N0. 2352. ORDER FIXING SALARIES OF COMMISSIONERS. I s'3g This 13th day of 7anuary, 1941, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that the oompenae- tion of the Commissioners of Karr County ba and is hereby fixed by the Court for the current year, 1941, eacording to the 1940-1941 County Hudget, as follows: Each Commlaeioner shall receive $5.00 per daq as per dlam for each- day nerved by him as a member of the Commissioners' Court to be paid but of the General Roadand Bridge Fund, end each Commissioner shall further reoeiva $S.OQ~„~or~'aeah day aervad in the iaspaotion end supervision of County Ronde, same to be pald out of the Road anfl Bridge Fund of his respective Pracinot, provided however, that the total compenaatioa or aelary of each oomniaeioner shall not ezceed the following amounts agreedupon, to-wiL: Commissioner of Preoinnt No. 1 the sum of $1y200.00 for year 1941, Commissioner of Precinct No. 2 the sum of $ 700.00 for year 1941, Cammiasipner of Preoinnt No. 3 the auto of $ 700.00 for year 1941, Commisaloner of Preoinet No. 4 tho sum of $1,A00.00 for year 1941? O-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-OkiO-O-O-O-O-O+O N0. 2353. RE-EMPLOYiD;NT OF IRVIN PARRS AS COURT HOUSE AND JAIL JANITOR. Thin 13th day of January, A. D. 1941, it appearing to the Court that Irvin Parka has rendered satisfactory service in the past as Courthouse and Jail custodian for Kerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said Irvin Parks be and Ss hereby re-employed for the current year, 1941, and his salary Se hereby fized by the Court at the sum of $70.00 per month. And the County Clerk be and is hersby authorized and direoted to issue and deliver unto said Parks on or after the 15th andlsat days of each month beginning January 15th, 1941, a warrant on the County Treasurer agairtat the General Fund for the sum of $35.00 covering his semi-monthly salary. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2354. RE-EMPLOYMENT OF MAYINE RUTLEDGE AS COUNTY JUDO'S ASSISTANT. This 13th day of °anuary, A. D. 1941, it appearing to the Court that Maxine Rutledge has rendered satisfactory aerviae in the pa et as the County Judge's Assieta~ for Kerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said Maxine Rutledge be and is hereby re-employed for the current year, 1941, and her salary ie hereby fized by the Court at the sum of .$50.00 per month. And the County Clerk be and is hersbq authorized and.directad to lsaue and deliver unto said Miae Rutledge on or after the ,le et day of ea oh oalendar month beginning January 31st, 1941, a warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fund for the sum of $50.00 covering her monthly .salary. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0.~2355. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SFD:RIFF A. F. MOORS FOR DEPUTY PAT WAffiBDRAi. This 13th day of January, A. D. 1941, came on to be oonaidered by~the Court the matter of an allowaa~e to Sheriff p. F. Moore for his office deputy, end it appearing to the Court th t the Sheriff Se entitled to a deputy allowance auffioient to pay his offiae deputy, during the current year, 1941. Said Sheriff is therefore granted an ailowanae of $800.00 par annum out of the General Fund for the purpose of hiring an offlce deputy, as provl8ed by the 1.94tt County Budget., and same shall be paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy Pat Washburn or his succasaor in equal monthly installments of $b0.00 each outof the 6enexrel Fund, upon proper warrants Sasua by the County Clerk, on or after the last day of each month beginning January 31 et, 1941. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a