for the sum of $100.00 to be paid out of the Cone rel Fuld, for the sponsoring of said ~ro gram. / Z -o~-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2841. TR/u~iSFI:R OF y5 ,000.00 PROIl7 GENGRAL ROAD s. ARIDGr. FiRSD TO CLrNIItAL FUND This 12th day of ,~uly, A. D. 1943, the County Treasurer of Herr ~oua~y be and 1s hereby authorized and directed to transfer Lhe sum of X5,000.00 from the Road and Bridge Fund of Kerr County, to take enre of the present overdraft and also for the future payment of bills to be filed and paid out of the General Fund. -o- o-o-o - o- o-o- No. 2842. TTRv'E, 1943, MONT?TLY Itl',FORT OF P,iISS IRtf,A ROSS, COUNTY ?iOT.'II: DEMONSTRgT ION AGEtST. :his the 12th day of duly, A. D. 1943, ca ma on to be heard the report of Miss Irma Rosa, County Home Demonstration Agent of Herr uounty, cover ing her services during the month of June, 1943, which re}~o rt having been found satisfactory, be and is hereby accepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o- No. 2843. ORDER AU1?iORI ZING PAY"./,~iT OF COLiI2T REPORTER'S SAi.ARY AT,rD EXI'Ef7SE. Or, this 12th day of July, A. D. 1943, it is ordered by the Court that ~48Fi.88 of the off is lal cu urt reporter's salary for the 38th Judicial llistr ict together with her expense acco is incurred ir, the attendance of Court in Kerr County each year, shall be paid by the County Clerk of Kerr County out of the Jury Fund or General Fund aecordir~ to the following certificate of ^~ District and ge, K. K. Woo dley, beginning Tune 14th, 1943, to-wit: "To trie Ho roc able Comminn sonars Court, June 14th, 1940. Kerr County. Gent semen. TTnd er House Bill 355, Ch. 179, approved April 27, 1943, the salary of the official short- hand reporter is to be apportioned among the Oounties of the District in proportion to the population ec cording to the latest united States decimal census. The amount to l;e paid per month by Counties of the 38th District is as follows; -ledina County, (po nitlnt ion 16,106) $56.33 tNalde " 13,246 46.35 Herr " ^ 11,050 40.74 Zavcrl.e " 11,603 40.58 Kendall 5,G80 17.75 Bandera " 4,234 14.80 n ~ Real ,420 8.45 total , ~28S.-C6 Very truly yours, ffi!"l;~K. K. K. t4oo dley -o -o -o-o -o -o-o-o- No. 2844. APFROVAL OF COUNTY DEPOSITORY CONTRACT FOR ~lOC,000.00. On this 12th day of Suly, 1943, came on to be considered by the Court the matter of the approval of the new Fledge Contract of the Ches. Schreiner oenk (Unincorporated of Kerrvil]e, Texas, as County Depository of Kerr County, Texas, in the sum of $100,000.00 and it appearing to the court that at the February Term of this Court said Chas. Schreiner BanY, tUni ncorporated) entered into a Fledge Contract as County Depository of Kerr County, .axes, v;herein said Bank pledged sec ur its es in the sum of ~'6G ,000.00 said securities being described as follows; I. 5a~o City Kv. Gas System Revenue bonds, dated 11-1-34, nos. 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 39, 4C, 45, 46 0 ~1 ,000.00, X12,000.00; II. 4p ao uth San Antonio L S.D Schoolhouse Bonds, dated 9-1-34, nos. 24 and 25 8 ~1 ,000.00, due 4-10-1949, ,2,000.00; III. City of F2ederic ksburg 4°p Refunding "~7a ter 8. Sewer System Revenue Bonds nos. 126 and 127, dated 3-15-38, due 1-1-60 X1,000.00, ;p2 ,000.00; IV. 2~p Uvalde County, 'Texas, Road Bonds, Series 1938, dated 10-15-38, X1,000.00 each. Due 17, 18, 2-10-45; 19,20,21,22,2-10-46, 23 to 26 incl. 2-10-47; 27 to 30 incl. 2-10-48, X14,000.00; V. 3; F'e decal Farm T,1. C. Bonds, dated 5-15-34, due 5-15-49, nos. ~ i 13485, 1349K, 1350L, registered in carne of L. A. Schreiner, X30,000 .00; Total, 60,000.00. And it further appearing to