N0. ES7$ ALLOWANCE TO PAUiA NANCHA OF ~6.OO.PER NTH. On this Lhe 9th daq of February, A. D. 194E, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clark issue vouoher draws on the County Treasurer for the sum of =8.00 to be paid out of tha~ General Ftnid to Paulo lbenoha for domeatlae ezpsnesa, and it Se further ordered by the Court that the iiret payment begin on February 9th, 194E, end on the let day of enoh month thereaft o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2573. APPOINf1EENT OF ELECTION OFFICERS OF BERR COUNTY FOR ONE YEgR. Thin 9th daq of February, 1942, creme on to be appointed by the Conrt the neeeaeary eleotion offioera far the oomiag year for enoh of the fifteen sleotlon preoinata of Karr County, ae shown on pages 155 to 159, inolusive, in Vol. 1, Reoord of Eleotlon Judges for $err County, Tezea, which Se made apart hereof for all legal purposes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2874. ORDER CLOSING PORTION OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY N0. E9. On Shia the 9th day of February, A. D. 1942, name on to be oonsidered the matter of closing that portion of Old Stets Highway X27, lying between the Cosa and Ingeahuett properti whioh have been purohased by Eorr County sad the City of $errville for airport purposes, being desoribed by metes end boundaz..ea follows: All that strip of land Snaluded in Old Highway No. 27, lying between a line eztending N. 4b S. eoroea ea id road from the North East oorner of that 17,8 acre paroel of lend now owned by Phillip B. Pope and wife, conveyed to them by C. C. Chipman by deed of reoord Sn deed reoorie of Eerr County, Teaea, Vol. 65, Page 390, and the plane where avid road passes eoroea the N. E. line of the right of May of the S. Z, k A. P. Ry. Said strip begins at said line desoribed ea passing eoroea said road from ooraer of said Pope land. Thenoe 3. E1: 30' E. 280} Yarae. Thenee 3. 88. 30' E. 241 versa. Thenoe South about 950 varea to said R. R. right of way line. This strip of land varies from 40 feet to b0 feat in width with the fence lines snoloelag said road bat it Sa ezpraeely uadaratood and intended to include all land within said fenoe boundaries. It inoludea parts of ~original~6urveya ea follower About 97/100 of na sore out of Sur. No. 91, Wm. T. Crook. About E4/100 of an sore out of Sur. No. 19E1, Wm. Pruitt. About 3 sores out of Sur. ~o. 44, in the name of 0. V. Robinson. And it appearing to the Court that the beet interest of the people of $err County will be served by the oloaiag of said road, s=ane the closing thereof ie vital end neoeseary to the oonatruotioa of the City-County airport. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and deoreed that the above desoribed portion of Old 9tete Highway ~E7 be sad ie hereby ordered sinned for ell purposes. o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NOL E575. JANIIARY REPORT OF MIS9 AU7ERNE WARE, OOUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE. Th1a 9th day of February, A. D. 194E, creme on to be heard the monthly report of Misa AuVarne Ware, County PuDlio Health Nurse for Serr County, which report be and is hereby eoaepted by the Court sad ordarsd filed by the County Clerk for future refersnoe. o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2576. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLER$'S NONTHLY Effi+ENSE REPORT. Th1a 9th day of February, A. D. L94E, came oa to be examined by the Court the monthly expense report of Jno. R. Lsevall, Oounty Clerk, for the month of January, 1942, showing en eotual and neesaeary expanse of =831.17 Saonrred by him Sn the oonduot of his atfio• daring the said month of January, 194E, and it appearing to the Court that en id County Clerk is entitled to the •zpeaditure of all the items therein listed, avid report be and ie hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o