j9 7 Budget nt the sum of x720.00 per annum, for the ourrent year, 194E, whioh ahlary shall be paid unto the Di etriat Clerk is 12 monthly inatallmente of x80.00 eaoh, out of the General Fund Dy proper warrants drawn by the County Clark on or niter the le at day of eaoh month's aervioee on the County Treasurer. ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 2b61. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF Cu@ITY ATTORNEY. This 12th day of January, 1942, it la ordered and decreed by the Court that the eel ary of the County Attorney for the ourrent year, 1942, ba and is hereby fined ae provided by the 1941-194E bounty Budget, at the sum of $360.00 per annum, anfl the edditi oral sum of x50.00 per month during the time that hie servloea are°required for co lleotion of tnzee on the delinquent tax rolls, but whenever auah servioea ere disoont inusd than the said sum o2 =50.00 per month shall automatically disoontiaus, ~o be paid out of the General Fund Sa twelve monthl~. inetallmente of x30.00 plus '50.00 per month ae above stated, eaoh by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the lent day of eaoh cal ender month flDaglnaing January 31st, 1942. u o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 2582. ORDER FIYINC SALARY OF SHERIFF AND JAIL GUARD OF RERR COUNTY. Th Se 12th day of January, 194E, it is ordered and dsareed by the Court that the Sherif Pie Salary for the ourrent year, 1942, be and Se hereby fazed as provided by the 1941-194E County Budget at the sum of SE000.00 per annum, as follows: ' 0 x1,480.00 per annum sa Sheriff of Xerr County, end 540.00 per ednum ea Ja11 Guard of Kerr County. Said entire salary to bs paid by the County Clerk to Sheriff A. F. ib ore out of the Cen- erel Fuld in Twelve monthly Sn atallmen to of x188.88 each by proper warrants drawn on the Count; Treasurer on or after the lest flay of eaoh month beginning Jan uery 31st, 194E. And said Sher iii shall be further allowed the sum of eizty Dente par day for boarding eaah prisoner in the County Jail plue fifteen Dente per day for safe-keeping eaoh prisoner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2563. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COA9QSSION. ~ This 12th day of January, 1942, St is ordered by the Court that the oommisaian of the County Treasurer for the ourrent year, 1962, eh all be and la hereby P1zed nocord ing to the 1941-194E County Budget et the rata of 2~ on all reoeipta and dl aburaemente, not to •zoeed however, the sum of ;133.33 for any month, or, the aggregate of x1800.00 for the year, 1942, sad said County Treasurer shall drew eaoh month'e ao mmieaion of =133.33 ea earned. ~o-o.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o r N0. E564. ORDER FIXING SALARIES OF CU18fI39I0NERS. Thin 12th day of January, 1948, it Se ordered end deo reed by the Court that the ooatipeaae- tion of the Cq~le si onera of %rr County be end is hereby flzed by the Gourt for the current year, 1942, according to the 1941-1942 County Budget, ee follows; Eaoh Commissioner shall reoeive '5.00 per day ee per diem Por each day served by him as a member of the Coomti saionere' Court to be paid out of the General Road and Bridge Fund, sad eaoh Co~iasioner shall further reoeive ;5.00 for eaoh day served in Lhe inspection and supervision of County Ronde, same to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of hie respective Prso Snot, provided however, that the total oompeneatioa or salary of eaoh Commissioner shall not exoeefl the following amounts agreed upon, Lo-wit: Commieeio~r of Preoinot No. 1 the sum of x1,800.00 for year 1942, Comm ieeioaer of Preo Snot No. 2 Lhe sum of x 700.00 for year 1942,