the Court that said Chas. Schreiner Bank (LTn incorporated) of Kerr County, Texas, is desir io us of withdrawing the securities above described which were pledged in to original contract of Febr uery 8, 1943, and in lieu thereof to pledge the sum of ~ 3 N~100,000.00 in other securities described as follows: Ten $10,000.00 U. S. Treas. Honds 1-3(4$ of 1948, dated 12-1-42, due ti-1o-48, nos. 308 to 317 incl. And it further appearing to the Court that said new Pledge contract wh ereln the above de- scribed $100,000.00 in securities are pledged i6 good end sufficient end should be approved. Therefore on motion duly made, seconl ed and unanimously approved St is ord ared by the Court that said new pledge Contract of the Chas. Schreiner Dank (Unincorporat ed~ as County Depository, Ifs rr County, Texas, be and is hereby in all things approved. -o-o-o -o- o-o -o- o- 2$45. HOARD OF EO,,UALIZATION This the 12th day of July, A- D. 1943, it is ordered by the Court that all tax payers when ', assessments should be raised or lowered, shall be given legal notice by the County Clerk to appear before the eoard of Equalization on the 10th day of August, 1943, to show cause why their assessme nta for 1948 should nut be raised or lowered as the case may be. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes from page 9 to 13, inclusive were read in open Court and found cor- rect and fire hereb in all respects approved by the Co ur t s 1 pug ust, A. D. 1943. ATTEST: C1erk,Coun y r err Dun y, ex s. e o e oun y our u xa . -o-o-o-o-o-o fG.+<% - TH6 STATE OF TEYAG: COUNTY OF & E R R HS IT REIO:l~SRSD, That oa this the 9th daq of August, A. D. 1943, there wee begun and holden a Regular Tarm of the Commissioners' Court of Serr County, Tezee, at the Court House thereof, is the City of Serrvi }le, Tezas, offio ere present: JOHN 3. ATSIIi3, County Judge, Heart' Soka to ln, Co~isaioner, Preo Snot No. 1, D. D. Beard, Comoisei oner, Preainot No. E, ~' MM. Barger , Commiealoner, Preolaat No. 3, W. H. Farr, Commissioner, Prep Snat Ao. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff, and Jno, B, Leavell, County Clerk, end the Court hev ing been regularly ~~' opened the following proceed lags were had, to-wit: ' -o-o-o-o-°- No. 8848. ALLOWANCE OF CLAI)L4 AND ACCOONTS. This the 9th day of August, A. D. 1943, came on to be ezemined by the Court, the various alelma and soaounta filed against Serr County sad Ste' respective Commieaioaera' precincts ~, since the lest term of the Court, sll of whioh claims and aooo ante were approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk is amounts and out of respective Sunda as shown by the Yihutee ' of Accounts allowed for Serr Coanty, Trzas, whioh are made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o- No. E847. SECOND ADVANCEl~NT OF X450.00 to E. H. Niohole, ON HI$ 1943 TAX A386830R'8 CO10[I39I Thia the 9th day of August, A. D. 1943, came on to be considered by the Court the applio- ntion of S. H. Niahole, Assessor and Collector of Taxes for Serr County, for en Advenoe by Ser County of X450.00 on his 1943 Countq Tax Aaaesaor~e Commias ions, and it appearing to the Court that he Ss entitled to sash advance, his appl la::~tioa be and is hereby granted, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and direa tad to pay each advance unto Assessor Niohole ae follows: *s5D.Q0 out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2848. JULY, 1943, REPORT OF CODNTY AGRICULTURAL AGffii'T. ' This 9th day oY August, A. D. 1943, Dame on to be heard the Julq report of R. R. Tippit County Agent, whioh report be and ip hereby eoeopt od nad approved by the Court, sad ordered