7 nontk beginning July ,let, 1943. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes from page 4 to 7, inclusive were read in open uourt and found corre snd era hereby in all respects approved by the Court, thi 14t day i A. D. 1943, 4TTEST: _ 71sT ~o n y Co ~srr oun y, xea. 3ud'g- a Coun y our Kerr oun~T xea. _o-o-o-o-o- o-o- PfiE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF K E R R BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this the 14th day of June, A. D. 1943, there xas begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commisai oners~ Court of Barr Court y, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Rerrvill e, Texas, of ficere present; JOHN S. ATKINS, County Judge, Henry Eckata in, Commissioner, Preclnat No. 1., ' D. D. Beard, Commissioner, pracinot No. 2., Wm. Kar gar Commissioner, Precinot No. 3., W. H. Purr Commissioner, Pr seiner No. 4., A. F. Moore, Sheriff, and Jno. R. Le avail, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the Po ll owing proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2817. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This the 14th day oP June, A. D. 1943, came on to be examined bq the Court, the various claims and accounts filed against Kerr County and it s~ respective Commisaioners~ precincts sines the last term of the Court, all of wh Sch cle lme and acoo ante were approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oY respective funds as atiown by the Minutes of Acoounta allowed for Kerr County, Texas, whioh are made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- i No. 2818. MAY REPORT OF R. R. TIPPIT, COUNM AGENT. This 14th day of June, A. D. 143, catre on to be heard the monthly report of R. R. Tippit, County Agent, for the month of may, 1943, which report be and 1a hereby aaoepted by the Court and ordered tiled by the County Clark for Yutu re refer once. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2819. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1, MONTR OF MAY, 1943. This the 14th day of Tune, A. D. 1943, came on to be examined and audited by the Court the report oP Bob Bennett, Justice of the peace of precinct No. 1, of Kerr County, Texas, for .the month of May, 1943, of Criminal Fees Piled, fines, Sudgment e[d Sury Peea collected showing the sum of $31.05 collected and depos It ed with the County Treasurer, enL itling him to ac oording said report fl fee of $18.00, affi it appearing to the Court that said report is correct, same be and is hereby approved, sad the County Clerk and Couaty Treasurer are therefore auth or i~.ed and directed to pqy unto Justice Bennett the said sum of $18.D0 out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~~No. 2820. FIRST ADVANCEMENT OF $500.00 TO E.H .NICHOLS, ON HI3 1943 COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S COMMISSIONS. ~ This the 14th day of June, A. D. 1943, oame on to be oonsi dared by the Court the applicat- ion of E. H. Nic hole, Assessor and Collector oY Taxes for 8err County, Yor an Advance by Rerr County oP $500.00 on his 1943 County Tax Aeeesaor~e Coimnias ions, and it appearing to the wort Lhat he is entitled to such advam e, his ep plioetion be and ~is hereby granted, and the County Clerk ie hereby author Szed end dir eo tad to pay ouch advance unto psaeesor NSohola ea follows; $350,00 out of the Rerr County Wide Road Honds of 1931, Sinking Fund and $150.00 out of the Court House and sail Sinking Fund. _ _ _ _ _ _