633 r Therefore, upon motion duly made, saomded and nnanimoualy adopted, Bald bonfle and each of them be and are~he reby approved by the. Court, and. each of said offlaere era hereby directed to take the proper oath or oaths of ofiioe as required bg law, an4 sll of said bonds shall be recorded by the County Clerk Sa the proper record af.hie office, towit: John S. Atkins, ~ County Judge, ~ , Sno. R. Leevell, E. 8. Nichols, County Clerk, Asae asor end Collector of Tessa (2 Bonds), E. Gold County Treasurer, A. F. Moore, Sheriff, Geo. M. Doyle, District Clerk, D. D. Boerfl, County Commiasioaer,~Preofact No. E, D. D. Beard, County Road Commiaeimer, Preoinot No. 2, , wm. Kerger, County~Commiaeloner, Preoinot No. 3, Wm. Karger, County Road Commieaimer, Preoinot No. 3, w. 8. Fnrr, County Gammiesioaer, Preoinot No. 4, W. 8. Furr, County Road'COmmisei oner, Preoinot No. 4, Hob Bennett, Juetioe of Pease, praainat No. 1, t No e in ~ bl f Jeff Duncan, . , o o Consta e o Pr John w. Bailey, Juatioe of Peace, prey font No. 4, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ' N0. 2726. APPLICATION FOR DEPDTIES BY COUNTY CLERK. Thia 2nd dap of Tanuary, 1943, oeme oa to be oonaldered the applloatioa. of Jno. R. Leevell, Clerk of the County Court of $arr County, Teaas, for nut horlty to appoint three deputies Por hie general office work, at a proposed salary not to exceed 13,300.00 in the aggregate, sad it apps er SnB to the Court teat. said County Offia Sal is ant it3sd to the deyut Sea applied for, and hie applioetion be end the same is ho reby granted ea prayed for. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2727. APPLICATION FOR AEPDTIES BY A85ESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF TAXES. This 2nd day of January, 1943, Dame on to be Dods ider ed the application of E. 8. Nichols, Assns nor and Collector of Taxes of Kerr County, Tease, for eut horny to appoint two depot iee for hie general cities work, at a pr opoeed aslary not to exceed 13,300.00 in the aggregate, and it appearing to the Court that said County Offia lei ie ant itled to the deputise applied for, end hie appl ioation be sad the same Se hereby granted ae prayed for. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 2728. APPLICATION FOR DEPSTMES BY 3iER IFF. Thla tad day of January, 1943, name on to be aoa sidarad the appliaet ion of A. F. Moore, Sheriff of Kerr County, Tessa, for authority to appoint two deputies for hie general work, et a proposed salary not to esceed 11080.00 is the aggregate, and it appearing to the Court that said County Official is entitled to the deputise applied for, affi hie applic et ion be and the ie he rebq granted as prayed for. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 2729. APPLICATION FOR DEPUTY BY DISTRICT OLE%. This F,hd day of January, 1943, Dame on to be omffidered the applioatlon of George M.~~py10 rt:of t-ia:~tatriot Court, Kerr County,..Tezea,_for authority to appoint ohacdeputy for hie eral work,,at s proposed salary`nat to eaaeed 1 in the aggregate, end it appearing the Court that, said County Official is entitled to the deputy applied for, end hie appliaa be and the same ie hereby granted as preyed for. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Tha Foregoing Minutes from Page 632 to 633, ino luaive, ware ned Sa open Court and fond root, and are hereby in all reapeots approved by the Court, this the 11th day oP Jaanary, D. 1943. 'EST: xk((ppCoua y ur , Arr' nun y, ~St~./,wcccq?J~i Depot