N0. 8b7$: ALLOWANCE TO PAULO MANCHA OF X8.00 PER MONTH. On this the 9th day of February, A. D. 1942, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk issue vouohsr drawn on the County Treasurer for the sum of X8.00 to be pall out of Lha General Futd to Paulo Msaoha for domeatio<; ezpsnsea, nad it ie further ordered by the Court that the P1ret payment begin on February 9th, 1942, and on the let day of eaoh month thereaf o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2573. APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFICERS OF $ERR COUNTY FOR ONE YEAR. Thin 9th daq of February, 1942, Dame on to be appointed by the Court the necessary elootion offioera for the Doming year for eaoh of the fifteen slsotioa preoinate of Barr County, ea shown on pages 155 to 159, Snoluslve, in Vol. 1, Reoord ad Election Tudgea for %err County, Tezse, whioh ie made a pert hereof for all legal purposes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0 . 2574. ORDER CLOSING PORTION OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY N0. 27. On this the 9th day of February, A. D. 1942, Dame on to be ooneldered the matter of aloaing that portion of Old State Highway X27, lying between the Gosa and Ingenhuett pm pert whioh have been purohaaed by Eerr County and the City of %errv111e for airport purposes, being deaoribed by metes end bouada.,.ea follows: All that strip of lend included in Old Highway No. 27, lying between a line ertending N. 46 E. eoroes said road from the North Feat oorner of that 17.8 acre parcel of lend sow owned by Phillip B. Pope and wife, oonveyad to them by C. C. Chipman by deed of reoord in deed reooris of $err Count q, Tease, Vol. 65, Page 390, and the plsoe where said road passes eoroes the N. E. line of the right of way of the S. Z. t A. P. Ry. Said atrlp begins at said line deaoribed ae passing eoroes said road from corner of said pope lend. Thehoe S. 21: 30~ E. 280} yarns. Theaoe 3. 88. 30' E. 241 versa. Thanoa South about 960 varea to said R. R. right of way line. Th19 atrSp of land varies from 40 feet to 50 feet in wldth with the Peace lines snoloeiag said road but St is ezpreaely understood and intended to lnolude all land wlthia said fenoe boundaries. It includes parts of original Surveys ea follows: About 77/100 of an sore out of Sur. No. 71, Wm. T. Crook. About 64/100 of an sore out of Sur. No. 1921, Wm. Pruitt. About 3 sores out of Sur. No. 44, in the saes of 0. V. Robinaon. And it appearing to the Court that the beat interest of the people of %err County will be served by the olosing of said road, sinoe the closing thereof ie vital and neoeaeary to the oonatruotion of the City-County airport. IL la therefore arderad, adjudged and deoraed that the above deaoribed portion of Old Stets Highway /~27 be and is hereby ordered closed for all pnrpoaea. O-0. O- O-O-O-O-O-O-O -0-0-0 NOL 2575. JANUARY REPORT OF MISS AU7ERNE WARE, COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NTAtSE. This 9th day of February, A. D. 194$, creme on to be heard the monthly report of Misa AuVerne Wara, County Publio Health Nurse for %rr County, xhioh report be acrd is hereby aocepted by the Court sad ordered filed by the County Clerk for future referenos. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2b76. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLER%'S MONTHLY EtPENSE REPORT. This 9th dny of February, A. D. 1942, Dame on to be ezemiasd by the Court the monthly ezpenae report of Tno. R. Leevell, County Clerk, for the month of January, 1942, showing en sotuel and neoeaeary eapenae of X231.17 incurred by him in the oonduot of hie olfioe dnrisg the said aonth of Tannery, 1942, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to the •zpenditurs of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o ro-o-o-o -0-o