6 3 ~ 560.00 per aAnuq ae Ja il..GNard, of gerr Co untq. ., Said apt iro salary to ba paid by the County Clark to Sheriff A. F. Moore out of Lhe r, General gund in Twelve monthly inatallmenta o1 X186.66 eaoh by proper warrants drawn oa the County Treasurer on ,or aster the last des; qS aaoh month beginning January 31st, 1943. And said Sheriff shall bo further allowed the sum of eevent~-aAaOac get ;day%`fdr;:bgard-'~: ' - - Sqg eeah prisoner in the County Tail plus fiStem oente per day Sor safe-keeping eaoh prisons -o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o b - N0. 2745. ORD$t FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S CW®(ISSIA N. This 11th day of January, A. D. 1943, it is or derad by the Court that the oommiseion of the County Treasurer for the current year, 1943, aha1T be and Se hereby fined ecoordingly.~et.^ the rate of 2~ on all receipts and diabur sementa, not to exoeed however, the sum oP 143.33 Por any month, or, the aggregate of ~1720.Op for the year, 1943, and said County Treasurer i shall draw each month's commies ion of 5143.33 as earned. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Nu. 2748. ORDER FIXING SALARIES OF CONESISSIONER9. ~ - Thia llth day o2 January, A. D. 1943, it is grdarad and deo read by the Court that Lhe ~ compensation of the Commissions rs of Kerr County be and Sa hereby Pined by the Court for the our rent year, 1943, aooording to Lhe 1942-1943 County Budget, as follows: Eeah aommisaioner shall raoeive ;5.00 per day ae par diem for each day served by him as a member of the Commiasloners' Court to be paid nut of the General Road and Hridge goad. sad each Commissioner shall further raoeive f5.00 for each day served .in the iaepaot ion eai super vision o2 County Reseda, same t0 be paid out of the Road and Bridge goad of hie reapeative Prec root, provided however, that the total oompeaeation or salary of eaoh,COmmies loner aha 11 • not eaoeed the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commiaa loner oP Precinct No, 1 the swo of #1,200.00 ~'or the year 1943, Commissioner oP Preoiact No. 2 the sum of X700.00 for the gear 1943, Oommia sinner oP Preoim t No. 3 the sum of 0700.00 for the year 1943, Commieaionar of Preainot No. 4 the sum oP OlAA0.00 for the year 1943, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- l NA. 2747. RE-ED4PLOYlAF.NT OF IRVIN PARKS AS COIIRT NOU9$ AND JAIL JAn2TOR. Thia 11th day aP January, A. D. 1943, it app eering to the Court that Irvin parka hen rendered satisfactory aervlce in the peal ae pourtho use and Jail ouatodian Por gerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seoonded and unanimously adopted, said Irvin Parka be and Se he i'eb re-employed Por the our rent year, 1943, sad his salary is hereby Sized by the Court at the a of ;70.00 per month. And the County Clerk bs aM is hereby nut hori zed and direotad to issue sad deliver unto said parks on or after the 15th 4nd last days oP eeah month beginning Jenuar 15th, 1943, a warrant os the County Tres~urer against the General goad for the sum of 035.00 oovering his semi-monthly salary. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o- N0. 2748. RE-EEII'LOYMENT OF HILL IE LOU MAI.IN AS COUNTY JUDGE'S ASSISTANT. Thia 11th day of January, A. D. 1943, it appearing to the Court that }illie Lou llsl in ha rendered satisfaotory aervSae in the peat sa the County Judge's Assistant for Kerr County, whereupon, on motion made, aeoonRed and. unenimo ualq adopted, said Billie Lou 11e1 in be end is hereby ra-employed for the aurrent year, 1943, and her sa]e.rq ie hereby Sized by the Court at Lhe sum o2 $50.00 per month. And the County Clerk be sad 1a hereby authorized and direote to leans sad dal Suer unto sold Nise Billie Lau Asalln on or after the last day of each aelendd month beginning Tanvary 31st, 1943, a warrant on Lhe County Treasurer against the Cene ral Fun .,.- .._ -.._ ~ rte.. .... _____,__ ~__ ___...,__ __.___