6 33 Therefore, upon motion duly made, eeaoaded end sneaimouely adopted, said bonds sad each of thembe end are~herehy approved by the. Court, end eeah of nail ofLlcere are hereby directed to take Lhe proper oath or oaths of offioa as required by law, and ell of said bonds shall be recorded. by the County Clerk in the proper record of his offioa, towit; John S. Atkins, County Judge, ~ , Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, E. H. Niohola, Asaeasor end Collector of Teaea (2 Bonds), E. Cold ~ County Treasurer, A. F. Poore, Sheriff, Gao. M. Doyle, Dlatriat Clerk, D. D. Beard, County Commieaioasr, Prenlnct No. E, D. D. Beard, County .Road Commiealon er, Preaiaat No. 2, Wm. Knrger, County~Coimmlesloaer, Preoinot No. 3, Wm. Karger, County Road Commisalmar, Preoinot No. 3, W. H. Farr, County Commissioner, Preoinot No. 4, W. H. Purr, County Road Commissioner, preoin of No. 4, Bob Bennett, Justine of Peace, Preoinot No. 1, Jeff Duaasn, Coaatabla of Precin of No. ~, John W. Bailey, Justice of peace., prea.lm t No. 4, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2728. APPLICATION FOR DEPDTIES SY COUNTY CLERK. . This 2nd day of danuaxy, 1943, Demo on to ba oopaidared the appliaation of dpo. R. Leavell, Clark of tho County Gourt of Karr County, Tezas, for authority to appoint throe deputies for his general oYfice work, aL a proposed salary not to ezoead $3,300.00 Sa the aggregate, and it appearing to the Court that said County Official is entitled to the deyutlss applied for, and his appl io ation be sad the name is ha raby granted as preyed for. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2727. APPLICATION FOR DEPL7TIE3 BY A88ESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF TAXES. This tad day of January, 1943, came on to be consider ed the applioatioa of E. H. Nichols, , Assessor and Collector oS Taaes of Kerr County, Tezae, for nut hors ty to appoint txo deputise for hie general olfioe work, at a pr opoaed salary not to sensed X3,300.00 in the aggregate, and it eppearin8 to the Court that acid County Official is entitled to the deputise applied for, and hie appl ioatioa ba and the same Se hereby granted as prayed for. -o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- NO. 2728. APPLICATION FOR DEPUPIES BY 3DTR IFF. Thin 2nd day of January, 1943, Dame on to be ooa sidered the applioat ion of A. F. Moore, ~" Sheriff of Kerr County, Tessa, for authority to appoint tiro deput Sae for hie general work, at ' a proposed salary not to ezceed $1000.00 in the aggregate, affi it appearing to the Court that said County Official Ss ontltlefl to the deputise applied ior, a7d hie application be sad the same is hereby granted as prayed for. -o-o-o-ow-o-o-o-o-o- ' N0. 2729. APPLICATION FOR DEPUTY BY DISTRIC T'CLEFdt. Thin Sad day of January, 1943, same as ~to be con aidered the. applloatioa of George M.'~olls D~erYiof tNa,:~latrSoL Court, Kerr Oouaty,._Tezae,.for nuthoritq to appoint ohn~daputy for hie ' general wor k,_at a props sad salary"ant to exceed $ is Lhe aggregate, end it eppa eriag to the Court that, as id County Official is entitled to the deputy applied Por, and hie appliAa'~ ion be and the same Ss hereby granted as prayed for. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ths Foregoing Minutes from Pags 632 to 835, inclusive, were read in open Co ia•t and found correct, end are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, th18 the 11th day of January, r A. D. 1943. TTEST: ~ ~~e1.~( ~- Cierk~(Coun y pQu`~r ,A rr Dun y, 'Lrazae. a aftn~y 4uc .~ . err .,Dun y, ezas. BY ~/to•~RL.cctpJaffp~G+// Deputy. -o-a-o-a.o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-