No.2979. EXAMINATION OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORIES BY THE COURT A5 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION: This 9th day oY May; A. D. 1944, of ter each member of the Court having taken the oath as required by law, the~COUrt with all members present proceeded to examine and inspect the in- ventories of tax asaessme nts for 1944 rendered •by the various tax payers of the County or assessed against th em by the Tax 65sesso r, E. H. Nichols, and it appearing to the Court that not ell naseasmant im antories have been taken or essa sled by the tax Assessor fur 1944, it is ordered by the Court ait ting as a Board of Equalization that the examination of such inven- for iea be completed on May 15th, 1944. -o-o -o-o -o -n-n-a- No. 2980. [dONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT. This the 9th day oP May, A. D. 1944, came and to be heard the monthly report of R. R. County Agent, for the month of April, 1944, which re rort be and is hereby accepted by the Court and ordered Piled by the County Clerk for future reference. -o-o-O-o-o-o- No. 2981. TABULAR STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES & RECEIPTS OF EE RR COUNTY. This 9th day of May, A. D. 1944, came on to be examined by the Court the Guar terly tabular s to tement of Jno. R. Le avel 1, County Clerk of Kerr County, covering the indebtedness, ex pandit ures and receipts of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 144, which report or statemen appearing correct, be and is hereby approved by the Court. ~' -o-o-o-o- No. 2982. COUkiT'S RECESS. Yv1AY 9TH, 1944. It is hereby ordered by the Court that the Current Tarm of Court ba reaessad until ILo nday Iday 15th, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of considering the matters of Inventor as assessed by Tax Assessor, E. H. Nichols, sitting as a board of eq ve lization. ~'. No. 2985. COUitT RE-CONVENND. MAY 15~H, 1944. Pursuant to adjo ur anent taken by this Court t'.ie 9th day of Il:ay, 1944, Court re-convened this 15th day oP May, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of considering the ^ia ttere of Inventories as assessed by E. II. P:i chops, Tax Assessor, and for any other matters that may be presented to the Court, with the foil offing ofiic era present; JUiIN 5. ATKINS, County Tudge, Henry Eckstein, Com;˘issioner, Precinct No. 1, D. D. Beard, Commissioner, Preoinet No. 2, Wm. Kar gar, Comaissio ner, Preainct No. 3, 'A'. H. Furr, Coffinissi over, Precinct No. 4, A. F. ;~s>or e, Sheriff, and Jno. R. Le avell, Co ur,ty Clerk, and the following proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o- No. 2984. ALLO'~VANCE OF CLAIMS This the 15th day oP May, A. D. 1944, came on to be examined by the Court, the various cle and accounts filed against Kerr County and its' respective Commissioner's' precincts since the current term of this month, ell of which claims end accouhts were approved by the Court Por payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respective funds as shown by the Minutes of 'i i+coonnts allowed i'or Kerr County, Texas, which era made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 2985. PURCHASE BYRUS-ERIE MODII. 15B, COMDINATION SEiOVEL AND DRAG LINE `f/ i ;s ' On thla the 9th day"of May, 1944, came on to be cons lder ed by the Court the matter of pur- chasing a Byrue-Erie combination shovel end drab line, Model 15B, from E. E. Rood of San Anton , i Tezas for a total Dons id eratlon of $7,814.90 end it appearing to the court that Yerr County is 14 need of this equipment and that it would ba of material advantage to $err County to own aunh