N0. 25p5a NOVEMBER REPOR'~ OF MISS IRMA ROSS, COUN'17 HOME DE1dON3TRATION AGENT. ~ 's9~ This 12th day of Ten ua ry, A. D. 1942, came on to be heard the report of Miss Irma .Does,. County Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, cover leg her aerv is ea during the month of November, 1941, which report having been found eatiafeotory, Da end Sa hereby eoaepted by the Court. / o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' N0. 2656. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DPNONSTRATION AGENT. Thin 12th day of January, A. D. 1942, Dame oh to be he erd by the Court the report of Mine Irma Roae, Coupty Home Demonetrat ion Agent for the month of Deoamber, 1941, and also the annual report by said Capnty Home Demonetrat ion Agent for the year 1941, wh ioh said reports appearing eatief actory, be end the some are hereby aooepted end approved by the Court. ' ow-o w-o -o- o-o-o-o-o-o -o ~-o-o N0. 2557. THE STATE OF TEXAS, i In Commiasi Deers' Court, Rerr County, Tezee. COUNTY OF ffitR. ~ January Term, A. D. 1942. Th1a 12th day of Tanuary, 1942, came on to be considered by Lhe Court the provisions of Sonata Bill No. 5, Chapter 485, peased at Fir at Called Session of the 44th Legislature, pre- scribing oompeneation of District, County end Precinct Officers, and it appearing to the Court that it Sa to the boat Sntere et of Kerr County and its off SCera that ell of the District, County and Precinct officers of Kerr County be oompene ated on the fee bases for the year 1942. It is therefore ordered, adfudged and decreed by the Court that nll District, County and ~. Preo fact OPficera of Kerr County be oompensated Por their services during the year 1942, on a earned fee basic, and until otherwise determined by this Court. And the County Clerk ah all forward a certified copy of this order to the Comptroller of Public Aoco ante, Au etia, Teaee, ae directed in the herein mentioned sot of the legislat are. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2558. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF THE COUNTY JUDOE. This 12th day of Tanuary, 1942, it Se ordered and deoreed by the Court that the salary of John S. Atkins ae County Tudge of %e rr County, Teza a, be and 1a hereby Sized at the follow ing amo uat for the Darr ant year, 1942, ea fo llowa: As County Juflge the sum of =1320.00 per annum. Sold salary of =1320.00 as euoh County Tudge be paid unto Tudge Atkins by the County Clerk out of the Road and Bridge Fund Sn equal monthl installments of 110.00 each, Y = payable on or alter the last day oP each calendar month beglnning Tanuary 31st, 1942. ' o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o e g N0. 2559. ORDER FLXING SALARY OF COUNTY CLERK. On this 12th day oP January, 1942, it is ordered by the Court that the a~nnuel salary of the County Clerk oP Kerr County ba end ie hereby fixed et an aggregate sum of '1900.00 for the ', ourrent year, 1942, provided by the 1941-1942 budget, ea follows: ~ 1550.00 er annum ea Count Clerk, 250.00 er annum Por kee in the finanoe le p y ~ p p g dger end ~'~ X100.00 per annum for ipdezing. ', Said salary shall be paid out of the General kund Sn monthly installments of 51.33 sac] payable on or after the lest day of eaoh oalendar month, beginning January 31st, 1942, with ~, proper werr ante on the County Treasurer. f a-~-a-a-~-a-~-a-~-a-a-a-a-a-d-~ If N0. 2580. ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLER%'S SALARY. This 12th day of Tanuary, 1942, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the f r District Clerk of Kerr County b., awn s s ho r~hv r~ti.a AQ ,. .,..i n.n n„ r.ti. i oei _i oar r..,...r .. ~9 7 (" Budget at the sum pf x720.00 per annum, for the ourrent year, 194E, whioh ahiary shell be poi unto the Di etrlat Clerk in 12 monthly lnatallmeata of x80.00 enoh, out of the General Fnad by proper werranta drawn by the County Clerk on or after the lest day of enoh month's aervio ea on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o A0, Eb81. OADER FIXING SALARY OF CCUNTY ATTORNEY. This 12th day of January, 1942, it ie ordered and decreed by the Court that the salary o the County Attorney for the ourrent year, 1942,. be affi Sa hereby fixed as provided by the 1941-194E County Budget, at the num of x380.00 per annum, and `the additi oasl sum of x60.00 per month during the time thathia aervioee are,required for colleotion of taxes on the delinquent taz rolls, but whenever euoh asrvioee era diaoont iaued then the said sum of xb0.00 per month shall automatically discontinue, ~o be paid out of the Oeaeral Fund in twelve month inetallmeata of x30.00 plus =50.00 per month ae above stated, enoh by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the lent day of eeoh calendar month bagimiag January 31st, 1942. ow-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2582. OADEA FIYIN6 SALARY OF SHERIFF AND TAIL 6IIARD OF EERR COUNTY, Th Sa 12th day of January, 1942, it ie ordered sad deoreed by the Court that the Sher if f'e Salary for th• ourrent year, 1942, be and ie ha rebq fixed as pr ovlded by the 1941-1942 County Budget at the sum of ;g000.00 per annum, ea follooe: " x1,480.00 per annum na Sheriff of Kerr County, and 540.00 per annum ea Ja11 Guard of $err Countq. Said satire salary to bs paid by the County Clerk to Sheriff A. F. Lo ore out of the Cen- arnl Fuffi in Twelve monthly inatallmenta of x188.88 enoh by proper warrants drawn on the Coun Treasurer on or after the lest day of enoh month beginning January 31st, 1942. Aad ea id Sheriff shall be further allowed the sum of aizty oente per day for boarding eeoh prisoner in the County Jail plus fifteen oante per day for safe-lneying eeoh prisoner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2563. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER*6 CW9fi99I0N. This 12th day of January, 1942, it is ordered by the Court that the oommiseion of the ~~NO. Eb84. ORDER FIXING SALARIES OF County Treasurer for the current year, 194E, eh all be,md Se ba reby flied eaoord ing to Lhe 1941-1942 County Budget at the rate of 2f on ell rea sipta and diaburaemeata, not to ezoeed however, the sum of X1.33.33 for anq month, or, the aggregate o1 x1600.00 for the year, 194E, and said County Treasurer shall draw eeoh month's oo moiseion of x133.33 es earned. o-o.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Thin 12th day of danuarq, 1948, it is ordered sad dso reed Dy the Court that the ooldpeaae- tion of the Cpomtisai onere of Farr Coutlty be and Se hereby fixed by the Court for the current year, 1942, ea0ording to the 1941-1942 County Budget, ea follows; Esoh Commissioner shall reoeivs x5.00 per day ea par diem for each day served by him ae a member of the Commiseionera' Court to De paid out of the Gene rel Road and Bridge Fund, and ea oh Commissioner shall further reoeivs x5.00 for eeoh day sarvafl Sb the lnapectioa and supervision of Countq Ronde, same to bs paid out of Lbe Road and Bridge Fund of his respective Prso Sao t, provided however, that the total oompeasatiam or sal ery of eeoh Commissioner shall not ezoeed the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit; , Commleeio~r of Preoinot No. 1 the sum of x1,800.00 for year 1942, Comm Saeioner of preo snot No. 2 the a um of x 700.00 for year 1942,