G 9 3 A. F. Moore, 9ieriff, and Jno. R. Leaven, County Clerk, and the Court having bean regularly opened, the following prooeedinge were hRd, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2771. AIbOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 8th day of a,a roh, A. D. 1943, Dame on to be examined by the Court, the various ~clai and acoounta filed against Barr County end its' respective Commis slo ner a` precinc is since the last term of the Court, all of whioh claims and accounts were approved by the Court far pay- ment by the County Clark in amounts and out of respective funds as shown by the Minutes of po oo ants allowed for Barr County, Texas, wh lop ;re made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2772. pPPROVA2 OF TA% ASSESSOR ASSD COLLECTOR`S MONTHLY REPORT OF FEBAUp1@Y, 1943. This the 8th day of March, A. D. 1943, came on to ba ezemim d by the i;ou rt the monthly expo nee report of E. H. Nichols, Tex Assessor and Collector for the month of >•abraery, 1943, showing an so fuel and neoea~ery expense of $99.50 lnour red by him in the conduot of hie off toe during said month of February, 1943, and It appearing to the Court that said report be and ie where by approved fox the Yull amount bq the Court. i -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2773. APPROVAL OFTAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR'S MONTRLY REPORT OF JANUARY, 1943. This the Bth day oP March, A. D. 1943, came on to be examined by the Courb the monthly expense report of E. H. Nichols, Tex Assessor and Collector for the month o1 January, 1943, spewing an ac~uel and ne cos eery eap® sa of x323.80 incurred by him in the conduot of his off during said month of January, 1943, and it appearing to the Court that geld report be and Sa hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- 2774. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLER%'S MONTHLY REPORT OF ]!EBRUAR°, 1943 This the 8th day of March, A. D. 1943, gimme on to be ezamined by the Court the monthly ezponse report of Jno. R. Le avail, County Clark, for the month oY gebrua ry, 1843, showing an aotual and neoessary asps nee of x205.04 in ourred by him in the co nd not of his office during e< month of February, 1943, end it appearing to the Covrt that said w arty Clerk is entitled to t ~ expenditure of all the items ther sin list ad, said report be and is he r9 bq approved for its fu7 by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- ENO. 2775. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF TAE PEACE, PRECI^CT N0. 1, FEARIIpR•~, 1943. ~ Thls~the 8th day of March, A. D. 1943, creme on to be exemin ed end audited by the Court th 'ire pout of Bob Bennett, austice of the peaoe of Preo iitot No. 1, of nerr Cou~y, Texas, for the • ' i~:onth of Feb xuary, 1943, of Criminal Fees Filed, Fines, Judgment and Jury Feea collected show- ing the sum of x13.10 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, ant Stling him to, 'acoording to said report, a Pee bf .=6.00 „ affi it appearing to the Court that said report is ~oorreat, same De and Sa hereby approved, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer are therefo uth orized affi directed to pay unto Justine Bennett the said sum oP x6.00 ea follows: x3.08 out of the Road and 132'id ge Func7 and x3.00 out of the General Fu~• -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~- No .. 2776. APPROVAL OF WUNTY DEPOSITORY BOND FOR x60,000.00 ~ Th ie nth day of March, 1943 came on to be ezeminad by the Court the pledge Con front of Charles Sohr einer Hank, (Uninoorporated) of %errville, Texa e, plsdgi~ unto Barr County, 12,000.00 worth of 5~ City of %e rrvilla Cos System .Revenue Bond a, dated ll-1-34, Nos. 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 39, 40, 45, 46 at x1,000.00 ea nh, and x2000.00 worth of 4~i South Sac