2 ~ Henry Ecke Lein, Commissioner, Prec Snot No. 1, ~ D. D. Beard, Commissioner, Precl4ot No, 2, YYm. Karger, Commissioner, Prec Snot No. 3, LY. H. Fur r, Commissioner, Preoinot No, 4, A. F. Noor e, Sheriff and Jno. H. Leave ll, County Clark, and the Court having bean regularly opened the following prooeedinga were had, to-wit: -o-o- o -o-o- o- o- No. 2881. FINAL SETTLEMENT OF 1943 ASSESSOR'S COD9dISSIONS. ` This the 13th day o2 Oo tober, 1943, oame on to be oonsidered by the Court the application of E. H. Nloh ols, Aase ea or and Collector of Taxes for Kerr County, for the full and final sgtt2empat by Kerr County of $351.39 for his 1943 County Tax Assessor's Commissions, and it dppy@r ing. to the Court that he is ant ltled to auah settlement, hie application be sad is hereb granted, find the County Clerk 1a hereby authorized and dir acted to pay Bush final settlement unto Assessor Nichois as follows: $31.53 out of R. & B. Fund;$71.34 out of Jury Fund; $95.88 out of County +~ide Road Bonds of 1931; 28.35 out of County Court House & Sail Fund; $71;34 out of Kerr County Airport Bonds of 1941; end 52.97 out of Road District No. 1, Sinking Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2882, TRANSFER FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT OF OVER PAYMENT OF ASSESSOR'S COEŽiISSION. ~ This the 13th day of October, 1943, the Bounty Clerk and County' Treasurer of Kerr County !! be and is hereby authorized and direoted to transfer the sum of $4.14 from the Road end Bridge I Fund to General Fund for re-lmburBement of over-payment bf Assessor's 1943 8ommissions. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No, 2883. MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK, Tyie the 13th dap of October, 1943, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly expe report of Jno. R. Leevell, County Clerk, for the month of Beets mbar, 1943, showing an aotual and necessary sap apse M $230.85 incurred by him in the conduct of his of flee during said mo of Sapt ember, 1943, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is ant Stied to the expenditure of all the items therein listed, said report ba and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. -o- o-o-o-o- o- No. 2884. STATE OF TEXAS: IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF KERR COUNTY, TEXAS. COUNTY OF KERR: OCTOBER. I3TH, Q. D. 1943. SETTLEMENT WITH TA% COLLECTOR FOR TAX YEAR, 1942 ,ENDING JUNE 30, 1943. IT IS ORDERED by the Court that E. H. Niohols, As sesaor end Collector of Taxes for Kerr Coymty,. Texas, be credited with the Pollowir,g items, uncolleo tad on the current roll,to-wit: Ad Vel orem Yolls Road Sd hool Discounts. Districts Distr iota A}lowed 'total Inaolvents,Form 16 117.18 28.D0 8.17 54,23 20m,58 Err ors,Fog;m 17 81.04 7.25 4.14 48.10 140.53 i?elinouents,Form 18 1059.06 22.00 74.42 339.05 1494.53 Discounts allowed ~ Current Roll $1001.75 1001.75 1$7.28 u'l. 5 86.73 441. r38 1~~. ~7~ 244.39 ?+".~' It is ordered by the Court that E. H. Nichols, Asse ssor and Collector of Taxes for Kerr County, Texas, be charged with the follow ing items, collected is addition to the current roll, to-w it Ad Valorem Supplemental Assessments Collec tiona, Form F 15.09 Insolvent Collections 55.67 Ra demption "Form" 93 1477.84 Polls Road School Penalty Districto Diatrlcto b. Interest Totsl 105.00 .51 26.91 2.75 2.75 1.33 15.25 146.01 450.13 147.51 7.37 69.87 519.21 2608.44