for the sum of $100.00 to be paid out of the General Furl, for the sponsoring of said program _eb_e-e_n _e_e_ No. 2841. TRANSFIiR OF $5,000.00 FROM GENL"RAL ROAD.a BRIDGa FUND TD CLNSRAL FUND This 12th day of .~uly, q. D. 1943, the County Treasurer of xerr CoutS~y be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum oP ;5,000.00 from the Road and Bridge Fund of gerr CduAty, to take care of the present overdraft end also for the future payment of bllls to ba t filed and paid out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2842. JTRdE, 1943, T',OD1T"iLY REPORT OF TdISS IRMA ROSS, COUNTY HOP.ti<; DEMONSTRATION AGENT. This the 12th day oP auly, A. D. 1943, came on to be heard the report of Miss Irma Ross, County Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr Vounty, cover her services dur irg the month of June, 1943, which report having been found satisfactory, be and is hereby seta pte3 by the Court. -o-o-a-o-o-o -o-o- No• 2843. ORDER ATPI?iORI ZING PAYMENT OF COURT REPORTER'S SALARY AT!D F.XI'ETISE. /~ ~_ On this 12th day of July, A. D. 1943, it is ordered by the Court that yy4BFl.O© of the official court reporter's salary for the 3f?th Judicial District toP,ethcr with her expense aecoc incurred in the attendance of Court in Kerr County each year, shall he paid by the Co unty~Clerk of Kerr County out of the Jury Fund or General Fund flccordinp_ to the following certificate of District cud ge, K. K. Woo dley, beginning June 14th, 1943, to-wit: "To trie Honorable Commissioners Court, June 14th, 1943. Kerr County. Gentlemen: Under House Bill 335, Ch. 179, approved April 27, 1943, the salary of the official short- hand reporter is to be apportioned among the counties of the District in proportion to the population se cording to the lfl test un lted States decimal census. The amount to be paid per month by Counties of the 39th District is es follows Medina County, (population 16,106) 1656.33 TJValde " 13,.',46 46.35 Herr " 11,650 40.74 Zflvnle " " 11,003 40.58 Kendall " 5,080 17.75 Sanders " 4,'L'34 14.80 Real 2,420 8.45 total, $2E5af6 Very truly pours, KKi'1/K. K. K. Woodley -o -o-o-o-o -o-o-o- No. 2844. APPROVAL OF COT7NTY DEPOSITORY CONTRACT FOR $100,000.00. On this 12th dQy of Ju7:y, 1943, came on to be considered by the Court the matter of the approval of the new Pledge Contract of the Chas. Schreiner „ank (Unincorpo rated of Kerrville, ~~I i Teaas, as County Depository of Kerr County, Texas, in the sum of $100,000.00 and it appearing '~ to the court that at the Febr uery Term of this Court said Chas. Schreiner HanY, iUnincorporeted )~ entered into a Fledge Contract as Oounty Depository of Kerr County, texas, e~hvrein said Bank i pledged securities in the sum oP $60,000.00 said securities being described as follows; I. 5~ City Kv. Gas System Revenue Bonds, dated 11-1-34, nos. 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 39, 40, 45, 46 B $1,000.00, $12,000.00; II. 4°fo oouth San Antonio L S.D Schoolhouse Bonds, dated) 9-1-34, nos. 24 and 25 8 $1,000.00, due 4-10-1949, $2,000.00; III. City n£ Fredericksburg 4°p Refunding Water & Sewer System Revenue Bonds nos. 126 end 127, dated 3-15-38, due 1-1-60 $1,000.00, ~j2 ,000.00; IV. Zip TNalde County ,, Texas, Roed Bonds, Series 1938, dated 10-15-38, ~' $1,000.00 each. Due 17, 18, 2-10-45; 19,20,21,22,?.-10-46, 23 to 26 incl. 2-10-47; 27 to 30 incl. 2-10-48, $14,000.00; V. 3~; Federal Farm P,i. C. Bonds, dated 5-15-34, due 5-15-49, nos. 13487, 1349K, 1350L, registered in name of L. A. Schreiner, $30,000.00; Total, 60,000.00. ' And St further appearing to the Court that said Chas. Schreiner Hank (Unincorporated) of berr County, Teaas, Sa desirio us of withdrawing the securities above described which were pledged in to original contract of rebr uary 8, 1943, and in lieu thereof to pledge the sum of 12 J