2 ~ Henry Hckatein, Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, ' D. D. Beerd, Commissioner, Pr eciget No. 2, iNm. Karger, Commissioner, Prec inot No. 3, W. H. Furr, Commissioner, Preclnat No. 4, A. F. Woore, Sheriff and Sn o. R. Leavell, County Clerk, end the Court having been regularly opened the following proGeadings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o -o-o- o- o- No. 2881. FINAL 36TTLEMENT OF 1943 ASSESSOR'S COH®iISSI0N5. ' This the 13th day of Dotober, 1943, name on to be considered by the Court the application of E. H. Nioh ols, Asae sa or and Collector of Taaea for Kerr County, for the full and final settlement by Kerr County of 5351.39 for his 1943 County Taa Assessor's Commiaslons, and it d,RpQ@f ing to the Court that he 1s ant ltled to such settlement, hie epplicet ion be and ie he reb granted, end the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay such fin el settlement unto Assessor Nichala es follows: $31.53 out of R. & B. Fund;~71.34 out of Jury Fund; ~95.B6 out of County rJide Road Bonds of 1931; 28.35 out oP County Court House & Jail Fund; =21.34 out of Kerr County Airport Bonds of 1941; and 52.97 out of Road District No. 1, Sinking Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2882. TRANSFER FOR RE-IMBURSEp~NT OF OPER PAYMENT OF ASSESSOR'S COLGMISSION. This the 13th day of October, 1943, the Bounty Clerk end County Treasurer of Kerr County I be and is hereby authorized and direated to transfer the sum of X4.14 from the Road end Bridge Fund to General Fund for re-imbur Bement of over-payment 6f Assessor's 1943 8ommisaions. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No, 2883. MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. '2p.de the 13th day of October, 1943, came on to ba eaamined by the Court the monthly expena report of Jno. R. Leavell, Ce unty Clerk, for the month of Septa mbar, 1943, showing an actual and necessary expense oP $230.85 Sneurred by him in the conduct o2 his office during said monl of September, 1943, and it appear Sng to the Court that Bald County Clerk is entitled to the azpe ndit ure of all the items therein listed, se id report be and Le hereby approved Por its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2884. STATE OF TEXAS: IN COBCdISSIONERS' COURT OF KERR COUNTY, TEXAS. COUNTY OF KERR: OCTOBER. I3TH, Q. D. 1943. SETTLEPilENT WITH TAX COLLECTOR FOR TAX YEAR, 1942,ENDING NNE 30, 1943. IT IS ORDERED by the Court that E. H. Nichols, As se saor and Collector of Taxes Por Kerr CoSUit y,. Taxes, be credited with the following items, uncollected on the current roll,to-wit: Ad Valorem Polls Road Sd hool Discounts Districts Districts Allowed To6s1 Insolvent a,Form 16 117.18 28.00 8.17 54.23 20$,58 Err ors,For,m l7 81.04 7.25 4.1+1 48.10 140.53 Delinc uents,FOrm 18 1059.06 22.00 74.42 339.05 1494.53 Discounts allowed Currant Roll t $1001.75 1001.75 1 7.2~ 5 86.73 44 .3~~~.r7$~44.39 bi:;. It 1s ordered by the Court that E. H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Taxes for Kerr County, Taaea, be charged with the f ollow ing items, collected in addition to the current roll, to-w it Ad Valorem Supplemental Asse rime nts Collec bona, Form F 15.09 Insolvent Collections 55.,67 Redemption "Form" 93 1477.84 Polls Road School ~ Penalty Distristo Diatricto & Inters at Total 105.00 .51 26.91 147.51 2.75 2.75 1.33 7.3'7 69.87 15.25 146.01 450.13 519.2J. 2608.44