eauary, 1941, oame on to be ooneidarad the applioatloa of Jno. R. Leavel , Clerk of tha County Court of Kerr County, Tessa, for authority to ap point three daput Sea for hia general offioe work, at e:~propo led salary not to exceed 53,600.00 in the aggregate, and it appearing to the Court that said County Off ie Sel Se entitlefl to the deputies applied for, end hie applloaLlon be and the eama ie hereby granted ea prayed for. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2340. APPLICATION FOR DEPUTIES BY ASSESSOR AND C OLLECTOR,OF TARES. Thie tad day of January, 1941, oame on to be conaidBrad the application of E. R. Niohols, Assessor and Collector of Taxes of Kerr County, Texas, for authority to appoint two deputies for hie general offioe work, at a proposed salary not to eaoeed 53,300.00 is the aggregate, and it appearing Lo the Court Lhat ae id County Offio lei Se entitled to the deputies epp~ied fo and hia applia atlon,r_be end the same is hereby granted ae preyed for. • o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2341. APPLICATION FOR"DEPUTY HX DISTRICT CLERK. ~, This 2nd day of January, 1941, oame on to bacoaaidered the appl icetlon of Geo. M. Doyle, DSstr ict Clerk Hof %err County, .Tezae, far euthority to appoint one deputy for hia ganorel offioe work, et a propo aed ea lacy not to ezaeed 5 Sn the aggregate, end it appear lag to the Court that said County OfPlo ial 1e entitled to the deputy applied for, and hia applioa- tion be and the same ie hereby grentn~ ae prayed Yor. o-o-o-o-o.o~o-oro-o-o-o-o-o The Foregoing Miautea from Page 534 to 535, Snaloalve, were read in open Court sad found oorreot, end are hereby in ell,reapeoto approved by the -0ourt, this the /e~t( dny oP January, A. D. .1941. ~ ~ ~ ATTEST: ~iy~._~~C~ ' Clerk, o y ur err oun y, Tease. un y u ge, rr ona~e. BY Deputy. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o TBE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ COUNTY OF KFIRR. ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this the 13th day of January, A. D. 1941, there wen begun and holden a. Regular Term of the C4amias ioaera' Court of iSerr County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Kerr˘ille, Tezae, offioera present: Sohn S. Atklna, .County Judge, , Remy Eakateln, Commissioner, preoinpt No. 1, D. D. Beard, .. Cm~misaioner, Precinct No. 2, Wm. Karger, CaeŽis aioner, Prep iaot No. 3, W. R. Furr, Commissioner, Preoinot No. 4, e A. F. Moore, Sheriff, and TAO. R'. Leavell, Countq Clerk, end the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: oro-o-o-ororo-o-ororo-o ro-oro N0. 2342. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOVNT3. Thin 13th day of January, 1941, came on to be azsainsd by the Court, the various claims - sad eooounta ii led against Kerr County and its reapeotiva Coamisalonera' praalnate einoo the ' lent term of the Court, all of wh ioh oladma and aoaounte were approved by the Court for pawppp by the County Clerk in amounts anfl out of.reapeotive toads as shown by th' Minutes of Aeoouq' allowed for Kerr County, Tease, vfi Sah are made a part of th Sa older. ,y o-O-O-O-o-o-O-O-O-a-O+O~n-O-n ,