Sp`~ be and it Se hereby authorized to Snvoat the sum of Four iiundrsd Dollars 0400.00) of the Permaaeut Sohool Funds of %err County in 4 =100.00 IInited States Bev inga Bonds Defense Series 6, bearing interest at Lhe rate of 2}˘ per annum, interest payable semi-nnnuslly, and said bonds maturing 12 ye era after date, and that said bonds be planed in the County Depository for safe-keeping. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2549. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JDSTICE OF THG PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1, DECEMBER, 1941. On this the 12th day of January, A. D. 1942, name on to be ezamined end audited by the Court the report of Bob Bennett, Sue tine oP the Peace of rreo snot No. 1 of %rr Couaty, For the month of Deoember, 1941, of Criminal Fees filed, fines, judgme at end fury Ease co lleoted .ahowlag the awn of Sl8.20 colleoted and flapoeited with the County Treasurer, ant Stling him eocording to said report to a fee of X12.00, end it appearing to the Court that said report is corredt, same be and ie hereby approved, and the County Clark and the County Treasurer are therefore authorized sad directed to pay unto Justice Bapnett the said sum of =12.00 as follo 14.00 out of the Road and Bridge Fuad and =8.00 out of the General Fund. ' o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' N0. 2550. DECEMBER REPORT OF MRS. PEARL CRANES, COUNTY CASE WOR%ER. This 12th day oP Sanuary, 1942, name oa to bs heard the report of Mra• pearl Cranes, County Case Worker for %e rr County, wh loh report be and is hereby eecepted and approved by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future refereno e. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' N0. 2651. DECEMBER REPORT OF R. R. TIPPIT, COUNTY AGENT• This 12th day oP January, 1942, came on to be heard the monthly report of R. R. Tippit County Agent, for the month of Deoember, 1941, which report be and Se he raby accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future refereno e. o-o-o-oro -o-o-o- o-o-o- 0 N0. 2552. APPROVAL OF TA% ASSESSOR AND COI,I.ECTOR'9 MONTHLY EYPENSE REPORT. This 12th day of January, A. D. 1942, came on ~to be ezam in ed by the Court the monthly eapense report of E• H. Niohols, Tae Assessor and Collector Sox the month of December, 1941, showing an actual end necessary axpe nee of X80.87 for Deoember, 1941, incurred by him in the conduot of his office during said month of Deoembe r, 1941, and 1t appearing to the Court that said Tez Aeaea eor and Colleotor is entitled to the eapanfl iture of all the ltems therein lists d, Bald report be and is hereby approved for the full amount by Lhe Court. o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2553. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLER%`3 MONTRLY EYPFNSE REPORT. • This 12th day of January, A. D. 1942, name on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly eapense report of Sno. R. Leavell; County Clark for the month of December, 1941, showing ea eotual and necessary eapense of 388.90 Ina is red by him in the conduct oP his office dur ing the said month of December, 1941, and 1t appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to the ezpenditure of all the items therein listed, ea id report be and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2554. DECEMBER REPORT OF MISS AuVERNE WARE, COUNTY PUHLIC HEALTH NURSE• This 12th day of 7enuar y, A. D. 1942, came on to be heard the report of Miss puperne W County Publ io Heel th Nurse for %rr Couaty, wh iah report be and is ha raby accepted by the Court and ordered Piled by the County Clerk for future referenoe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o