6 3 ~ xb40.00 per agnum ea.Jail..Guard of gerr County. Said adtt i,r.e salary to be paid by the County Olark Lo Sheriff A. F. Moore out of the OeAaral FuM SIt Twalva monthly inatel.lmants of x186.86 eaoh by proper warrants drawn on the County Treasurer on~or after the last day of eaoh month beginning January 31st, 1943. And said Sheriff shall be Pur Cher allowed the sum of aevent~-dlaCacpeY .da9~'fdr,. board-' - iAg eaoh prisoner in the County Jail plus. fifteen oenta per day Por safe-keeping eaoh pr isone -o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o b - N0. 2745. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COMMIS4ION. Th 1a 11th day of January, A. D. 1943, it is ordered by the Court that the commission of the County Treasurer for the current year, 1943, eha lY be and 18 hereby Pized accord ingly>at.^ the rate of 2,~ on all receipts and disbar sementa, not to eaoeed however, the sum of x143.33 Tor any month, or, the aggregate of x1720,Op Por the year, 1943, and ea id County Treasurer ~ shall draw eaoh month's oommisslon of =143.33 ea earned. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- NU. 2746. ORDER BIXING SALARIES OF COMMI39IONEA3. r- Thia llth day oP January, A, D. 1943, it is ordered end dao read by the Court that the compensation of the Commissions ra of %err County be end Sa hereby fined by the Court for the current year, 1943, according to the .1942-1943 Couatq Hudgat, as follows: Eeoh aommissioner shall raoeive x5.00 per day sa par diem for each day served by him ae e member of the Commisaionera~ Court to be paid out of the General Road and Bridge Fund, sad each Commissioner shall further raoeive x5.00 for each day served .ia the laspeot ion sal super vision of Co ante Roeda, same to be paid out oS the Road an$ Hridge Fund of hie reapeotive Prec inat, provided however, that the total compensation or salary of eaoh,Commiea loner ahail not exceed the Pollowing emounta agreed upon, to-wSt: Commisa igner of Prsainct Nd.. 1 Lhe sum of x1,200,00 ~'or the year 1943, 4 Commissioner of Prec root No. E the sum of x700.00 for the year 1943, OoIDmiasioner of Preolm t No. 3 the sum of x700.00 for the year 1943, Commissioner oP Precinct No. 4 the sum of x1000,00 for the year 1943, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~ l NU. 2747. RE-EBLPLOYYENT OF IRVIN PARKS A3 COIIRT HOUS$ AND TAZL JAs2TOR. Thia 11th day of Jenua ry, A. D. 1943, it appearing to ffie Court that Irvin parka hen rendered eatiaPeatory aervioe Sa the past ea Courthouse sal Jail custodian Por Derr County, whereupon, on motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said Irvin Parka De end Sa he reb re-employed for the current year, 1943, end hie salary Se hereby fized by the Court at the a of x70.00 per month. And the County Clerk be end is hereby authorized end directed to Sasue end deliver unto said parks on or alter Lhe 15th and lest d~a of eaoh month beglnniag Jenuar 15th, 1943, a warrant on Lhe County Tresaur er egainat the Cane ral Fund Sor the sum of x35.00 covering hie semi-monthly salary. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- N0. 2748. RE-EMPLOYMENT OF BILL IE LOU MALIN AS COUNTY JIIASE'S ASSI STAN'P. Th ie 11th day oP January, A. D. 1943, it appearing to the Court that ~1llie Lou Malin ha rendered ea tiafaotory service Sn the gnat ae the County Judgs'e Assistant for Barr County, whereupon, on motion made, aecon~ed sal uaanimoualq adopted,.. said Billie Lou Malin be and is hereby re-employed for the current year, 1943, and her Bala ry is hereby fized by the Court at the sum of x50.00 par month. And Lhe County Clerk be sad is hereby authorized affi directs to leans end del aver unto said Mien Billie Lou Malin on or after the lest day of each oelend! month beginning January 31st, 1943, a warrant oa the Oounty Treasurer egalnat the General Fua .,,- .._ -.._ ~ ate.. ~.. _____,__ ~__ ___..., _. __,___