rayon of E. H. Nichols, Tez Asae ae or and Coll eo for Pot the month of April ,'1944,~ahow}ng an 'i 3 4 'eotusl end naoessary eapense oP X58.70 Por April, 1944, inour red by him in the conduct of h16 ,~ office during said month of ApTi},1944, and it appearing to the Court that said Tex Assessor and Collector is entitled to the ezpend iture of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved for the full emou nt by the court. -o-o-u-v-o- Sd0. 2970. AP,"ROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT This the 8th day of Mqy, A. D. 1944, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly ex- pense report of Tno. R, Ie evell, County Clerk, Tor the month of April, 1944, showing an actual and necessary expanse of X260.75 incurred by him in the conduct of his office during said moot of epril, 1944, and it app a3 ring to the Court that oaid County Clerk is entitled to the ex- penditure of all the itsms therein 1lated, said report be end is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2971. MuNTiH.X REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DEMCNSTRATI ON AGENT This the flth day of Mety, A. D. 1944, came on to be heard the report of Mrs. Lola Blair 'Nerd County Horn Damon etratioa Agent of 'Kerr County, Texas, covering her services duri nB the month of ep ril, A. D. 1944, whioh report having been found satisfactory, be end is hereby found satisfaot or y, be end is hereby acoeptad and approved by the Court, and ordered filed. ~~- -o-o-o-o-o- No. 2972. QUARTjRLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK This the 8th day oP May, A. D. 1944, Dame on to be examined by the Court the quarterly report of Tno. R. Le avell, County Clerk, covering all Pines imposed, fudgme nts rendered and ,jury fees collected in the County Court of Karr County, Por quarter ending April 30th, 1944, and it appearing to the Court after careful eud it of said report th et same is correct, and said report is approved by the Court accordir{:1y. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 29 73. APPLICATION S[JMAtF:f2 PLAYGRO L'ND RECREATION PROGRAM Tnis the 8th day of May, A. D. 1844, came on to be heard the ap plio ati on oP $. $. Breihan Secretary-Treasurer oY the Summer Playground Recreation Pro®ram, apone ored by the Tunior- Chamber of Commeroe of this City, Tor the principal sum of $100.00 as a reinstatement ,f or such annual event as set out in a former Tuly Term, 1943. And it being oY the opinion that such progaem is beneficial to the City and Community, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the County Clerk issue vo uo her drawn on County Tre- asurer for the sum oP X100.00 to be paid out of the General Fund, Pox the sponsgring oP said program. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 2974. IN COMMISSIONER'S COURT, KRRR CGUNTY, TEXAS T11E STATE OF TEXAS,: MAY TERM, 1944. COUNTY OF K E R R On this the 8th day of May, 1944, the Commise inners of Kerr County, Texas, convened in Hegul ar Session, flt the regular meeting place thereof in the co urth Dues at Kerrville, Taxes, e quorum being present, there came on to be considered the petition oP H. I. Hardin and 111 other persoga, pgs}tirtg.:'L'nst an election be held to determine whether or not the eels of Baer containing algohol Dot ezoee digg Pour (4w) per centum by weight shall be prohibited in Tustice Precinct No. 4, oP Karr County, Texas. It appearing to the court that said peL it ioner,.la aigne by as many ea ten per cant of the qualified votersbased vn the vote for Governor at irhe last pF seeding general election in said Tustice Precinct No. 4, of 3Cerr County, Texas, IT ZS ',CFD;RN~OR$ Coc;a idar ed and Ordered by the Court that an Qlectioa be held at the vot,itag -...r thn ,. rA4i. :..,ii, .. ,. I pianos within said Justice rrecinct No. 4, of Kerr County, Texas, on °the3rd day of ~"u}ie., I 1944, which is not less then ten (10) or more then twenty (20) days from the date of 'th18 pr -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2975. COLT2T'S kECESS. bIAY 6,T,i-I, 1944. ,.. It is hereby ordered by the Court that the Current Term of Court be recessed until Tuesday May 9th, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock A. PS., for the purpose of considering the matters of the Coun Treasurer's Quarterly Report and an;~~ other natters that mny be presented to the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2976. COURT RE- CONVENED. MAY 9TH, 1944. Pursuant to adJournment taken by this Court the 8th day of Iday, 1944, Court re-conveyed this 9th day of May, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of considering the matters of the County Treasurer's Quarterly Tabular Statement and with other natters that may be pre- vented to the Court, with the fulluwing officers present: JOHN S. ;1TIffN5, County JudFe, Henry :.e kste in, Commis sinner, 'Precinct No. 1,. D. D. Beard, Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, YYiu, Karger, Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, 7J. H. Fur r, Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, A. F. ]Yb ore, SheriS f, and Jno. k, Leavell, County Clerk, and the following proceedings were had, wLte -o-o-o-o-a-o- '~. No. 2977. APPROVAL OF COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR QUARTER ENDING APRIL 30TH, 1944. This the 9th day of I~day, A. D. 1944, came on to be examined and audi tad by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, Count y, Treas over, covering the receipts and disbursements of Kerr County for quarter ending Apr it 30th, 1944, and it appearing to the Court after careful and thorn uEp examination and inspection of said report together with the cancelled warrants, check bonds and coupons accompanying sa:re, that said report 1s true and correct, in every respect, a. sai:.e be and is hereby ap~~~ro ved in onen court, all as is shown by the Certificate of Approval signed by the Court and ettec had thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said tabulation in the loose-leaf record in his offico and file such cancelled warrants, checks, bonds nn3 couh~ons in his office for safe-keeping and future reference. I -o-o-o-o-o- ~, No.2978. OkDiiR OF COLfVIISSI0NIIRS' COURT AGREEING TO FURNISH RIGHT OF 'NAY TIPn STATE OF T^c.LxS,: COUNTY OF K E H R .. 1Yi-U:REeS, it has come to the attention of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Te7ces, in regular session on this, the 9th day oP May, 1944, that the State iiigh- rvay Department will order n location made on Highway No. 27, from the Kimble County Line to approximately One Mile S. E, of Mountain dome provided Kerr County, through Its Commissioners' Court, agrees and obligates itself before location is made to fulfill the following requiremen on location flppr ov ed by the State iiig hway Department, without cost to the State: (1) provide clear title to a minimum of 120 foot right-of-way, including standing timber, with title in t$e name of the State of Texas; (2) remove sll obstructions and encroachments exoept standing timber; and (3) do the fencing. IT IS, TiiEREFDRE, ORDERED That Kerr County, acting herein by and through its Com;.;i ssi oners' Court, ogre cs and obliCates itself before location is made to fulfill the following require- ments wi4h out cost to the State: (1) Provide clear title to e minimum of 120 Poot right-of- way, including standing timber, with title in the name of the Mete of Texas; (2) Remove ell obstrnc tl ons and encroachments except standing timber; and (3) Do the fencing; on Highway No. 27, from the Kimble County Line to One Pdile Southeast of L4ounta in Home on location arproved by /~ O -'1