warrants issued by the County Clerk, on or after the last day of eaoh month baglnningf January ~ i ~/ :51st. 1944. -o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o- No. 2930. DEPUTY ALLOiNANCE TO 31-IERIFF A. F. Pd00RE FOH DEPUTY YAT l":ASHBURN. This the 10th day of January, A. D. 1944, came on to be considered by the Court the matte of an allowance to Sheriff A. F. Moore for '+is office deputy, and it anp ear ing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to a deputy allowance sufficient to pay his office depute, during the current ,ear, 1944. 3eid SheriYf i:: therefore granted an allowance of $720.00 per annum out of the General Fund for the purpose of hir ing an o£f ice deputy, as provided by the 1944 County Dudget, and same shall be paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy Pet Washburn or his successor in eoual monthly installments of $80.00 each out of the Cene ral Fund, upon prope warrants issued by the County Clerk, on or after the last dqv o£ each month beginning Jsnuory 31st, 1944. _p_p_p_p _p _e b _~_ No. 2931. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COI~:ISSIO N. This 10th day ~f January, A. D. 1944, it is ordered by the Court that the commission of the County Treasurer for the current year, 1944, shall be and is hereby fixed accordingly at the rate of try on all receipts end disbursements, not to exceed haw ever, the sum oY $150.00 for any month, or, the eP,gragate of $1A00,OD for the year, 1944, and said County Treasur ar s draw each month's conaaission of $150,00 as earned. -o-o-o-o -o -o-o -0- 2932. ORDLR FIXING SALARY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. This the 10th day of January, 1944, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the County ++ttorney for the current year, 1944, be and is hereby fixed as provided by the 1943- ~ 1944 County Budget, at the sum of $900.00 per annum, to be ra id out of the General Fund in twelve monthly installments of $75.00 each by pro yer warrants drawn by Lhe County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the last day of each calendar month beginning Ta nue ry 31st,1944. -o-o -o -o -o-o-o-o- 2938. OHD3R FIXING SHLARIES OF COfS,:ISSIONERS This the 10th day of January, A. D. 1944, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that the Compensation of the Commissioners of Kerr County be and is hereby fixed by the Court for the current year, 1944, according to the 1943-1944 County Budget, as Pollows: Each commissioner shell receive $5.00 I:er day as per diem for each day served Ly him as e :ne ~~~ber oP the Commissioners' Court to be paid out of the Cenaral Road and Br ldge Fund, and eae Co:mnissio ner shall further receive $5.00 for each day served in the inspection end supervision of County +~ofl ds, same to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of his respective Precinct, provided however, that the total compe ns~~tion or salary of each Commissioner shall not exceed the follaJii ng amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of ;rec ir.et No. 1 the sum of $1,200.00 for the year, 1944. Commissioner of Precinct No. 2 the sum of $700.00 for the year, 1944 Commissio ner of Precinct No, 3 the sum of $700.00 for the year, 1944 Co:nmissio ner of Frecinet No. 4 the sum of $1000.00 for the year, 1944 -o-o-o-o-o-n-o- No. 2934. RE-EMPLOYMENT OF .'+II2S. BILLIE LOU CUL'NELL AS COUNTY JUDGE'S ASSISTANT. This the 10th day of January, A. D. 1944, it appearing to the Court that Mrs. Billie Lou Colwell has rendered satisfactory service in the past as the County Judge's Assistant for Kerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seconded and unenimo usly adopted, said A7r s. B111 ie Inu G~ulwe ll 6e and 1s hereby re-employed for the current year, 1944, and her salary is he raby fixes