G~,3,S'- I ahowing en eotunl and naaeaenry azpapae of X7.75 Sor Deasmb er, 194E, iaourred by him in the 1 eonduot of hie office during said month of December, 1942, end it appearing to the Court that jay' ~eaid Taz Assessor and Collector ie entitled to the aapend it urn of all the items the rein: lists said report be end Se hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2734. DECEIC3ER REPORT OF MISS IRMA R099, COiTNTT H01lE DEMONSTRATION AGENT. This 11th day o1 Jenuery, A. D. 1943, came on to be heard the report of Miea Irma Rosa, County Home. Demonstration Agent of Serr County, covering her aervloea during the month of December, 1942, which report having been found set lafactory, be end is hereby eo oepted by the Court. -o-o-o -o-o -o -o -o- N0. E735. DECEIŽER REPORT OF MI99 AUVERNB WARE, COUNTY PDffi.IC HEALTH NURSE. This 11th day of Samar y, A. D. 1942, Dame on to be heard the report of Miea kut+erna County pub lie Health Rurae for Barr County, which repaLt be and Sa hereby aooepted by the Court sad ordered filed by the Couaty Clerk for future reference. ' Y -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2736. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF SUET ICE OF TBE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1, DECEMBER. This Lhe 11th day of Jan uery, 1943, name on to be eaamiaed and audited by the Court N the report of Bab Bassett, Suatiae of the pease of precinct No. 1 of Ee rr County, for the month of Dao ember, 1942, of Crimiml Feea filed, tlnee, Judgment and jury fees collected . showing the sum of X18.00 collected end depnaitad with the County Treasurer, entlt ling him eoaordingto said report to a fee of #12,00, end it appearing to the Court that said report Sa aorreot, same be and ie hereby approved, and. Lhe County Clerk and Country Treasurer are ' ~ therefore authorized and directed to pay unto Juatioe Bennett Lhe said sum of =12.00 es follows: f3.00 out of the Gaaer al Fund and X9.00 out of the Road and Bridge Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2737. DECEMBER REPORT OF MRS. PEARL GRANES,~000NTY CASE WORSER. Th Se llth day of January, 1843, came oh to be heard the report of lira. pearl Grsae a, r _ County Caee Worker for Farr County, wh ioh report bs sad ie hereby aooepted and appro vsd by the Court sad ordered f fled bq the County Clerk for future 'r eterenoe. ~ ~ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2738. The State of Tezas: In Commissignare~ CpurLr Earr County, Texas. Couaty, of E e r r .Sanuary Tarm,..A. D. 1946. Th1a 12th daty_ pf Jauuer y., 1946 ,. Dame on to ba-coneidflred by the Court the provisions of Senate Bill No. 5, Chapter 465, passed at F.Sr st Called Se seion of the 44th Legislature, pre- scribing compeneatlon of District, County and. Pren root .officers, and it appearing to the Court that it Sa the beat interest of .Farr County and 1te offia ere that all of the pietriat, County and Pr ecim t Officers of Earr CpuAty be compensated on the fee basis for the year 1948. It Sa therefore ordered, adjudged and deo reed by the Court that all Die trlc t, County sad Preproot OSPicera of Berr Couaty be. oompen sated. Por their servlo ea during the .year 1946 on a earned fee basis, and until otherwise determined by this Court. And the County Clark shall forward a certified copy of this order to the Comptroller of Public paoounta, Austin, Tazes, as directed in the herein mentioned sot of the Legislature. -o- o-o- o-o-o -o- o-o - N0. 2739. The State of Tezas: In Co~iseionera' Court, Berr County, Tazsa. County of E e r r Saauary Term, A. D. 1943. '