^ S.S,3 county and school funds of Kerr County end for all tr uat funds of the County and District ~, Clerks of Kerr County, for the two year term herein mentioned, and it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, County Taa Colleotor, Gounty end Diatriot Clerks and all of her~aouaty end precinct officers of Kerr County reoeiving moneys belonging to any fund of Kerr County dyring acid term, Lo deposit suoh moneys 'Yn the herein designated Caunty Depository. 000-000=000-000-000-000-00o-o0oro0o N0. E396.' ppPR00AL OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR+S MONTHLY REPORT. This 10th dayof March, 1941, acme on to ba ezemi nad by the Court the monthly exp ease .report of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor and Collector for the month oP Fahyyery, 1941, shoving an actual andneoeaeary ezpen ae of y189.40 for February, 1941, inour red by him in the conduct of his office during said month of 'February, 1941, and it ap pee ring to the Court that said Taz Aese sa or and Colleotor Se ant it led 'to the expenditure oY all 'the items therein lister said report be and is hereby approved foe Lhe full amount by the Court. 000-o0o-oCo-o0o-000-000-000-000 N0. E397. REPORT AND ACCI':PTANCE OF FEBRUARY, 1941, REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATOR. This. 10th deyof Maroh, A: D. 1941, came on to beheard the report of Miss Irma Rosa, County Home Domo natrator of Kerr County, covering her service during the month of February, 1941, Wbioh report having been found setiefeetory, be and ie hereby accepted by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0., E398. FE&RUARY REPORT OF R. R. TIPPIT, County Agent. Th ie 10th day of March, A. D. 1941, Dame on to be heard the monthly report of R. R. Tipp lt, County Agent, Por the month oY February, 1941, wh ioh report be end Ss hereby eaoepted by the Court end ordered Piled by the County Clerk Yor future reference. 000-000-000-000-000-000-o0o-oCo N0. E399. FEBRUARY REPORT OF MISS RUTH GILLILAND, COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE. Th Ss 10th day of March, A. D. 1941, came on to be heard the report of Misa Ruth Gt}1118ni County Public Health Nurse Por Kerr County, wh ioh report be end ie hereby accepted by the Cow and ordered Piled by the County Clerk Por future reference. 000-o0o -oCo-o Oo -000-000-000-000 N0. 2400. FEBRUARY REPORT OF }+II25. PEARL GRANES, COUNTY CASE WORKER. This 10th day oY March, A. D. 1941, came on to ba heard the snort oP Mrs. Pearl Granea, County Ca ee Worker for Re rr County, wh iah report be end ie hereby accepted end approved by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future rePere nc e. 000-00o-o0a-o0o-o0o-a0o-o00-000 N0. 2401. PAYMENT OF FOX BOUNTY BY RERR COUNTY. ' This lmth day oP March, 1941, it appearing to the Court that it wlll be to the best Snt erect to the ranchmen, Parmer a^and bus ins ae people oP Kerr County that the fo xea be eaterm ineted in Kerr County oa~eccount of depredations by sunh Tozee on the young lambs and kids and on poultry end especially on wild turkeys end other game birds. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that Kerr County shall pay out of its Ce neral Fund a bounty oP fifty Dente (50~) on each and every foz killed within the County between this data end hntti._the7 PU;ther order of this Court. Such bounty to be paid t ~~ the per eon killing such fox or foxes upon hie affidavit showing on whose ranah in Kerr County and on what date or dates, same were killed, supplemented with a statement signed by the owner, tenant or manager oP ranch where same were killefl, verifying the fact that some were actually killed on the ranah mentioned in said aY°ld av it aid on the date or dates therein specified. A11 such claims for bounty shell be presented to and tiled by the County Clerk for examination and approval for payment by the Court. 000-00-000-o0o-n0o-o00-000-000-000 N0. 2402. BNPI.OYYENT OF 1821. PEARL 6RANES, CODNTY CASE WORHER, ON FCLL TI1~ BASIS DD$IIi6 FEBRUARY AND i(ARCH. On this 10th day of Yarah, A. D. 1941, Dame on to be considered by the Conrt the employ- ment of Nra. Pearl 6ranea, •e Comty Caae Worker on 11111 tiros basis as recommended by the County of %err during the noaths of February and 1lnroh, and it appearing to the Court that it is to the beat interest of the ta:-payers and the County in 6sseral that the services of said eats worker be ooatiauod oa full time stasis during wid menthe of February and Wrah at a ealarp of X100.00 per month, provided the City of %errvills, will ooatribnte as much ae ons- half towards the azpenae and operation of the relief ofiioe. Accordingly it is hereby ordered by the Court that the relief ofiioe of %err County, with Yre. Pearl 6ranea, as County Caas Worker be operated on full L1w basis during the montl of February and 1laroh, at a salary of #100.00 per month, to be paid out of the beneral Fund, during ea id months and that the City of %errvills participate to the eztead of one-halt of the ezpenas far the operation of said relief office during said moatha of February and 1laroh on full tams basis. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 The foregoing Ninutea from Page 547 to 554, inclusive, were read is open Court sad ~onnd SS ~ correct, and are hereby in all reepeota approved by the Court, this the 14th day of April, A. D. 144~1~. ATTEST:C_ ~~~~~~ Clerk, y etUt , rr oun~'Sszsa, y , u s, err .oaa~y; -'1 e z a e. By c~-r-.,-~~_.~.,.,-- Deputy. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 THE STATE OF TE7CAS, ~ 1 COUNTY OF KERB. ~ HE IT R81~103ERED, That on this the 14th day of April „A. D. 1941, there was began and holden, a Regular Term of the Commiseionsre~ Court of %err County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the City of %srrvills, Tezea, offioera present; John S. Atkins, County Judge, Benry Eckstein, .. Coamiealoaer, Precinct No. 1, D..D. Beard, .. Commieaioaer, Precinct No. 2, Wm. %arger, Cosmiasioner, Precinct No. 3, W. A. Furr, Commissioner, Preoinat No. 4, A. F. Poore, Sheriff, and Sno. R. Leevell, County Clerk. and tho Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeedinga were had, to-wit: N0. 240). ALLOWANCE OF CLAI1(.4 AND ACCODN75. Thin 14th day of April, A. D. 1941, name on to bs szaminsd by the Court, Lhe various olaima and acnouata filed against %err County and its reepeotive Commissioners' Preoiaata s the la et Lerm of the Court, all of which claims and accounts wars approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk In amounts sad out of reepeotive funds as shown by the Minutes of Aocouata nllowed for Harr County, Tezae, which ere made n part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oTO-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2404. PARCH REPORT OF PEARL CRANES, COiTNTY CASE WORSEA. This 14th day of April, A, p. 1941, Dame on to be heard the report of Pre. Pearl Oraaee, County Ceas Worker of Barr County, wh19h report be sad la hereby accepted and approved by the Court and ordered filed by the Coetnfiq Clealc for Suture referenee: