SR ~ ~NO. L,5d0. ~IIARTERLY REi"ORT OF DISTRICT CLERK. r- Thie loth day of November, p. D. 1941, came on to be ezamined by the Court the ;uarterly report of vac. M. Doyle, District Clerk o2 %orr County, covering fines imposed, ludgmeate rendered and fury fear collected in the District Court of %rr County for quarter ending vctober 31st, 1941, which report shows the toll action and deposit with the County Treasurer of $544.00, and which report appearing correct be and is hereby approved. p0o-o00-000-o0o-oGO-o0o-00o-o 0tf-o0o-000 2,331. APPLICATION FOR DEPDTY HY DISTRICT CLERE. Thin 10th daq of November, A. D. 1941, name on to be ooneidered the eppllc eLion o1 Gea. Doyle, Die trlct Clerk of %err County, Tezsa, for authority to appoint one deputy for hie erel work, at a proposed salary not to ennead = Sa the aggregate, and it appearing the Court that enid County Official Se entitled to the deputy aPP11ed for, and hie ayplioe- n De and the same Se hereby granted as prayed for. 0-000-000-000-000-00o-000-000-000-000 N0. 2532. APPROVAL OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR'S MONTNLY EYPENSE REPORT, This 10th day of November, A. D. 1941, Dame on Lo be ezamined by the Court the monthlq ezp enae report o1 8. N. Nichol a, Taz Assessor and Collector for the month of October, 1941, showing en notusl and neoeeaary szpense of =198.38 for Oot ob er, 1941, incur red by him in the conduct of hie off Soe during said month of October, 1941, end it appearing to the Court that said. Taz Asaeseor end Collector is entitled to the ezpe ~Sture of all the Stems therein listed, aaidreport ba and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-00o-o0p-o0o '~ . 253EA1 APPROVAL OF COIINTY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR QDARTER ENDING OCTOBER 31st, 1941. This 12th dty of November, A. L. 1941, Dame on to be ezemiaed end audited by the Court the erterly report of E. Gold, County Treasurer, covering the receipts and disbureepaente of %err uaty for quarter ending Ootobar 31st, 1941, sad it appearing to the Court after careful and cough ezaminat ion and inspection of said report together with the cancelled werranta, oheoka nda and oo upoae aoaompnnying same, that said reporE is true sad correct, Sn every reapeot, 3 same be and is hereby approved in open Court, all as is ahoxn by the Ce rtif Saate of Appro- l signed by the Court end at teohed thereto, and the County Clerk shell reoo rd said report in e loose-leaf record in h1a office end file such anacelled warrants, ehaoke, Dondn and cou- na in hie otfiae for safe-keeping and future rafermoe. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 2533. QDARTERLY REPORT OF TNO. R. LEAVELL, County Clark. e Th1e 12th doy of November, A. D. 1941, came on to be ezamined by the Court the quarterly rt of Sno. R. Leavnll, County Clerk, covering all fines Smpoe ed, lodgments rendered and Yeee Doll acted in the County"Court of %err County, for quarter ending Oot Ober 31st, ;941, it appearing to the Court after oaref ul audit of Bald report that same ie correct, and aei~ rt 1a approved by the Court coo ordi ugly. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 2534. TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLEHE OF COUNTY'3 INDEHTEINS93, ETC. OIIAR. ENDING 10/31/ This 12th day of November, A. D. 1941, Dame on to be sumined~by the Court the Tabular emeat of indebtednea e, ezpendlt urea sad reoeipte of Eerr County for quarter end Sng OcL. 31 auDmitted sad fl led by Tno. A. Leavell, County Clerk, and It appearing to Lhe Court that etatemenL is true and correct Sn every reapeot, same De end is hereby approved by the Cou 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000