N0. 8815: APPROVAL OF COUN77 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDING Y8=IL 30TR, 1943.~~ 6 i This~;;]~th dp of any, A. D. 1946, oeme on to be ezemined and audited by the Court the quart rly report of E, Gold, County Treasurer, aoverSng the reoeipte and diebureemente of Esrr Cou~y fo quarter ending April 30th, 1943, and it appearing Lo the Court nfter oarsful end through seem - aLian end Snapeotion of said report together with the onnoelled warrants, ohs oke, bonds aM ooupona eooompen ying same, that said report is true end oorrea L, Sn every reapeoL, and same be end Se ' hereby approved in open oourt, ell ea is shown by the Oertifioete of Approval signed bq the Court and atteahed thar eto, end the County Clerk shell re oord said tabulation in the loo ee-lee reoord in hie office end flle euoh onnoelled warrants, ah eoka, bonds end ooupone Sn hie offioe for cafe-keeping end future refereaoe. -o-oeo-o~o-o-o- NO. SB13. QUARTERLY REPORT OF JNO. R. LEAVELL, COVNPY CLERK. ~~ Thla the 1Sth day of Hay, 1943, oame on to be ezemined by the Court the quarterly report of fno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, oovering all fines imposed, ~udgmente rendered aM ~urq '. fees oolleotad in the County Court of Kerr County, for quarter ending April 30th, 1943, and it appearing to the Court after oareful eud it of aeid report that same Sa oo rreot, end said report 1e approved by the Court eooordingly. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2814. EXAMINATION OF ASSE93NENT INVENTORIES HY THS COURT AS BOARD OF E'W.IIIILIZATION. This ldth day of May, 1943, after each member of the Court having Pirst taken the oath ea required by law, the Court with ell members present pr ooeeded to examine and inspect the inventories of taz ease asmenta for 1943 rendered by the various Lax payers of the County or assessed against them by the Taz Aase seor, E. H. Nichols, and St appearing to the Court that each and all of said tax as aeasments are eat laPaotory, same be end ere hereby approved by the Court sitting as a board of equalization, end the Tex Aeeesaor ie hereby directed to pr ooeed with the preparation of the 1943 State and County Taz rolls eooordingly. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2815. ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO RERRVII,LE PUBLIC LIBRARY. On this the 11th day of day, 1943, oeme on to be oonsidered by the court the matter of a contribution Lo the Kerrville publ lc Library and it appearing to the aourt that ea id library was badly in need of financial ass iatanoe and that the City of Kerrville had agreed that if Kerr County would aontribute an additional X12.50 a month above the $7.50 a month now being oontributed, making a total of ;20.00, a month; that the City of RerrvSllp could contribute ', a like amount. Whereupon on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, St Se ordered that Rerr County oontribute the sum of $20.00 per month to the Kerrville public Library, beginning June let, and ending December 31st, 1943, to be paid #20.00 per month out of the General Fund of Rerr County. ~, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~' No. 2816. COUN17 WELFARE CASE WORKER'S SALARY REDUCED TO HALF TINE. On Chia the 11th day of Iday, 1943, oame on to be considered by the court the matter of employment of tdra. Pearl Gre nee, Welfare Case 'Norker for Rerr County, and it appearing to the Court that the full time aer vdoee of a case worker in Berr Couicty were no longer needed or re-~ --. qulred and that each duti ea could be performed on a half time basis. WHEREFJPON on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted it is ordered by the sour that beginning June 10th, 1943, the services of ldrs. Pearl Cranes be on a half time basis with a salary of X50.00 a month to be paid out of the General Fund of Rerr County, on the 1st of ea h .