vaned this November 10th, 1942, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of considering the matters of the County Treasurer's Quarterly Tabular Statement and with other mattera that may come before this Court, with the following officers present: JOHI1 S. ATKINS. ~. County Judge, Henry Eckstein Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, D. D. Beard Commissioner, precinct No. 2, Wm. Karger Commissioner, Precinct DIo. 3, W. H. Furr Commissioner, precinct No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff, end Jno. R. Leave ll, County Clerk, and the following proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o- N0. 2712. AFPROVAT. OF COTTNPY TREAST7RER'S REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDING OCTOBER 31ST, 1942. This 10th daY of November, A. D. 1942, came on to ba examined atrl audited by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, Country Treasurer, covering the receipts and disbursements of Kerr County for quarter ending October 31st, 1942, and it appearing to the Court after caref and thorough examin ation and inspection of said report together with the cancelled warrants, checks bonds and coupons accompanying same, that said report is true and correct, in every respect, and same he and is hereby apnr ov ed in open Court, all as is shovm by the Cert iPica to of Approval sig red by the Court and attaohed thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said in the loose-leaf record in his office and file such cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons in his office for safe-keeping and future reference. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2713. OCTOBER, 1942 REPORT OF MISS ATJVERNE WARE, COTJDTTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE. This 70th day of November , A D. 199,2 , came on to be heard the monthly report of Idiss AuVerne Ware, County Fublic Health Nnrse for Kerr County, which report be and is hereby ac- cepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes from Page 6?.8 to ti30, inclusive, were read in open Court and found correct, and are hereby in all res pacts approved by the Court, this the 10th day of November, A. D. 1942. ATTEST: C y Ju ge, Ker pun , e r a s. Clerk, Cipunty ur Ker County, xas. By /Sl!/ ,Deputy. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- TH$ STATE OF TEYAS: CODNTY CF SERR BE ST.REI~MSERED, That on tlkie 14th day of Daoember, A. D. 1942, there was begun end holden a Regular.Term of the Commieaionern.' .Court of 6err County, Tezas, at the Court Honae thereof, in the City of Serrville, Texas., officers present; JOHN 9. ATE~IH, ~ .County Judge, Henrq Eokatain, Coamlaeioner, Preoinot No. 1, D. D. Heard, Camniasionar, Preainot No. 2, lam. Karger, Co~ieaionar, preainot No. 3, w. H. Furr, Commissioner, Preoinot No. 4, A. F. Moors, Sheriff, and Sno. 8. Leavell, County.Clsrk, cad Lhe Court having bean regularly open, the following proceedings 4sre had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2714. ALLOwANC3 OF CLAIM AND ACCOIINTS. ~ so t This the $4th day of Doaember, A. D. 1842., oame oa'to be examined by the Court, the r -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- This the 14th day of Deoember, A. D. 194E, creme on to be heard the report of Mra. pearl -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Thie the 14th day o1 .Deoember, A. D. 1942, Dame on to be heard the monthly report of -o-o-o-ago-o-o-o-ow- 63/ sinoe the lest term of the Court,. all ofwhlah olaima and aanounts were approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in emouate and out of reepeotlve funds ea shown by the Mia- urea of Aooounta allowed for Kerr County, Teaas, wh ioh are made a pert of this order. No. 2715. NOYEIIBER, 1942 REPORT OF MRS. PEARL GRAVES, CODNTY CASE WORKER. Granea, County Caee Wo rkor for Karr County. vd~ioh report be and is hereby aooepted ead app- roved by the Court and ordered filed by She County Clerk for tut ure refers no e. No. 2716. MONTHLY OOTOBER k NOYE103ER, 1942, REPORT OF HISS IRMA R039, CODNTY HOMB D81iD1PSTRATIOA AGENT. Thie Lhe 14th day of Deoember, p. D. 1942,. .came on to be heard tho report of Mies Irma Roa s, County Home. Damoaatration Agent Df $err County, Tezae~ oovering her servio ea during the months oL Oatober.end_NOVember, 1942, whinh report having been found eatisfaotory, be and is ,~ hereby aoaepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2717. MONTHLY NOVEMBER, 1942, REPORT OF AII YERNE WARE, COIINTY PDBLIC HEALTH NDRSE. AuVarna Mere, County publlo Health Nuroe for EoTr County, Toxae, wh iah report be end Se aooepted by the Court and ordered filed Dy the County Clerk for Suture raferenoe. No. 2718. MONTRLY NOYEIBER, 1942, REPORT CP E. H. HICHOLS, ABSSBSOR AND COLLECTOR OP TAKES. Thie the 14th dqy of Deoember., A.. D. 194E, Dame ~ to be examined by the Court the month] ezpeaee report of E. H. Niahola, Pax ADaaeeor and Colleotor for Lhe month of November, 1942, showing an aotoal acrd asoeeeary ezpene• of ;B.SS inourred Dy hiyr in the oonduot of his offioe during avid month of November, 194E, and it epgeering to the Court that said report be ead. is hereby. approved. for the full amount by the Court. -o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- r' i 1 No. 2719. APPROVAL OF CODNR'Y CLERR'3 MONTHLY .REPORT OF ftOYEMHER, 1942. - Thie the 14th day of Dsoember ,. A. D. 194E, Qame on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly eipenae report of Jno. R. Lenvell, County Clerk, for the month of Sopembar; 194E, ahov ing an aotuel and neaeseary axpen9e of 'ypg,jj Snourred by him Sn the aonduot of hie offioe during said month of November, 194E, end it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk i• entitled to the ezpead irate of all th• items therein lietod, said report be and Sa hereby ap- proved for Ste full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2720. APPROVAL OP RBPDRT OP JIHTICE OP THS PE:ACE,. PRECINCT IQO-. 1, OCTOBER-k NOYEM9ER ,1942 Thie the 14th day at DeogmbeT, A_ D. 1942, Dame on to be ezemined and and itefl by the Court the report of BOb Bennett, Tuetior of the Peape of Preoinot No. 1, of Lerr County, Tezaa~ for the months of October nad November, 194E., of Cr.Laiaal Feae Piled, floe e, judgment and fury Ease oolleoted showing the sum of X96.20 oolleated and deposited with~the County Treesar- er, entitling him to, accord ing to acid repert, a fee of =54.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report Se correct, same be end ie hsreDy approved, sad the County Clerk and Covnty Treasurer ere therefore autho rizsd and direo tad. to pay unto Juatiae Bennett the said sum of X54.00 ee follora: ~36.OQ out of the Road and Bridge. Fund and 118.00 out of the General Pond. -o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o- fto. 2721. ft0VE1®8R, 194E MONTHLY REPGRT OP R. R. TIPPITT, COIIlyfY AGENT. Thie th• 14th day of Deomber, A.. D._1942y Dame an. Lo bs heard the