This.. the 11th day of January, 1943, it appearing to.the Court,. that Dr. John Dee Jao~eon G 3;~. is a competent and active physician of %errville, T6Xas, legally qualified to practioe.:medlain under the laws of the State of Texas, and is in all raspeota qualified to County gah~Lh Officer in and for.%err County, Texas; and, said Dr. John Dea Jaokson be aid is therefore appointed by the Court ea County Health Officer,oi %err..000ntp, for a period of two years or until his auaneaeor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed from office for cause, and said Dr. Jackson upon qualifying as required by law aha ll receive aaoh compensation Por services actually rendered ea this Court may allow from time to time. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2740. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. This 11th day of January, 1943, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that the salary of Sohn 3. Atkins as County Judge of %err County, Texas, be and is hereby fined at the following amount for the nurrent year, 1943, as follows: Aa County Judge the sum of .$1320.00 par annum. Said salary of $1320.00 as such County Judge be paid unto Judge Atkins by the County Clerk out of the Road and Bridge Fund in equal monthly lnatallmenta of $110.00 each, payable on or after the last day of each oelendar month beginning January 31st, 1943. -o-o-o-o -o-o-p-o-o- N0. 2741. ORDER FI%ING SALARY OF COUNTY CLER%. T111a~Lha.llth day of Sanuary, 1943, it ie ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the County Clerk of %err County ba end is hereby ea aggregate sum of $1900.00 for the current year, 1943, prpYidad by the 1942-1943 budget, as follows: $1i50i.0D par annum sa County Clerk, $250.00 per annum .for keeping the finanoa ledger and $100.00 per annum for indeaing. Said salary shall be paid out of the General Fund inmonthly inetellmenta of $158.33 each, payablo on or after the last day of aaoh nalendgS.7nonth, beginning January 31st, 1943, with proper warrants on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2742. ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLERx'S SALARY. On this the 11th defy of January., 1943, 1t is,orderad by the Court that the annual salary of the District Clerk of %err County be and is hereby fized ea prw,~ded by the 1942-1943 budge at the sum of $720.00 per annum, for the ourrant year, 1943, which salary shell ba paid unmo the District Clerk in 12 monthly installments of $80.00 sash, out of the General Fund by pro- er war rents drawn by the County Clerk on or after the last day of each eonth's sarvioea on County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2743. ORDER.FI]1ING.SALARY OF COUNTY.I~TORNEY. On this the 11th day of January, 1943, it Se ordered aIIdtdaoreed by the Court Lhat the salary of the County Attorney for the ourrent year, 1943, be and. is hereby fized as provided by the 1942-1943 Cou~y Hudget, at the sum of $380.00 perennum, to be ~11d out of the General Fund in twelve monthly inatallmente of $30..00 aaoh by pro par warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the last day of aaoh calendar month beginning Sanuary 31st 1943. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2744. ORDER FLYING SALARY OF RIFF AND JAIL GUARD OF %ERR COUNTY. This 11th day of January, 1943, SL is ordered and dearead by the Court that the Sheriff' salary for the our rant year, 1943, ba and is .here by fined as provided by the 1942-1941 Count! Hudget at the sum of $$000.00 per annum, ea follows: . 63, I =540.00 per a.cwuA ea Ja1L.C.uard of $,errCouaty. Said @AL ire salary to ba paid. by the County Clerk to .Sheriff A. F. 1[oora out of the General Fund, in Twelve monthly inatallmanta of 168.86 eaoh by proper warrants drawn oa the COUaty Treasurer on ,or after the last day of eaoh month beginning January 31st, 1943. And a4id Sheriff shall be further allowed the sum of aeveat~-d0a6ac peY :~ayafor,; board-'.. iqg eaoh. prlaoner in the Co uhty Jail glue fifteen aenta per day for safe-keeping eaoh prison -o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o b- i N0. 2745. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S CON6(I93I0 N. This 11th dap of January, p. D. 1843, it ie or derad by the Court that the commission of Lhe County Treasurer for the ourrent year, 1943, she 1T be and is hereby tized accordiagly::at the rate of 2~ on all receipts and dish uraementa, not to ezoead however, the sum of =143.33 for any month, or, the aggregate of #1720.00 fox the year, 1943, and ae id County Tres surer shall draw eaoh month's eommlaa ion of X143.33 ea earned. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- I NU. 2748. ORDER FI%INC SALARIES OF CO1afISSIONERS. This llth day of January, p. D. 1943, it is ordered and dearead by the Court that the compensation of the Commies ions rs of $err County be and Sa hereby fined by the Court for the ourrent year, 1943, according to the 1942-1943 County Budget, ea follows: Eaah oomtaieaionar shall reoeiva =5.00 per day ae per diem for each day served by him a8 a member of the Commisaioaers~ Court to ba pald out of the General Road and Bridge Fuhd, sad each Commissioner shall further r@oeive X5.00 for each day served in the inspection effi auper• vision of County Roeda, same to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of hie reapeative Prec root, provided however, that the total compensation or salary of eeah,Commise inner shell not ezoead the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Oommisa SOner of Precinct No, 1 the sum of X1,200.00 for the year 1943, Commissioner oP Prec irm t No. 2 the sum of700.00 for the year 1943, Commlasionar of Prealmt No. 3 the sum of 5700.00 for the year 1943, Commissioner of Precinct No. 4 the sum of 1000.00 far the year 1943, -a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- NU. 2747. RE-E9EPLOYYEETP OF IRVIN PARS AS COIIRT BOSS$ AND JAIL TAnITOR. This 11th day of January, p. D. 1943, it appearing to the Court that Irvin parka has rendered satiafaotory service Sh the pastas Courthouse sari Jeil auatodian for gerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said Irvin Parka be end Ss he re re-employed for the ourrent year, 1943, and his salary is hereby fized by the Court at the a of =70.00 per month. And the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and direo tad to issue and deliver unto aaid parka oh or after the 15th and lest day6 of aflah month beginning Janus 15th, 1943, a war rent on the County Treasurer against the General Fund for the sum of =36.OC covering his semi-monthly salary. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o- N0. 2748. RE-ENPLOYMENT OF BILLIE LOII ACAI,IN AS COUNTY JUDGE'S ASSISTANT. This 11th day of January, A. D. 1943, it appearing to the Court that Millie Lou Yal Sn ha rendered ea tiefaotory service in the Beat ae the County Judge's Assistant for $err County, whereupon, on motion made, aecon4ad end unanimously adopted, said Billie Lou 11x1 in be and la her aby re-employed for the ourrent year, 1943, and her sale ry is hereby flaed by the Court at the sum of X50.00 par month. And the County Cler$ be sad 1s hereby authorized affi direate~ to inane and dal iver unto said Yiae Billie Lou ELal1A on or after the lest day of each calends month beginning Janus ry 31st, 1943, a warrant on the0ounty Tre seater ageiast the Dene ral Fua~