~3r t^ y showing en eotual nad na.oeaaery azpeaae of X7.7.8 for Daoeail:er, 194E, ihourred by him in the eonduot of his office during said month of Deoember, 1942, end it appeeriog to the Court that said Taz Assessor and Colleotor is entitled to the ezpenditure of all the items the rein:liats said report be and is hereby approved for its full amount by tho Court. -oro-o-oro-o -o- N0. 2734. DECEMBER REPORT OF lLISS IRMA ROSS, COUXTT HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT. This 11th day of January, A. D. 1943,. Dame oa to be heard the report of Miss Irma Roea, County Home Demonstratloa Agent of %err County., oovarlag her eervioee during the month of Deoembor, 194E, whioh report having been found set isfactory, be and Sa hereby aaoepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2735. DECL1®8R REPORT OF MISS ADVERNE WARS, CODNTY PDHLIC $EALTH NDRSE. This 11th de,V of Janucu•y, A. D. 1942, Dame on to ba heard the report of Mlea SuYarne Coanty Publio Health Nurse for gerr County, whioh rapalrt be and ie hereby aooepted by the Court and ordered f lied by the County Clerk .for future referenoe. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2736. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF TBE .PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1, DECEMBER. This the 11th day of Jan ue ry ,. 1943, came on to be eaamiaed and audited by the Court the re poet of Bob Bennett, Juat ice of the Pease of Precinct No. 1 of gerr County, for the ' month of December, 1942, of Criminnl Fee e. file d, fines, judgment and jury Ease oolleated showing the sum of =18.00 aolleotgid end deposited with the County Treasurer, enLlt ling him according to acid report to a fee of X12.00, and it appea ricg to the Court that said report is correct, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk and Country Treasurer era therefore authorized and directed to pay unto Juatioe Bennett. the Bald sum of =12.00 ea follows: X3.00 out of the General Fund and X9.00 out of the Hond and Bridge Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- l N0. 2737. DECEMBER REPORT OF MRS. PEARL GRANES,"CO~N'tY CASg WGR%ER. This llth day of January, 1943, same on to be heard the report of Mrs. Pearl Grano a, County Case Worker for gerr County, which report ba and Sa hsreby aooepted and approved Dy the Court sad ordered filed by the County Clark for future referenoe. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0, 2738, The State of Tezas: In Commieaionere~.COU;t,. gerr County, Tesas. County nP % e r r Sanuary Tarm,..A. D. 194D. Tn1s LtWa day_ 9Y ,IaAner y, 1946,-came an to ba. onnaidared by the Court the prov isione OY Senate Bill No. 5, Chapter 465, passed at F1F at Called Se aeinn of the 44th Legislature, pra- acribing compensation of District, County and Precinct officers, end it appearing to the Cour~ that it is the Deat interest of .gerr County and its offio are that all of tqe District, County and precinct Officers of garr,CVUnty be compensated on the feo basis for the year 1945. It is therefore ordered, adjudged end decreed by the Court that all Distrlot, County an8 krapinat OSfiaera of gerr County ha aompensatad.foz their services durln˘ the year 1940 oa e earned Pee basis, and until otherwise determined by this Court. And the County Clerk shall forward a oert121ed copy of this order to the Comptroller of Publio paoounta, Austin, Tezas, ae directed in the herein mentioned sot of the Legislature. -o- o-o- o-~o-o -o- oro - N0. 2739. The Stets of Tezas: In Coarmisaioaera' Court, gerr County, Tazas. Co uaty of g e r r c January Term, A. D. 1943.