G$S- ahoring en eatuel a+d nacnssary ezpenae of X7.75 2or Daoamber, 1942, ineurred by him in the eonduot of'hia offioe during said month of Dooember, 1942, end St appearing to the Court that r-^ j ~ 'said Taz Asseaeor ead.Colleotor is entitled to the eapendlture of all the items the rein.liet said report be sad is hereby approved for itaPUll amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o -a- N0. 2734. DECEMBER REPORT OF MISS IRMA ROSS, COIINTT HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT. This 11th day of January, p. D. 1948,. oeme on to be heard the report of Mies Irma Roae, Couaty Home Demonstration Ageat of %err Couaty., oovering her aervio ea during the month of Deoember, 1942, which report having been found eatiafactory, be end Sa hereby eo aepted by the Court. -o-o-o -o-o-o-o -o- NO. E735. DECEMBER REPORT OF MISS AUVEF2NE WARE, COUNIR PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE. This 11th dap oP Samar y., A. D. 194E, flame on to be heard the report of Miea kuYerne War , County public Health Nurse for gerr Couaty, which repoht be sad ie hereby aooepted by the Court sad ordered iilad by tho County Clark for future reference. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2736. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUST ICE. OF THE .PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1, DECEMBER. ` This the 11th day of January, 1943, acme on to be examined end audited by the Court the repvyt oP Bob Bennett, Juatioa of the peeae of preci net No. 1 of gerr County, Por the month of December, 1942, of Crlmiml Fees filed, Pines, judgment sad jury fees collected • eho wing the sum of X16.00 oolleotod and dapoelted, with the Co mty Treasurer, entitling him according. to said report to a fee of X12., 00, and it eppea ring to the Court that ae id report 1s aorreot, same be sad is hereby approved, pad the Cnnnty Clerk and Country Treasurer are therefore authorized and direntad Lo pay unto Juetiae Hennatt the said sum of /12.00 as •~ iollowe: x3.00 out of the Geaeral Fund end 19.00 out of the Road aad Bridge Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2737. DECEMBER REPORT OF MHS. pEARL GAAN$S, COUNTY CASE WORHER. Th ie llth day of Ja nuarp, 1943, name on to ba hoard the report of Mra. pearl Grans a, County Caee Worker Por gerr County, which report bs end ie hereby aooepted and apprnved by (~' th C t d D t t t i C e our sa ordered f led g urere erenoe. he County lerk for Pu • -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2738. The State of Tazea: In Commissivnare~ .Court,. %err County, Tezas. County. of % e rr ; ~enuary Tarm,..A. D. 1940. This ltth de~y_ 9P JaAaar y, 1940 ,. flame nn to be. onasidered by the Court the prov iaioae of Senate Bill No. 5, Chapter 465, passed at FSFat Called Se eaion of the 44th Legislature, pre- scribing compeneatlon oP Diatriot, County end Prec in at oificera, and it appearing to the Cour that it Ss the Deat lntereat of %err County and 1ta vff io ere that all of the Dietr iat, County and preoim t Officer@ of Harr County be compensated on the Lae baste for the year 1940. It is the rafore ordered, adjudged and deo re ed. by the Court that all DSatrla t, County sad .. Rreclnot Otficera oP Harr Couaty bo compensated,far their aervioea during Lha year 194B~ on ' a earned Pee bsaie, and until otherwise determiaefl by thla Court. And the County Clerk sha]1 forward a certified copy of this order to the Comptroller of ~ ~ Public Aooount a, Austin, Tezes, ae directed Sn the Derain meat toned flat of the Legislature. -o- o-o- o-~o-o -o- o-o - N0. 2739. ' The 3tata of Tezas: In Co~isaionera' Court, gerr County, Tszae. County of g a r r January Term, A. D. 1943. ' Thia_the 11th day of January, 1943, it appearing to.tha Gourt..that Dr, John Dee Jaokaon G 3:6 is a competent and native physician of Kerrville,. Texas, legally qualified to praoti@e..mediain under the laws of the State of Taaas, and fie Sn ell respects qualified to eot.as County Hah~th Officer in and for,%err County, Teaea.; and,. said Dr. John Dee Jackson. be and fie therefore appointed by the Court ae County Realth Offlcar,oi Kerr_Cqunty, for a period of two years or until his aucoesaor is appointed end qualified, unleae sooner removed. from office for aquae, and said Dr. Jackson upon qualifying as required by law shall receive such compensation for aervioes actually rendered as this Court may allow from time to time. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2740. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF TAE COUNTY DODGE. This 11th day of January, 1943, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that the salary of John S. Atkins as County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, be and is hereby fized at the following amount for the current year, 1943, as follows: pa County Judge the sum of x1320.00 par annum. Said salary of =1320..00 as such County Judge be paid unto Judge Atkins by the County Glerk cut of the Road and Hridge Fund in equal monthly installments of x110.00 each, payable on or after the lest day of each calendar month beginning January 31st, 1943. -O-O-O-O -o-O-a-O-a- N0. 2741. ORDER FI%ING SALARY OF COIINfY CLERK. Thia..tha 11th day of January, 1943, it 7a ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the County Clerk of Karr County be and is hereby fizad,.at 9II aggregate sum of x1900.00 for the current year, 1943, provided by the 1942-1843 budget, as follows: x3,i5py.00 par annum as County Clerk, x250.00 per annum .for keeping the finanoo ledger and x100.00 par annum for indezing. Said salary shall be paid out of the General Fund in.monthly installments of x158.33 each, paya8aa on or after the last day of eagh aalend~F month, beginning January 31st, 1943, with proper warrants on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2742. ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLERr.'S SALARY. On this the 11th day of January., 1943, it Ss ,ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the Dlatrict Clerk of Kerr County be and is hereby fized ae_prwuled by the 1942-1943 budge et the sum of x720.00 per annum, for the current year, 1943, which salary shall be paid undo the District Clark 1n 12 monthly installments of x60.00 each, out of the 60IIere1 Fund Dy pro- er warrants drawn by the Connty Clerk on or after Lhe last day of each month's aervioes on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2743. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF COIINTY ~BTORNEY. '~ On this the 11th day of January, 1943, it is ordered hydtdacreed by the Court that the salary of the County Attorney for the current year, 1943, ba and is hereby Sized ea provided by the 1942-1943 County Budget, at the sum of x360.00 perennum, to bo.g~id out of the General Fund in twelve monthly installments of x30..00 each by pro par warrants dresim by the County Clerk Ion the Connty Treasurer on or after the last day of eaohoalendar month beginning January 31 et 1943. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2744. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF 3IISRIFF AND JAIL GUARD OF KERR COUNTY. This 11th day of January, 1943, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that the Sheriff~a salary for the our rent year, 1943, ba and is hereby $'fized as provided by the 1942-194p~ Count .Budget at the sum of xE000.00 per annum, ea follows: .