N0. E54b. `lIOYKIBER REPORT OF MRS. PEARL GRANES, COUNTY CASE WOR$ER. This 8th day of Heaember, A. D. 1941, Dame on to be heard the report of Mrs, pearl Grange County Case Worker for Kerr County, which report be end is hereby eonepted end approved by Lhe Court and ordered filed by the County Clark for future reierenoe. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 2548. DISCONTINUATION OF PAYMENT OF FOX BOUNTY. This the 8th daq of Deoember, A. D. 1941, it wee ordered. by the Court that the Foa Bounty of 50~ whioh was heretofore ordered by the Court to be paid be and the payment of same ie here by ordered dlacontinued beginning January 1st, 1942. Any fez soalpe brought in after said date regardless of what date killed will not be paid by the County on or after the let day of January, 194E. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 The foregoing minutes Prom Page 582 to 594, inoluaive, were reed in open Court and found correct, and are hereby in all reapecta approved by the Court, this 12th day of Tan uery, A. D. 1942. ATTEST: ~ ' Clerk, u y our , err ounty, axes. y ,u ge, rr Dun y, e a a s. By Deputy. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 THE STATE OF TEYAS, ~ COUNTY OF Sffi2R. ~ BE IT REMEMBERED,That on this the 12th day of January, p. D. 1942, Cher was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commisaionera~ Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Kerrville, Tezae, offioera present; 70HN S. ATKIIiS County Tudge, Henry Eokatein Commissioner, preoinot No. 1, D. D. Heard .. Commissioner, Precinot No. 2, Wm. Kerger Co~lesioner, preoinat No. 3, W. H. Farr Commissioner, preoinot No. 4, A. F. boors, Sheriff, end 7no~. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proaeediaga were had, to-w St: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2547. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 12th day of January, p, D. 1942, came on to be ezamined by the Court, the various oleime and aanounta filed against Kerr County and its reepeotive Commiasioaera~ Preninots since the last term of the Court, all of which olaime and nooounta war• approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and oµt of reepentlve Panda sa shown by the Minute of Aooounta allowed for Kerr County, Tezac, whioh era marls a part of this order. ow-o-o-o-ow-ow-o-o-o N0. 2548. PURCHASE.OF 4 ~~,00.00 II. S. DKPENSE BONDS SERIE3 G, OUT OF PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND. On this the 12th flay of January, A. D. 1942, it appearing to the Court that the Permenea School Fund of Karr County, Texas, has a surplus on head in the e~mm of }400.00 et the present time, and it further appearing to the Court that Bald #400.00 should be invested in some interest bearing bonds. And it further appearing to the Court that the United States Govern- ment at the present time Se in greet need of funds and that said ~nltad States Government has for sale United Staten Savings Bonds Defence Series 6 in the amounts of X100.00, bearing interest et the rate of 2}~ per annum, payable semi-annually, said bonds maturing 12 years S4~ after dote.