No. 2939. CERTIF IC.ITES OF CANCNF.L;ITION , !~ This the 14th day of Febr mery, s. ll. 1944, cane on to be ex^,m fined by the Court „ Certifl- cates of Cance ].l ation, Collector's Number 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43, presented to the Court by E. H. Nichol:;, Tax Collector of rierr County, and it appearing to the Court that tha reasons set out in said Certificates for the Cancellation of the taxes therein listed are good and suffic- lent. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said Certificate be granted and signed by the County Judges. -o-o-o-o-o-a-o- No. 2940. COURT'S itECESS. February 14th, 1944. it is hereby ordered by the Court that the Current Term of Court be recessed until Tuesda$ ~I February 15th, 1944 at 10:00 o'clock A. L.. for the Furp ose of considering the matters oP the County Treasurer's C.'unrterly Aenort and other matters that may be presented to the Court. i -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- I No. 2941. CCURT ;iEC ON'VENLD. February 15th, 1944. curs ua nt to adjour nme nttaken by this Court the 14th day of February, 1944, Court re-co r.- ve ned this F'ebr uary 15th, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock A. Il4. with the following oT'T'i cars present: SOIIN S. ATKIN S, - - - - - - - County 3udge, YENRY ECKST,E2N, - - - - - - - Commis sione r Precinct No, 1, ~~' ~, D. D. BEARD, - - - - - - - - Commissioner Precinct No. 2, i 'iJ:d. KAR GER, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner Precinct No. 3, ', 'i!. H. FiR2R, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner Precinct No. 4, A. F, Ywfoor e, Sherif Y, and Jno. R, Leavel]., County Clerk, and the fo ll ox ing proceedings were ~I had to-wit: ' -O-D-e-n-O-O- No. 2942. MONT4LY REPORT OF Ci)UNTY 30A'lE DEI+IONSTRATION AGENT ! This the 16th day of February, A. D. 1944, name on to be heard the report of Tdiss Irma ` •~os s, Cc unty home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, Texas, cover in,' her services duri-.g the :no nth of Jahuary, A. D. 1944, whioh report having been found satisfactory, be and is hereby found satisfactory, be end is hereby accepted by the Court. i -o-o-o_o-o-o- ~ No, 2943. APFROVAI. OF GUUNTY TREASURER'S riEiOCtT FOfi ~UARTIsit ETuDING JAI3IJARY 31ST, 1944. This 16th day of February, A. D. 1944, came on to be examined and audited by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, County Treasurer, covering the receipts and disbursements of Rerr Count y'for quarter ending Tanuery 31st, 1944, and it appearing to the Court after car of ul and thorough eaaa inetion and inspection of se id report together with the cancelled warrants, checks bonds and coupons accompanying same, that said report is true and correct, in every re- spect, and same _be and is hereby approved in open Court, ell as is shoypi by the Cer of io ate oY Approval signed by the Court end attached thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said re- port ire the loose-leaf record in his office and file such cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons in his office for safe-keeping and future reference. I -o-o-o-o-o-o- 2944. API ORTIO N"..4:NT OF 10,000.00 OF TrIE GESSFA AL ROAD &. I:RIDGE FUND OF KERR COUNTY This the 15th da3' oŁ February, A. D. 1944, be and it is ordered by the Court that :~IO,COC,00 of the unappo rtioned Road ~ Bridge Funds of Kerr County, be hereby apn or tinned and ' credited to the respective Commissioners' precincts of _Eerr County 1n the following proport- ions, viz: '~ To R & B Fund of 72 ec inet No. 1, 35y~, - - - - yi35C0.00 'lo R & B Fund of Precinct No. 2, 15~; - - - - ;1500.00 ' To if &. B Fund of Yrec inct No. 3, 15,E - $1500.00