warrants issued by the County Clerk, on or after the last day of eaoh month begianing!Jenuary ~ i 3~ 31st, 1944. -o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o- No. 2930. DEPUTY ALLO:rANCE TO S"-IERIFF ..v. F. Pd00RE FOR DEPUTY PAT ~^.ASHBURN. This the 10th day of Jenua ry, A. D. 1944, came on to be considered by the Court the matte of an allowance to 6her iff A. F. Ninore for ',is office deputy, and it anp ear ing to the Court that the Sherii'f is entitled to a deputy allowance sufficient to pay his office deputy, during the current year, 1944. Said SheriYf 1s therefore grante3 an allowance of 720.00 per annum ~'~,, out of the General Fund for the purpose of hir ing an oPf ice ioputy, as provided by the 1944 I'i County Budget, and same shall be paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy Pat Washburn or his successor in equal monthly installments of 60.00 each out of the General Fund, upon prope warrants issued by the County Clerk, on or eater the last day of each month beginning January 31st, 1944. -0-0-0-0-O-O-e-O- No. 2931. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COAMf.ISSIO N, This 10th day of Jaiwary, A. D. 1944, it is ordered by the Court that the commission of '~ the County Treasurer for the Current year, 1944, shall be and is hereby fixed accordingly et '~ the rate of 20 on ell receipts end disbar semen ts, not to exceed however, the sum of j150.00 ' for any month, or, the eggr agate of $1800.00 for the year, 1944, and said County Treasurer shal draw each moi•.t h's commission of 'y"150.00 as earned. -a-o-o -o -o -o-o -o- [vo. 2932. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY, This the 10th deg of January, 1944, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the County attorney for the current gesr, 1944, be and is hereby Fixed as provided by the 1943- 1944 County Budget, at the sum of ~9DD.GC Per annum, to be Paid out oP the General Fund in twelve monthly installments oY ~`75.GG each by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the Treasurer on or after the last day of each calendar month beginning Ja nuery 31st,1944. -o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o- b. 2938. ORDL:R FT%ING SALARIES OF CO1Vf.3SSI ONERS '~ This the 10th day of January, A. D. 1944, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that theI Compensation of the Commissioners of Kerr County be and is hereby fixed by the Court for the current year, 1944, according to the 1943-1944 County Budget, as follow s: ; Each commissioner shall receive §5.00 per day es per diem Por each day served by him as e member of the Commissioners' Court to be paid out of the Cenaral Road and Bridge Fvnd, and eac Co timissio ner shall further receive y$5.00 far each day served in the inspection and supervision of County +~oads, same to be paid out oP the road and Bridge Fund of his respective Precinct, pr ov lded however, that the total compensation or salary of each Commissioner shall not exceed the Yollowi n~; amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of ;reciret No. 1 the sum of 9~1 ,200.00 for the year, 1944. Commissioner of Precinct No. 2 the sum of 700.00 for the year, 1944 Commis slo ner of Precinct No. 3 the sum of ~7CD.G0 for the year, 1944 Commissioner of Precinct No. 4 the sum oY $1000.00 for the year, 1944 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2934. RE-EMPLOYMEN2' OF MRS. BILLLE LOU CUL'1TELL AS COUNTY NDGE'S ASSISTANT. This the 10th day of Tan uary, A. D. 1944, it appearing to the Court that Mrs. Billie Lou Colwell has rendered satisfactory serv ioe in Lhe past as the County Tudg e's Assistant for Kerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seoonded and unanimously adopted, said P,1r s. Billie Ina Colwell be and is hereby re-employed for the current year, 1944, end her salary is hereby fixe