2 ~ Henry Eckstein, Commissioner, Prec Snot No. 1, ' D. D. Beer d, Commiasione r, Precinot No. 2, iYm. Karger, Commissioner, Prec inot No. 3, Cf. H. Fur r, Commis eioner, Preoinat No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leave ll, County Clerk, and the Court having bean regularly opened the following progeedinge were had, to-wit: -o-o-o -o-o- o- o- No. 2881. FINAL SETTLEMENT OF 1943 ASSESSOR'S COMMISSIONS. ` This the 13th day of Oo tober, 1943, oame on to be oonsidered by the Court the application of E. H. Niohole, Aesa seer and Col le otor of Taaes for Kerr County, for the full anQ final se~tleapat by KerF Cqugty of 351.39 for his 1943 County Taa Assessor's Commissions, and it ~p~garSgg to tho Court that he is entitled Lo such settlement, hie application be and Sa hereb granted, end the County Clerk ie hereby auth or l2ed and dlr acted to pay suoh fin el settlement unto As sesaor Nichols es follows: $31.53 out of R. & B. Fund;~71.34 out of Jury Fund; $95.88 out of County +fide Road Bonds of 1931; 28.35 out of County Court House & Jail Fund; =71:34 out of Kerr County Alr port Bonds of 1941; and 52.97 out pf Road District No. 1, Sinking Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2882. TRANSFER FOR RE-IMBURSEMENT OF OVER PAYMENT OF ASSESSOR'S COMMISSION. i This the 13th day of October, 1943, the Bounty Clerk and County- Treasurer of Kerr County be end is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $4.14 from the Road and Bridge Fund to General Fund for re-imbur Bement of over-payment bf Assessor's 1943 8o~mcl sa ions. I -o-o -o-o -o -o- No. 2883. MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. Tpis the 13th day of Oatobar, 1943, came on to be eaemined by the Court the monthly expe report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, for the month of 9epte mbar, 1943, showing an actual and ne pessary expense of $230.85 Incurred by him in the conduct of his office during said mo of September, 1943, and it appear Sng to the Court that said County Clark is entitled to the expenditure of all the items therein listed, said report be end is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- o- No. 2884. STATE OF TEXAS: IN COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF KERR COUNTY, TEXAS. COUNTY OF KERR: QCTOBER. I3TH, ¢. D. 1943. SETTLEMENT WITH TAB COLLECTOR FOR TAB YEAR, 1942 ,ENDING JUNE 30, 1945. IT IS ORDERED by the Court that E. H. Nlehols, Assessor end Collector of Taxes for Kerr Co gnt y,... Texas, be credited with the Following items, unc ollea tad on the current roll,to-wit: Ad Valorem Polls Road School Discounts Districts Districts A(W.owed Total Insolvent 6,Form 16 117.18 28.00 8.17 54.23 200.58 Err ors,Form 17 81.04 7.25 4.14 48.10 140.53 Delinouents,Fprm 18 1059.06 22.00 74.42 339.05 1494.53 Discounts ellowed~ CurrentRoll $1001.75 1001.75 1$ 7.20 -~7 .~5 86.73 44 .38 1 0 5 2 44.39 C~;;.. It is ordered by the Court that E. H. Nichols, assessor and Collector of Taxes for Kerr County, Texas, be charged with the foil ow ing items, collected Sn addition to the purr ant roll, to-w it Ad Vel pram Supplemental Asse same nts Collec tione, Form F 15.09 Insolvent Collections 55,67 Ra demption "Form" 93 1477.84 Pglla Road School Penalty Dis.tricis Districto is Interest Total 105.00 .51 26.91 147.51 2.75 2.75 1.33 7.3'7 89.87 15.25 146.01 450.13 519.21 2608.44 lncerasL a lenalLy 6 ~ 2 Collected Current troll 154 .60 123. 0 149'.27 478:3 9 89 6 -oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ' i No. 2855. eiPFROVAL OF STATE AND COUNTY TAX ROLLS FOR 194 3 This 13th day of October, A. D. 1943, came on to be examined by the Court the State and County Tax Rolla for the year, 1943, prepared by Emmet H. Nlo ho la, As sesaor and Colleo for of Taxes for Kerr County, Texas, and same having been found correct and in proper form, same were certified and approved by the Court as shovm by the Court's Cert ifi eats of Approval attached thereto, duly signed by all the mamba rs of this Court, in triplicate. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o- No. 2886. APPROVAL OF DEPOSITORY'S ANNUAL REF ORT OF COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS This the 13th day of October, 1943, came on to be examined by the Court the annual report County School Funds for scholastic year ending August 31st, 1943, to the State Department of cation made by Chas. Schreiner Bank, County Depos lto ry of School Funds, and it appearing to Court that said report is correct as cart if i.ed by the i~posi tory and the County Superintend t, 1 report be and is therefore approved by the Court. -o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o- No. 2887. DALANCL' OF' $3944.37 OF AIRFORT AVAILABLE FUND TRANSFERRED TO CITY OF XERRVIII,E ~~ This the 13th day of Ccto bar, A. D. 1943, came on to be heard the application of the City of Kerrville, for the balance funds in the Airport Avallable Fund for the necessary expenditure in the erection or in the building of the City-County Airport. And it appearing to the Court that such transfer for the necessary expenditures would be just and fair, and that the balance in such fund is ,$3944.37. IT 1S TkfililFORE Ordered, adjudged end decreed that such sum of $3944.37 be drawn from the Airport Available 'r'unds, payable to the City of Kerrville and that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to draw such voucher on the County Tre es urer for such amount. N -o-o-o-o-o-oro-o-o- No. 2888. APFROVAL OF PARTIAL FAY:~3VT TO rI01YAHD-PDFE CO.,CERTIFIED PUDLIC ACCOUNTANTS. On this the 13th day of October, A. D. 1943, came on to be heard the claim of a partial payment of a 21~ year audit in the amount of $400.00, to Hower d-Pope Company, Certified Publ lc Accountants of San enton io, Texas. And it epic ar ing to the Court that said Howard-Pope Compan is anti fled Lo $775.00 for said 2,~ year audit, and a par tiel payment of $400.00 is satiafactor ' et this time. ZT IS THEREFORE Ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the County Clerk draw voucher in the sum of $400.00 on the County Treasurer out oY the General Fund to Cake care of euch partial payment. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes from page 19 to 22 inclusive were read in open Court and found cor- rect and ere here~~b//y in//JJa 11 respects approved by the Court, hi the ~ October, 1943. ATTEST: ({~.i{"~ M C~k, Cp unty o rf oZ unyy, e~T xes Jud- of the oun y ourt, err may, eaa THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF K E R H BE TP REIdEPdBERE D, That on this the 27th dqy of October, A. D. 1943, there was begun and holden a Spec iel Term of the dommissioners' Court of Kerr County, Taxes, et the Court House thereof, in the City of Kerrville, Texas, officers present: ,.,~ JOHN S. ATK INS, - - - - - - - - County Judge, '- _) henry Lcks tein, - - - - - - - - Commie sinner Precin of No. 1, D. D. Beard - - - - - - - - Commissioner Precinct No. 2, A. F. ~Aoore, Sher if Y, and Jno. R, Le avell, County Clerk, and the Court having been speoially oce