N0. 281E. APPROVAL OF COUNrY TREASDRER'3 REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDING !FlIL 30TH, 1943. ' ~ 6 This;;,~th day of May, A. D. 1948, came on to be ezemined and audited by the Court the quart rly _ report of E, bold, County Treasurer, covering the reaeSpte and di abu~eemente of ](err County fo I quarter ending April 30th, 1943, and it appearing to the Court after careful end through seem - ation end inapeotion of said report together with the oaaoelled warrants, ohs oka, Donde and coupons eo oompen ying same, that said report Sa true affi aortae t, in every respect, end same bs sod Se ' hereby approved in open court, all ae ie ehavrtl by the Oert ifioate of Approval si goad bq the Court sad attached thereto, acrd the County Clark shall record said tabulation in the loo ee-lea reoorfl in hie office and Ylle such oaaoelled warrant e, oh eoka, bonds and coupons Sn hie office for cafe-keeping end Suture reference. -o-oeoro ro ro-o- N0. E813. QUARTERLY REPORT OF JNO. R. LEAVELL, COUN•PY CLERK. This the 14th day of May, 1943, creme on to be ezemined by the Court the quarterly report of jno. R. Leavell, County Clark, covering ail fines imposed, ~udgmeffie rendered affi Yurq fees oolleoted in the County Court of Kerr County, for quarter ending April 30th, 1943, and it appearing to the Court after careful audit of said report that same Sa correct, end eaid~ report ie approved by the Court eaoordingly. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2814. E%A24TNATION OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORIES BY THE COURT AS BOARD OF E1QiTAI.IZATION. This kith day of May, 1943, after sash member of the Court having 11rst taken the oath as required by law, the Court with ail members present pr oneeded to ezamine and inspect the invent cries of tax ease eamenta for 1943 rendered by the various tea payers of the County or as sassed against them by the Taa Aaee sect, E. H. Nichols, and it appearing to the Court that each and all of said tax as se laments are eat iafectory, same be end are hereby approved by the Court sitting as a board of equalization, and the Tex Assessor is hereby directed to pr oaeed with the preparation of the 1943 State and County Tex rolls accordingly. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2815. ADDITIONAL FINANC7AL ASSISTANCE TO RERRVII.LE PUBLIC LIBRARY. On this the 11th day of Mey, 1943, came on to be considered by the court the matter of e contribution to the Kerrville public Library affi it appearing to the court that said library was badly in need of financial ass ietanoe and that the City of Kerrville had agreed that if Kerr County would contribute an addition el 512.50 s month above the $7.50 a month now being contributed, making a total of 820.00, s month; that Lhe City of Kerrville would contribute a like amount. Whereupon on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it Se ordered that Kerr County contribute the sum of 20.00 per month to the Kerrville public Library, beginning June let, and ending December 31st, 1943, to be paid X20.00 per month out oP the 6ener al Fund of Kerr County. i -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~' No. 2818. COIINTY WELFARE CASE WORKER'S SALARY REDUCED TO HALF TIME. On this the 11th day oP May, 1943, came on to be considered by the court the matter of employment of Mrs. Pearl Grans s, Welfare Case 'Norker for Rerr County, end it appearing to the Court that the full time services of a case worker in Kerr Coutrty were no longer needed or re- quired end that such duti ea could be performed on.a half time basis. WHF.REPIPON on motion duly made, seconded end unanimously adopted it is ordered by the sour that beginning Sune 10th, 1943, the services of Mrs. Pearl Cranes be on a half time belie with a salary of $50.00 a month to be paid out oP the General Fund of Rerr County, on the 1st of ea h _